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文化休克(Culture Shock)是1958年美国人类学家奥博格(Kalvero Oberg)在他的一篇学术论文中提出来的一个概念,是指一个人进入到不熟悉的文化环境时,因失去自己熟悉的所有社会交流的符号与手段而产生的一种迷失、疑惑、排斥甚至恐惧的感觉。本文从容易遭遇文化休克的群体入手,从心理学角度对文化休克现象进行解释,试析在跨文化交际中对文化休克的应对策略。  相似文献   
A series of TiO2 with different crystal phases and morphologies was synthesized via a facile hydrothermal process using titanium nbutoxide and concentrated hydrochloric acid as raw materials. The photocatalytic activity of the samples was evaluated by degradation of Methyl Orange in aqueous solution under UV-Visible light irradiation. On the basis of detailed analysis of the characterizing results of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction measurements, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller measurement, it was concluded that the photo-activity of the catalyst is related directly to the 3D morphology and the crystal phase composition. An excellent catalyst should have both a futile 3D flower-like structure and anatase granulous particles. The 3D flower-like structure could enhance light harvesting, as well as the transfer of reactant molecules from bulk solution to the reactive sites on TiO2. In addition, the optimum anatase/rutile phase ratio was found to be 80:20, which is beneficial to the effective separation of the photogenerated electron-hole pairs.  相似文献   
Acidobacteria is one of the most dominant and abundant phyla in soil,and was believed to have a wide range of metabolic and genetic functions. Relatively little is known about its community structure and elevational diversity patterns. We selected four elevation gradients from 1000 to 2800 m with typical vegetation types of the northern slope of Shennongjia Mountain in central China. The vegetation types were evergreen broadleaved forest,deciduous broadleaved forest,coniferous forest and sub-alpine shrubs. We analyzed the soil acidobacterial community composition,elevational patterns and the relationship between Acidobacteria subdivisions and soil enzyme activities by using the 16 S rRNA meta-sequencing technique and multivariate statistical analysis. The result found that 19 known subdivisions as well as an unclassified phylotype were presented in these forest sites,and Subdivision 6 has the highest number of detectable operational taxonomic units(OTUs). A significant single peak distribution pattern(P 0.05) between the OTU number and the elevation was observed. The Jaccard and Bray–Curtis index analysis showed that the soil Acidobacteria compositional similarity significantly decreased(P 0.01) with the increase in elevation distance. Mantel test analysis showed the most of the soil Acidobacteria subdivisions had the significant relationship(P 0.01) with different soil enzymes. Therefore,soil Acidobacteria may be involved in different ecosystem functions in global elemental cycles. Partial Mantel tests and CCA analysis showed that soil pH,soil temperature and plant diversity may be the key factors in shaping the soil Acidobacterial community structure.  相似文献   
本文通过分析宁夏盐池县的自然条件、自然资源以及社会经济发展与环境的关系,应用权图影响结构模型对该县社会经济与环境系统进行了定量的分析与研究。建立了7个模型,并通过预测、比较实施不同发展策略后各模型的系统状态,找出了使系统优化运行的灵敏调控点,分析了各分项调整策略之间相互制约、相互促进的关系,提出了使该县社会经济与环境协调发展的策略。  相似文献   
正文稿应具有创新性、科学性、先进性、实用性,内容务求论点明确、论证可信、论据充分、数据准确、逻辑推理正确,文章结构严谨、层次清楚、重点突出、文笔精练、图表规范,并且是未在其他公开发行期刊或正式出版的论文集发表的作品。稿件需要清楚地提出问题。对所研究问题的背景,研究工作的目的,主要方法、原理与主要仪器设备,结果(包括主要数据)与分析以及结论等内容有清楚的描述。稿件涉及的研究项目应具有一定的前沿性,在已有的环境工程技术研究存量上,研制出新的技术方法、新  相似文献   
《穹顶之下》中提到,我国现在的能源结构不合理,煤炭消耗较多,而其中的洁净煤消耗比例又较低。想获得洁净煤,就得提高入洗比例,也就是得靠楼主所在的行业——俗称洗煤业。那么这个行业到底是个什么现状?楼主不是专家,不是研究人员,就只根据楼主自己的所见所闻说说吧。楼主是一名小小的洗煤厂工程技术人员。曾经有次楼主相亲,姑娘问:洗煤是干啥的,真的是把煤放到水里去洗吗,洗完会怎么样?楼主想开个玩笑,回曰:就是为了把煤洗白了。不成想姑娘脑容量略  相似文献   
分析了中关两国能源消费总量和能源结构的差异,探讨了中关两国能源消费差异的经济学内涵,认为经济指标GDP并不能完全反映人们生活水平的提高,而其带来的环境问题却很可能影响后续的经济发展。因此,在发展经济的同时,应该充分考虑能源需求给环境带来的压力。适当调整能源结构、提高能源效率和发展替代能源是未来能源消费战略的重中之重,也是经济、环境和社会协调发展的重要保障。  相似文献   
媒介是信息(包括风险信息)传播的通道和载体,不同人群的媒介选择也不尽相同。基于对疯牛病风险的问卷调查,综合运用描述统计、指数比较等方法,系统分析了大学生群体在获取风险信息时媒介选择的总体特征和内部差异。结果发现:①不同大学生群体对报纸的选择存在一定程度的差异,随着家庭所在地城镇规模的逐级扩大,地区主流报纸在大学生群体中的影响力有所降低;②网上新闻是当代大学生群体获取风险信息最主要的资讯来源;③大学生群体在公共风险认知上总体上偏于保守。上述发现有助于深入了解当代大学生群体媒介选择的特点,有助于风险沟通和风险管理的改善。  相似文献   
大型常压储罐在石油化工行业使用普遍,这类储罐一般采用平底结构,放置于黄砂垫层、细石沥青盖面的软基础上。储罐在长期使用中由于重力作用会使基础局部下陷,形成冷凝水局部聚集,造成底板与基础之间长期处于潮湿不通风的环境,形成罐底面点腐蚀,长期下来底板就会被腐蚀烂穿。若重新制作新罐代价高且周期长,而采用更换底板的办法,既缩短了周期又节约了资金,从而获得较为显著的经济效益。  相似文献   
To understand the household C02 emission level in China, as well as how much the neighborhoods' socio-economic or design factors could influence the CO2 emission, 23 neighborhoods in Jinan were investigated in 2009 and 2010. These neighborhoods fall into four different types: superblock, enclave, grid and traditional. The household CO2 emission includes sources of both in- home energy use and passenger transportation. The average CO2 emission per household is 7.66 t.a^-1, including 6.87 t in-home operational emission and 792 kg transportation emission. The household CO2 emission by neighborhood categories is 10.97, 5.65, 6.49, 5.40 t-household-1. a-1 for superblock, enclave, grid and tradi- tional respectively. Superblock has the highest average emission and also the highest percent (more than 25%) of transportation emission among four different types of neighborhoods. The residential CO2 emission of superb- lock neighborhoods in Jinan has already reached the level in developed countries nearly ten years ago. It is predictable that more superblock neighborhoods would be built in China with the fast urbanization. How to avoid the rapid household CO2 emission growth in the future would be a systematic issue. The study also found that in addition to income and apartment area, household density, land use mix and accessibility to public transportation are three primary factors which have significant impacts on CO2 emission. High density, mixed land use and convenient accessibility to public transportation tend to reduce household CO2 emission.  相似文献   
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