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欧盟环保新指令拷问中国陶瓷出口   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董文茂 《环境》2006,(9):59-61
中国企业再次遭遇欧盟的环保大限。不久前实施的欧盟Rohs指令被公认为是对国内电子行业的一次集体环保大考,而这次所出台的环保新指令,又使得国内陶瓷出口企业站在了环保考验的浪尖之上。  相似文献   
佛山市禅城区陶瓷行业环境污染问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟志桢 《环境》2006,(Z1):46
本文主要简述陶瓷行业污染物的产生及对环境的危害,探讨禅城区陶瓷行业污染的治理现状及在陶瓷行业推行清洁生产,促进该行业的可持续发展.  相似文献   
Two processes of utilizing polyvinyl chloride (PVC) waste, an incineration process and a vacuum pyrolysis process, for energy conversion were compared to determine their efficiency and environmental perfor- mance. We carried out a life cycle assessment with each of the two processes to evaluate their environmental impact and defined the goals and limits of our remit. As well, we established an inventory of PVC waste from incineration and vacuum pyrolysis based on process analysis, data collection and calculations. The results show that electrical power output per unit mass of PVC waste in the incineration process was twice as high as that of the vacuum pyrolysis process. Incineration had a larger total environmental impact potential than vacuum pyrolysis. The total environmental impact potential of PVC waste from incineration was three times higher than that from vacuum pyrolysis. Incineration of PVC disposed 300 ng. 100 kgI of dioxins and vacuum pyrolysis 98.19 ng- 100 kgI of dioxins. As well, we analyzed the data for their uncertainty with results quantified in terms of three uncertainties: basic uncertainty, additional uncertainty, and computational uncertainty. The coefficients of variation of the data were less than 25% and the quality of the inventory data was acceptable with low uncertainty. Both PVC waste disposal processes were of similar quality and their results comparable. The results of our life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) showed considerable reliability of our methodology. Overall, the vacuum pyrolysis process has a number advantages and greater potential for development of PVC disposal than the incineration process.  相似文献   
Degradation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution by ozone-ceramic honeycomb   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
IntroductionAs a promising advanced oxidation technology for watertreatment ,catalytic ozonation has received great attentionforthe efficient degradation of organic compoundsinrecent years(Legube , 1999) . Some studies showed that homogeneousand heterogen…  相似文献   
根据海上围油栏围油原理,使用小型围油设备模拟出在围油栏除油后海上剩余溢油的质量M。收集稻壳、小米壳、小麦壳3种农作物废料作为吸油材料,室温下分别测出3种吸油材料对质量为M的溢油的饱和吸附时间。在吸附平衡的条件下,利用紫外分光光度计分别测出3种吸油材料吸附海水表面M质量溢油后的平衡吸附浓度ce。根据物理吸附理论,由平衡吸附浓度ce和平衡吸附量qe分别得出3种材料的Freundlich吸附等温式,从Freundlich吸附等温式比较了3种农作物废料的吸油性能。结果表明:稻壳的吸油性能最佳。  相似文献   
以堇青石蜂窝陶瓷(CC)为载体,采用浸渍法制备了堇青石负载Pd和过渡金属混合氧化物催化剂,记作Pd-M-Mn(M=Cu,Co,Fe,Ni)/CC。实验结果表明:Pd-Co-Mn/CC催化剂的催化活性最高;随着Pd负载量的增加,CO转化率提高;当Pd负载量为1.00%时,反应温度为150℃时CO转化率达到98%,200℃时CO转化率达到100%;在反应温度150℃条件下,Pd-Co-Mn/CC催化剂(Pd负载量1.00%)的CO转化率在前30h内小幅度下降,随后稳定在90%以上,反应100h后,催化剂表面颜色由黑色变为棕褐色。  相似文献   
此文简要地介绍了石膏型、陶瓷型两种快速制造成形模具型腔的工艺方法。对造型材料、主要工序及特点作了分析与比较。  相似文献   
本文提出了全部以煤矸石等废渣为原料制造马赛克的一种新技术,并介绍了适合于大生产的工艺条件。本工艺的设备简单,投资少,成本低。  相似文献   
中山市环保实业发展有限公司是创始于1987年的环保实业公司,成立以来一直致力于环境污染治理、环保废料综合利用及环保设施运营管理,公司已荣获国家环保总局颁发乙级设计证书、环保设施运营资质证书以及省环保局颁发的多项环保危险废物经营许可证。  相似文献   
内蒙古锡林浩特热电有限责任公司将原铸铁多管除尘器改造为陶瓷多管除尘器,并对陶瓷管的布置方式和数量进行合理设计,提高了多管除尘器的除尘效率,同时,在陶瓷多管除尘器出口串联1台60m^2的1室2电场静电除尘器,组合成复合式静电多管除尘器。运行结果表明,此改造不仅解决了原除尘器存在的诸多问题,还节省了大量资金。  相似文献   
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