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开发大西南水能首先遇到的最大问题是岩溶渗漏,特别是对巨型水电站来说,大范围区域性岩溶渗漏研究其钻探工作难度大,基础地质资料匮乏.本文结合川西南某水电站实际,提出应用区域水文地球化学理论,分析水化学成分信息,对解决这类渗漏问题达到了节约资金,又能克服研究范围广、地形险恶、资料极少,水文地质周期长等难点.结果显示该方法是研究岩溶区域渗漏问题的一种简单、有效方法之一,与其他方法联合运用,达到了极佳的效果.  相似文献   
地下渗滤处理村镇生活污水的中试   总被引:51,自引:1,他引:51  
以红壤土作为填充土壤,在2cm/d的水力负荷下,进行了地下渗滤系统处理村镇生活污水的现场中试.结果表明,地下渗滤系统对COD、氨氮、总磷和总氮有着良好的去除效果,去除率分别达到84.7%、70.0%、98.0%和77.7%,出水COD、氨氮、总磷和总氮的平均浓度分别为11.7mg/L、4.0mg/L、0.04mg/L、4.7mg/L,达到建设部颁发的生活杂用水水质标准对总氮去除机理的分析表明,由硝化/反硝化实现生物脱氮是地下渗滤系统去除总氮的主要途径.在本中试系统中,反硝化效果良好但硝化效果不够理想,改善土壤环境以促进硝化作用是提高总氮去除率的关键.对土壤中氧化还原电位的测定结果表明,土壤内部的还原性质是阻碍硝化反应进行的主要原因.  相似文献   
The nitrogen (N) distribution and cycling of atmosphere-plant-soil system in the typical meadow Calamagrostis angustifolia wetland (TMCW) and marsh meadow Calamagrostis angustifolia wetland (MMCW) in the Sanjiang plain were studied by a compartment model. The results showed that the N wet deposition amount was 0.757 gN/(m2·a), and total inorganic N (TIN) was the main body (0.640 gN/(m2·a)). The ammonia volatilization amounts of TMCW and MMCW soils in growing season were 0.635 and 0.687 gN/m2, and the denitrification gaseous lost amounts were 0.617 and 0.405 gN/m2, respectively. In plant subsystem, the N was mainly stored in root and litter. Soil organic N was the main N storage of the two plant-soil systems and the proportions of it were 93.98% and 92.16%, respectively. The calculation results of N turnovers among compartments of TMCW and MMCW showed that the uptake amounts of root were 23.02 and 28.18 gN/(m2·a) and the values of aboveground were 11.31 and 6.08 gN/(m2·a), the re-translocation amounts from aboveground to root were 5.96 and 2.70 gN/(m2·a), the translocation amounts from aboveground living body to litter were 5.35 and 3.38 gN/(m2·a), the translocation amounts from litter to soil were larger than 1.55 and 3.01 gN/(m2·a), the translocation amounts from root to soil were 14.90 and 13.17 gN/(m2·a), and the soil (0-15cm) N net mineralization amounts were 1.94 and 0.55 gN/(m2·a), respectively. The study of N balance indicated that the two plant-soil systems might be situated in the status of lacking N, and the status might induce the degradation of C. angustifolia wetland.  相似文献   
This article describes the integrated modeling approach for planning the size and the operation of constructed wetlands for maximizing retention of nonpoint source pollutant loads and reservoir water-quality improvement at a catchment scale. The experimental field-scale wetland systems (four sets, 0.88 ha each) have been in operation since 2002, where water depth was maintained at 30–50 cm and hydraulic loading rate was at 6.3–18.8 cm/day. The wetland system was found to be adequate for treating polluted stream water with stable removal e ciency even during the winter. The integrated modeling system (modified-BASINS) was applied to the Seokmoon estuarine reservoir watershed and calibrated with monitoring data from constructed wetland, stream, and reservoir. The calibrated integrated modeling system estimated that constructing wetlands on 0.5% (about 114 ha) of the watershed area at the mouth of reservoir could reduce 11.61% and 13.49% of total external nitrogen and phosphorus loads, respectively. It also might improve the nitrogen and phosphorus concentration of the reservoir by 9.69% and 16.48%, respectively. The study suggested that about 0.1%–1.0% of the watershed area should be allocated for constructed wetland to meet specified water-quality standards for the estuarine reservoir at the polder area where land use planning is relatively less complicated.  相似文献   
人口、粮食与水土资源利用是宁夏回族自治区国民经济发展中的重要问题。文中分析了宁夏人口、粮食与水土资源利用现状,应用灰色系统理论及回归分析,建立人口、粮食预测模型,对2000年宁夏的人口、粮食进行了预测。分析2000年水土资源不同开发利用条件下粮食供需平衡情况后指出,充分合理利用黄河水资源,扩大灌溉面积,配合先进的农业技术,宁夏粮食不仅能自给,而且还能提供一定数量的商品粮。最后提出了解决粮食问题,防止生态环境恶化的主要途径。  相似文献   
Utilization of industrial waste and surplus construction soft clay as construction material was recommended, and many attempts at geotechnical waste utilization were undertaken. This study aimed at the application of cement and a kind of industrial wastes, i.e. granulated blast furnace slag, on stabilization of surplus soft clay. The results showed that the cement and slag can successfully stabilize Ariake clays even though this high organic clay fails to be stabilized by lime and cement. Addition of slag in cement for stabilization induces higher strength than cement alone for longer curing time. The application of the cement with slag is more suitable than cement alone for stabilization because of economical consideration.  相似文献   
云南热海热田中的碱金属元素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1982至1983年在云南腾冲一已知水热区及其毗邻约 60km2 范围内采集了131个土壤样品。样品分析结果表明锂和铷的异常能圈定两个已知水热区,且与若干已知热田地球化学指示元素的异常相当一致,从而进一步肯定了这一地区的开发前景。与此同时,对区内水样中的钠钾含量也进行了测定并做出解译。锂铷和已知地球化学指标之间的相关分析表明它们之间确存有某种内在联系,同时可看出盐湖与古地热系统之间的一些联系。最后得出结论:土壤中的锂铷可作为圈定热田的地球化学指标;地热系统不仅能作为能源资源而且也应视作矿产资源。  相似文献   
Air pollution control devices (APCDs) are installed at coal-fired power plants for air pollutant regulation. Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems have the co-benefits of air pollutant and mercury removal. Configuration and operational conditions of APCDs and mercury speciation a ect mercury removal e ciently at coal-fired utilities. The Ontario Hydro Method (OHM) recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was used to determine mercury speciation simultaneously at five sampling locations through SCR-ESP-FGD at a 190 MW unit. Chlorine in coal had been suggested as a factor a ecting the mercury speciation in flue gas; and low-chlorine coal was purported to produce less oxidized mercury (Hg2+) and more elemental mercury (Hg0) at the SCR inlet compared to higher chlorine coal. SCR could oxidize elemental mercury into oxidized mercury when SCR was in service, and oxidation e ciency reached 71.0%. Therefore, oxidized mercury removal e ciency was enhanced through a wet FGD system. In the non-ozone season, about 89.5%–96.8% of oxidized mercury was controlled, but only 54.9%–68.8% of the total mercury was captured through wet FGD. Oxidized mercury removal e ciency was 95.9%–98.0%, and there was a big di erence in the total mercury removal e ciencies from 78.0% to 90.2% in the ozone season. Mercury mass balance was evaluated to validate reliability of OHM testing data, and the ratio of mercury input in the coal to mercury output at the stack was from 0.84 to 1.08.  相似文献   
The biological removal of methanol from condensate of ammonia manufacturing processes for the purpose of reclamation using contact type reactor was studied. Methanol of 60 mg/L was removed completely under an HRT of 1.12 h. Optimal inorganic nutrient dose was determined on evaluating methanol removal performance and dehydrogenase activities (DHA) under different nutrition doses. The optimal inorganic nutrient dose only gave an increase of conductivity of ca. 10μs/cm^2 in the effluent on treating synthetic condensate containing methanol of 30mg/L. The results demonstrated that biological removal of methanol was effective for the purpose of recovering the methanol-bearing condensate.  相似文献   
通过室外盆栽实验,用静态箱-气相色谱法测定土壤-冬小麦系统的呼吸速率和N2O排放通量,研究了UV-B辐射增强20%对土壤-冬小麦系统的呼吸速率和N2O排放的影响.结果表明,相同的气象条件和田间管理下,UV-B辐射增强处理对呼吸速率和N2O排放的季节变化模式无明显影响.在返青期,UV-B辐射增强显著降低了土壤-冬小麦系统的呼吸速率,但对N2O的排放通量没有产生显著影响;在拔节孕穗期,UV-B辐射增强处理显著降低了土壤-冬小麦系统的呼吸速率和N2O的排放通量;在抽穗-成熟期,UV-B辐射增强处理对土壤-冬小麦系统的呼吸速率和N2O的排放没有显著影响.返青-齐穗期,UV-B增强处理显著降低土壤-冬小麦系统的N2O累积排放量;但从齐穗开始至小麦成熟,UV-B增强处理对土壤-冬小麦系统的N2O累积排放量没有显著影响.  相似文献   
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