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“2010地球第三极珠峰大行动”日前在北京启动。地球第三极珠峰大行动将关注青藏高原地区在可持续发展方面的挑战与需求,对珠峰乃至整个高原地区的环境保护、民生改善、科技创新以及教育予以援助,  相似文献   
凉山彝族自治州位于四川省西南部,青藏高原向云贵高原过渡的横断山区,是长江上游的生态屏障和重点地区,幅员面积6.1万平方公里,辖17个县市。境内山峦叠嶂,地形地貌复杂,多以山地为主,占幅员面积80%以上:山原次之,占20%;丘陵、冲积平原及宽谷和断陷盆地总共约占10%。山地多为海拔大于1500米以上的高中山和中山,相对高差常达1000-2500米。  相似文献   
<正>2015年第5号根据《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》(国务院令第551号)规定,经国务院批准,现公布《废弃电器电子产品处理目录(2014年版)》,自2016年3月1日起实施。《废弃电器电子产品处理目录(第一批)》同时废止。附件:《废弃电器电子产品处理目录(2014年版)》  相似文献   
为了提高沈阳特种设备检验检测研究的综合能力水平,更好地为振兴东北老工业基地服务,为东北亚经济区服务,依托中国特检院品牌、人才、管理、信息和科研等方面的优势,结合沈阳特检院的区域优势和业务、人才、实验室等特点,经近两年的努力,11月23日,中国特种设备检测研究院沈阳新技术研究开发中心在沈阳成立。  相似文献   
The methane concentration profile from -1.5m depth in soil to 32m height in air was measured in alpine steppe located in the permafrost area. Methane concentrations showed widely variations both in air and in soil during the study period. The mean concentrations in atmosphere were all higher than those in soil, and the highest methane concentration was found in air at the height of 16m with the lowest concentration occurring at the depth of 1.5m in soil. The variations of atmospheric methane concentrations did not show any clear pattern both temporally and spatially, although they exhibited a more steadystable state than those in soil. During the seasonal variations, the methane concentrations at different depths in soil were significantly correlated (R^2〉0.6) with each other comparing to the weak correlations (R^2〈0.2) between the atmospheric concentra- tions at different heights. Mean methane concentrations in soil significantly decreased with depth. This was the compositive influence of the decreasing production rates and the increasing methane oxidation rates, which was caused by the descent soil moisture with depth. Although the methane concentrations at all depths varied widely during the growing season, they showed very distinct temporal variations in the non-growing season. It was indicated from the literatures that methane oxidation rates were positively correlated with soil temperature. The higher methane concentrations in soil during the winter were determined by the lower methane oxidation rates with decreasing soil temperatures, whereas methane production rates had no reaction to the lower temperature. Relations between methane contribution and other environmental factors were not discussed in this paper for lacking of data, which impulse us to carry out further and more detailed studies in this unique area.  相似文献   
南水北调工程是我国水资源合理配置的重要工程,水价问题是南水北调工程的核心问题,利用合理的水价机制调控水价,能有效减少我国水资源的浪费,促进水资源的合理配置.以南水北调工程受水区用水户用水定额为基础,考虑受水区不同的供水保证率和水源区不同供水年份的情况下,建立了基于定额的南水北调工程两部制水价模型.在该两部制水价模型下,既可以保证南水北调工程受水区各用户的基本定额用水需求,还可以在不同的丰、平、枯水年份,南水北调工程供水保持不同的水价:丰水年份水价低、枯水年份水价高.因此,通过该模型计算的水价,能使受水区用水户最大限度地合理使用南水北调工程供水,有利于南水北调工程的良性运行和工程供水资源优化配置,以及受水区多水源水资源的优化配置.  相似文献   
我在长江头,家住长江尾,保护长江水源,就是保护家乡水。几乎每个青藏铁路建设者当年都是怀着这样的心愿走向青藏高原的。在青藏高原逐渐隆起的漫长过程中,生成了草甸、湿地、冻土等独特的高原生态系统,孕育了长江、黄河、澜沧江、怒江、雅鲁藏布江的源头。这里栖息着藏野驴、藏羚羊等珍稀的野生动物,气候寒冷,空气稀薄,生态环境脆弱。  相似文献   
张路涛 《绿叶》2012,(1):89-95
半个世纪以来,一片荒滩的格尔木,因交通而生,因资源立市。经历过帐蓬城、骆驼城、兵城、汽车城等的变迁,这座被建设者和拓荒人用青春和生命架构而起的年轻的城市,正在逐渐发展成为资源加工转换中心、西部交通枢纽、信息通讯枢纽和现代物流中心、高原特色旅游中心,走上循环经济的发展之路。  相似文献   
翠柏主要分布于云南中部及西南部,间断分布于贵州及海南的个别地区。越南、缅甸也产。  相似文献   
李渤生 《绿色视野》2008,(10):59-61
雪润羌塘绿意盎其实从根本意义上来说,羌塘春夏恼人的雪雹乃是高原生命的源泉。位于青藏高原西北部的羌塘已处在自高原东南部向高原西北运移的印度洋暖湿气流的尾闾,年降水量仅有150~300毫米,显然春雪对于气候干旱、蒸发剧烈而缺少高山雪水的羌塘是无比宝贵的。  相似文献   
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