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贵州省喀斯特地区建设项目选址的水文地质研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
喀斯特地区的地下水环境十分脆弱,选择适合工程建设场址的难度大,从水文地质的角度去选择和评估拟选场地的适宜性尤为重要.以贵州省喀斯特地区为研究区域,在分析该地区地形地貌、地层岩性和水文地质特征的基础上,根据贵州喀斯特地层的特点、组合特征和地貌类型,结合建设项目前期工作的不同阶段,对每一阶段中水文地质研究的主要内容进行了概述;并以贵州某典型大型电厂的灰场选址为案例,通过对该拟选场址水文地质条件的评估,进一步验证了水文地质研究在建设项目前期工作各阶段的重要性. 相似文献
作为一种地方性知识,生态法文化具有存在于一定地域空间、适用于特定主体人群、夹杂生态规范属性、体现"开放但不普适"的特征。为发挥西南民族地区生态法文化的"软法"治理优势,亟需明确其立足小农户经营、关注现实人地和谐、体现特色生计文化的价值取向,把握其在保护当地脆弱生态环境、传承生态保护地方性知识、弥补制定法实施不足的功能定位。这不仅为当地生态文明建设提供"成风化俗"的文化支撑,也为构建现代环境治理体系提供"软(法)硬(法)兼施"的法治保障。 相似文献
黄河河口地区生态供水效益分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
流域生态需水是指流域生态系统为维持一定程度的生态系统健康所需要一定质量的水量,以保证流域生态系统结构和生态功能等为目标,实现流域生态系统健康。流域生态需水量的研究对于社会经济的可持续发展具有重要的战略意义。论文针对南水北调西线一期工程的供水规划,在提出配水效益计算方法的基础上,针对不同的配水量,计算了黄河河口地区的生态需水量、生态效益以及供水对减少断流所带来的生态效益,并进行了方案比较分析。主要结论是:当来水量分别为55×108、122.8×108或240×108m3时,产生的湿地综合生态效益则为34.85×108、47.18×108或54.72×108元。 相似文献
Andrew Warren 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2007,19(4):470-474
This article explores the assessment of sustainability in fields subject to wind erosion. In the first part, simple sustainability audits are examined, as of soil depth and nutrients. Direct measurement of these characteristics has many problems, largely because of huge variability in space and time at all scales. Modelling still has its problems, but it may be possible to overcome many of them soon. It is true that wind erosion preferentially removes soil nutrients, but there are imponderables even here. The nutrient balance in many of these soils includes considerable input from dust. In West Africa, it has been shown that the amounts of calcium and potassium that are added in dust are sufficient to fertilize dispersed crops. In mildly acidic sandy soils, such as those found on the widespread palaeo- aeolian deposits, much of the phosphorus is fixed and unavailable to plants by the time it is removed by wind erosion, so that erosion has no added downside. Most of the nutrients carried by dust have been shown to travel close to the ground (even when they are attached to dust-sized particles), and so are trapped in nearby fallow strips, and are thus not lost to the farming system. Second, the sustalnabillty of a whole semi-arid farming system is explored. Wind erosion in semi-arid areas (like China, the Sahel and Norflawestern Europe) generally takes place on aeolian deposits of the recent geological past. Most of these soils are deep enough to withstand centuries of wind erosion before they are totally lost to production, and some of these soils have greater fertility at greater depth (so that wind erosion may even improve the soil). Finally some remarks are made about environmental change in relation to sustainability. 相似文献
污水中氨氮的处理较为困难,在寒冷地区冬季生物脱氮效果几乎为零.本文从反应机理和影响因素研究入手,探讨低温季节强化处理措施、生物脱氮运行参数,最后确定了处理工艺流程,及其经济分析结果. 相似文献
建筑节能与气候条件分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过建筑采暖与气象条件、建筑通风气象条件及空调设计与气象条件等的分析,论述了建筑节能与气候条件的关系.分析了内蒙古不同地区冬夏季气候特征,给出冬季采暖度日和寒冷、炎热日数等气象要素参数,提出了不同气候区居住建筑节能设计措施和建议. 相似文献
抚顺市望花地区空气污染现状分析及其治理途径 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目前,抚顺市望花区空气质量总体水平较差,同市内其它地区相比,望花地区空气中主要湖南省的如二氧化硫,总悬浮微粒,沥青烟,氟等含量均较高。在分析研究的基础上,借鉴国内外大气治理的进行经验,就如何减少该地区大气中SO2,B[a]P,氟,TSP等主要污染物,改善区域空气质量,进行了深入而广泛的探讨。 相似文献