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茄子是一种物美价廉的蔬菜,还是心血管病人的食疗佳品,特别是对动脉硬化症、高血压、冠心病和坏血病患者非常有益,有辅助治疗的作用。常吃茄子,还可预防高血压引起的脑溢血和糖尿病引起的视网膜出血。  相似文献   
在2008年4月的《哈佛健康通讯》(HarvardHealth Letter)上,科学家就7种常见疾病,提出了不用药物就能治好疾病的方法。他们认为,对于治疗这些疾病,非药理学方法可能和药物治疗同样有效。  相似文献   
尘肺病是危害工人健康最严重的职业病.是我国职业安全与卫生的一个大问题。我国现有尘肺病患者达百万之众.占全国职业病总人数的70%以上。其发病率及病死率居高不下.近15年平均每年新发病人上万例.尘肺病的防治是世界一大难题。 中国煤矿工人北戴河疗养院和南京胸科医院共同取得的《双肺同期大容量灌洗治疗煤工尘肺的临床研究》科研成果.被专家鉴定认为居世界领先水平。经肺灌洗治疗万余例次.效果满意.深受广大尘肺病人和企业的欢迎。该成果获1993年原煤炭部科技进步二等奖、1995年国家科技进步三等奖。十几年来.肺灌洗基础和临床研究不断深入和完善.技术日趋规范.不但取得多项奖励和专利.同时.在各级领导的关怀和支持下,正在广泛地进行推广应用,国内12家医院已经顺利开展工作。2004年该技术走出国门.成功地完成对越南的转让.为我国对外友好合作和文化技术交流做出了贡献。这是一项科技成果转化为生产力并产生重大社会效益和经济效益的典范,也为我国职业安全与卫生事业增添了光彩。  相似文献   
救死扶伤是医护人员的天职,但是在救助病患的同时,更要重视自身的防护。在医疗技术飞速发展的今天,人们把更多的目光放在了如何救治和治疗效果上,而医护人员的职业安全却往往不能引起足够的重视。虽然我国出台了《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》及相关法规,同时职业病的防治工作也进入了一个新的阶段,但是在医护人员的职业安全与防护问题上,  相似文献   
Mechanism of treatment and remediation of synthetic Cu2+ polluted water body by membrane and electro-winning combination process was investigated. The influences of electrolysis voltage, pH, and electrolysis time on the metal recovery efficiencies were studied. Relationship between trans-membrane pressure drop ( P), additions ratio, initial Cu2+ concentration on operating efficiency, stability of membrane and the possibility of water reuse were also investigated. The morphology of membrane and electrodes were observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the composition of surface deposits was ascertained using combined energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results showed that using low pressure reverse osmosis (LPRO), Cu2+ concentration could increase from 20 to 100 mg/L or even higher in concentrated solutions and permeate water conductivity could be less than 20 μS/cm. The addition of sodium dodecy/sulfate sodium dodecyl sulfate improved Cu2+ removal efficiency, while EDTA had little side influence. In electro-reduction process, using plante electrode cell, Cu2+ concentration could be further reduced to 5 mg/L, and the average current efficiency ranged from 9% to 40%. Using 3D electrolysis treatment, Cu2+ concentration could be reduced to 0.5 mg/L with a current efficiency range 60%–70%.  相似文献   
A typical fiver in Yangzhou City was used to study the effects of artificial aeration, eco-brick cover, biological packing cover, and low-sited plant floating beds on the release of heavy metals from urban river sediments. This work showed that 1) the Cr release rate was decreased by 50.3%-89.6%, with an average of 59.3%, thereby reducing the Cr pollution load to the overlying water by 36.6%-82.7%, with an average of 53.3%; 2) the Zn release rate was reduced by 21.0%-88.9%, with an average of 42.3%, and the Zn pollution load of the overlying water was reduced by 38.0%-67.1%, with an average of 55.0%; 3) the Cu release rate was reduced by 27.5%-91.0%, with an average of 55.3%, and the Cu load of the overlying water was reduced by 57.1%-83.7%, with an average of 71.7%; 4) the Pb release rate was reduced by 11.8%- 79.3%, with an average of 41.2%, and the Pb pollution load of the overlying water was reduced by -1.3%-70.7%, with an average of 29.8%. We also found that the effects of in situ biological treatments on the release of heavy metals were affected by the extent of sediment disturbance. For integrated applications, high-disturbance treatments should be combined with low-disturbance treatments to reduce the explosive release of pollutants caused by sediment disturbance during the treatment operation to achieve better overall treatment effects.  相似文献   
本文建立一种直接蛋白沉淀结合串联质谱法测定血浆中5-氟尿嘧啶浓度的方法.以0.1 mol·L-1硫酸锌作为蛋白沉淀剂处理血浆样品,离心后取上清液直接测定.以5-氟尿嘧啶-13C,15N2为内标标准品,采用Shimadzu Shim-pack GIST-HP C18-AQ (100 mm×2.1mm I.D.,1.9μm)色谱柱;水(A相)-甲醇(B相)为流动相,梯度洗脱:0—1 min,5%B;1—2 min,5%B→95%B;2—2.5 min,95%B;2.5—2.6 min,95%B→5%B;2.6—5 min,5%B,流速:0.3mL·min-1;柱温:35℃;进样体积:5μL;采用电喷雾离子源,负离子多反应监测模式(MRM)进行质谱定量分析.检测离子对:5-氟尿嘧啶m/z 129.1→42.1,5-氟尿嘧啶-13C,15N2内标标准品m/z 132.1→44.1.该方法校准曲线相关系数大于0.999.质...  相似文献   
问我在去年夏天.被韦某驾驶的小车撞伤,保守治疗一周后出院,经交警部门调解达成协议,约定今后双方互不干涉,韦某赔给我经济损失1.78万元。时隔不久,我再次入院治疗.花去医疗费2.43万元。我请求交警部门帮助调解,没有得到允许。请问:我还能提起民事诉讼吗?  相似文献   
车主档案:网名:月光职业:教育工作者爱好:肚皮舞、音乐、旅游喜爱颜色:白、黑、红车型:福克斯两厢颜色:炫舞橙裸车价:13.28万对爱车满意度:90分购车时间:2007年底行驶里程:1.8万公里月光的网名看起来是那么柔和明媚,然而她却这样形容自己的个性——性格像男人,干脆利落,开朗热心,有点小糊涂。为什么却叫"月光"?那是个浪漫的瞬间——和钢琴师老公一起坐在琴前,弹奏乐曲,一轮满月,淡淡地流泻出似水如银的光芒。此情此景,便叫人联想到一个美满如圆月的幸福家庭,一个温柔美丽的贤妻良母。月光的QQ签名是这样的:"淡忘过去,自得其乐;面对现在,  相似文献   
在职业活动过程中,长期吸入矽尘可引发以肺组织弥漫性纤维化为主的全身性疾病——矽肺。矽肺是最严重、最广泛的尘肺病,也是世界上最古老,最广泛发生,而又没有特效治疗的职业性疾病。  相似文献   
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