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During Late Proterozoic times, the Archaean Central African craton was affected by trough faulting which led to the formation of grabens, the Sangha aulacogen being the main structure of this type in the studied area. This transverse basin connects with other basins on the northern and south-western borders of the craton. During the Cryogenian, this network of basins was filled with fluvio-deltaic and lacustrine periglacial deposits. The glacio-eustatic transgression in Neoproterozoic III (end-Proterozoic) times flooded extensive areas of shelf on the northern edge of the craton, leading to the development of carbonate sedimentation in a broad outer shelf environment associated with nearshore barriers and evaporitic lagoons. These facies are similar to those developed in the West Congolian Schisto-calcaire (shale-limestone) ramp succession. The North-Central African ramp succession (sediment slope) contains an example of tidal rhythmites in vertical accretion, which occurs beneath the barrier deposits on the subtidal outer shelf. Mathematical analysis of the bedding pattern yields a period of 29–30 days for the lunar month, a result which is in agreement with astrophysical evidence for this epoch (i.e. 650 Ma ago). Major subsidence and seismic activity on this gently sloping platform, associated with the proximity of the Sangha aulacogen, caused the triggering of carbonate turbidites and mass flow deposits. The proliferation of microbial mats under euphotic conditions on an extensive shelf led to the build-up of a carbonate platform. During early Neoproterozoic III times, the West Congolian and North-Central African ramps prograded northwards and southwards, respectively, into the Sangha aulacogen. The sea at that time was restricted to a long graben-like basin, while a remaining area of marine sedimentation persisted into the Palaeozoic. Thus the pattern of end-Proterozoic carbonate sedimentation on the borders of the Central African craton can be interpreted in terms of an overall gently sloping ramp model with progradation converging towards the Sangha aulacogen.  相似文献   
轻型汽油车简易瞬态工况污染物排放检测系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了轻型汽油车简易瞬态工况污染物排放检测系统.该系统的性能指标和功能特点完全满足DB11/123—2000《轻型汽油车简易瞬态工况污染物排放标准》的要求。该系统基于污染物质量排放测试.具有测试方法简单、测试结果准确.排放判定方法科学的特点。对于有效控制.减少车辆污染物的排放.改善大气环境质量.具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
本文介绍了近几年来对我国部分煤矿采煤工作面粉尘状况的调查,测试和煤矿粉尘粒度分布分析结果。通过测试分析证明,不同煤种的煤被外部能量破碎时,它的产尘量、产生的粉尘的粒度分布及粉尘中呼吸性粉尘含量不同;各种煤直接破碎产生的粉尘和矿井空气的浮游粉尘的粒度分布均符合罗辛——拉姆勒(Rosin——Rammlar)分布规律;采用一般常规防尘措施(如煤体注水、洒水、喷雾降尘等),对粒度较粗的粉尘有一定降尘效果,可改善粉尘作业环境,而对工人身体健康影响较大的呼吸性粉尘降尘效果不显著,造成矿井浮游粉尘中呼吸性粉尘含量增加。为此,今后防尘工作重点应加强对呼吸性粉尘控制技术的研究,推广、应用对呼吸性粉尘除尘效率高的防尘措施,大幅度降低矿井中呼吸性粉尘.使煤矿尘肺病发病率有较大降低。  相似文献   
精选自Angel Belles, Claire Alary, Yannick Mamindy-Pajany.Thickness and material selection of polymeric passive samplers for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water: which more strongly affects sampler properties?. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 35, Issue 7, pages 1708–1717, July 2016. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3326
Trace elements such as cadmium (Cd) may be inadvertently added to cropland soils through application of fertilizers, irrigation water, and other amendments. These toxic trace elements pose a potentially threat to soil quality and, through the food chain transfer, to human health. A generalized soil trace element mass balance model that accounts for the interactive processes governing the reactions of trace elements in soils, and consequently removed with crop harvest and leaching out of the soil profile with irrigation water was developed in this research. The model conceptually approximates the mechanisms and kinetics of a real field cropland system. The model was used to evaluate the long-term cultivation on distribution of Cd in California croplands. Under typical California cropping practices, Cd added into the soils accumulated primarily in the plow layer while the Cd content below the plow layer was barely affected. After 100 years of continuous cultivation, the soil Cd content of the plow layer increases from the background level 0.22 mg kg−1 to 0.40 mg kg−1. The accumulation of Cd in the plow layer is in proportion to the external inputs and is affected by the soil and plant characteristics, and management practices. The model can be used to evaluate the environmental fates of other toxic element in soils with case specific parameters.  相似文献   
The application of mass spectrometric isotope dilution analysis in environmental analytical chemistry is described. Different ionization methods used in mass spectrometry for isotope dilution analysis and the advantage of isotope dilution analysis owing to its accuracy are discussed. The principle of the isotope dilution technique is explained using thallium analysis as an example. Possible methods of sample decomposition for organic and inorganic matrices and of element separation are given. Using lead, cadmium and thallium analyses as examples the application of mass spectrometric isotope dilution analysis for determination of toxic metals in environmental samples is shown. The determination of chloride and bromide traces in snow is given as an example of non‐metal analysis. The possibility of determining pure elements by the isotope dilution technique using a long‐lived radioactive isotope as a spike is discussed.  相似文献   
大跨人行过街天桥利用MTMD减振控制的理论分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大跨人行天桥的自振频率通常比较低,与人行走时的频率接近,因此行人通过天桥时容易产生竖向共振,影响天桥的正常使用。本文研究多重调谐质量阻尼(MTMD)系统对大跨人行过街天桥竖向振动的控制作用,首先建立起天桥-MTMD系统的分析模型,推导出系统的传递函数及动力放大系数的数学表达式,继而分析了TMD的数量、阻尼比和频带宽等参数对结构的动力放大系数的影响,为实际工程结构设计MTMD减振系统时提供参考。以沈阳某大跨人行天桥为例,进行MTMD优化设置后,能有效减小天桥的受迫振动和自由振动,从而将振动控制在人体的舒适度范围之内。  相似文献   
间接火焰原子吸收光谱法测定水和废水中铝   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Al3+在一定酸度及1-(2-吡啶偶氮)-2-萘酚(PAN)存在的条件下,与Cu(Ⅱ)-EDTA发生定量交换反应,生成物Cu(Ⅱ)-PAN可被氯仿萃取,通过测定水相残余铜,从而间接测定铝。本文利用这一原理,进行了火焰原子吸收光谱法测定水和废水中铝的试验。结果表明,铝浓度在0.1~1.0 mg/L范围内有良好的线性关系,方法检测范围为0.05mg/L~100mg/L。本法用于不同加标水样中铝的测定,相对标准偏差为3.2%~7.2%,加标回收率为94%~106%。方法灵敏度高,精密度和准确度好,检测范围宽,检出限低,完全满足现行卫生标准对水体中铝检验的要求,且实验仪器普通易得,便于推广应用。  相似文献   
• An innovative method of culturing bdelloid rotifer fed on flour was proposed. • Rotifer fed on flour grew faster than that fed on bacteria or Chlorella vulgaris. • The optimum mass culture conditions for rotifer fed on flour were investigated. • The cultured rotifer could improve sludge settleability in the SBR. This study aims to establish a simple and efficient method for the mass culture of bdelloid rotifers, which is the basis for the application of bdelloid rotifers as biological manipulators to improve wastewater biological treatment performance. A common bdelloid rotifer, Habrotrocha sp., in a wastewater biological treatment system was selected as the culture target. Rotifers fed on flour could reproduce faster than those fed traditional food such as Chlorella vulgaris or mixed bacteria. As a rotifer food, flour has the advantages of simple preparation, effortless preservation, and low cost compared to live Chlorella vulgaris or mixed bacteria, so it is more suitable for the mass culture of rotifers. The optimal rotifer culture conditions using flour as food were also studied. According to the experimental results, the recommended rotifer culture conditions are a flour particle size of 1 μm, a flour concentration of 6 × 106 cell/mL, a temperature of 28℃, a pH level of 6.5 and salinity of 100–500 mg/L. In addition, the sludge volume index in the sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with the addition of cultured rotifers was 59.9 mL/g at the end of operation and decreased by 18.2% compared to SBR without rotifer, which indicates that the cultured rotifers still retained the function of helping to improve sludge settling. This function may be related to the rotifer’s role in inhibiting bacteria from producing loosely bound extracellular polymeric substances in the SBR.  相似文献   
以石墨炉原子吸收法测定土壤中微量钒。选择了最佳仪器测定条件和样品消解条件。方法的最低检出浓度为0.030mg/l,变异系数为4.7%。  相似文献   
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