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绿潮作为一种新型的海洋灾害,已经引起了各个国家的重视.依据2012年南黄海海域浒苔遥感监测分布面积数据,选取了温度、天气状况、风向、风力、浪高5种影响浒苔扩散的气候因子,建立了基于SVR的浒苔分布面积预测模型,并与经典的最近邻点插值模型、线性插值模型、3次样条函数插值模型和分段3次Hermite插值模型进行了回归效果的对比.分析结果表明,基于SVR的浒苔分布面积预测模型能够为浒苔遥感数据的插补提供一种方法,且回归效果优于传统的回归方法,为浒苔的防治提供辅助决策信息.  相似文献   
基于区域空气质量数值模型和源示踪技术,构建污染来源预报系统,实现了京津冀地区污染来源的实时预报。针对预报中最迫切的时效限制,在系统的源排放预处理、污染物来源贡献计算方案、业务化运行等方面进行特别的设计,主要包括:开发出快速源排放前处理技术;通过试算确定了分区域和行业的污染来源追踪方案;采用目前2种主流的并行计算方式混合编译区域空气质量模型并运行;设计了业务化运行中多任务的分布式计算方案,以充分利用计算资源。这些优化措施有效地缩短了预报时间。目前系统已处于业务化运行阶段,每天08:00之前,预报出未来3 d的区域空气质量,同时给出关注区域主要污染物分区域和行业的来源贡献状况;系统已应用在庆祝抗战胜利70周年阅兵期间空气质量保障后评估,以及2015年11月底—12月初京津冀重污染预警等应急工作中。  相似文献   
In this article we apply and test a methodology to estimate cumulative frequency distribution for air pollutant concentration from wind-speed data. We use the inverse relationship after Simpson et al. (Atmospheric Environment, 19, 75–82, 1985) between the opposing percentile values in the statistical distributions for air pollutant concentrations and wind-speed data. This relationship is valid, irrespective of the statistical distributions of both variables, if an inverse relationship between them is also applicable. The available data are five years of 8-h average carbon monoxide concentration and 8-h mean wind-speed, observed in Buenos Aires (Argentina). The performance of the obtained empirical expressions in estimating cumulative frequency distributions for 8-h CO is statistically evaluated. The results show that it is possible to obtain an acceptable cumulative frequency distribution for 8-h CO concentration at the site if the cumulative frequency distribution for wind-speed is known. Q–Q plots show a good agreement between estimated and observed values. From our data, the mean relative error of the estimations was found to be as much as 8.0%.  相似文献   
本文通过分析清洁生产和消费的含义,指出清洁生产的调整范围包括消费环节.我国《清洁生产促进法》的内容体现了清洁生产从生产领域扩展到消费领域这一新动向.本文论证了这一新发展的正当性和合理性,最后结合具体法条进行分析,指出相关制度手段和意义所在.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: A small lake in the Chicago Metropolitan Area was from 91 to 95 percent efficient in removing suspended sediment and from 76 to 94 percent efficient in removing copper, iron, lead, and zinc from urban runoff. Sediments accumulated in the lake in the form of an organic-rich mud at an average rate of 20 millimeters per year; this reduced lake storage and covered potential habitat for aquatic organisms. Copper, lead, and zinc concentrations were closely associated with suspended-sediment concentrations and with silt- and clay-sized fractions of lake sediment. Although concentrations of mercury and cadmium were near detection limits in runoff, measurable concentrations of these metals accumulated in the lake sediments.  相似文献   
岳阳市城市绿化树种的选择及配置模式研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
选择观赏价值高、抗逆性强、保健功能强、经济效益高同时具有丰富历史文化底蕴和地方特色的植物材料用于城市林业建设中,可显著提高城市园林绿化的科技含量和综合效益;在园林植物配置上,根据园林美学原则和功能性要求,进行混植、群植、丛植、对植和孤植等,在充分发挥树木的群体美和个体美的同时可显著提高配置模式的整体功能性.  相似文献   
广东省城市体系生态环境类型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市生态环境类型是随城市和区域不断发展而分化的产物,根据广东省城市体系格局,选取主要的十九个城市,确定适当的生态环境参数,对广东省城市生态环境的区域差异和主要类型进行多元统计复合分析,根据生态环境的相似性和相异性将广东省城市体系划分为四个类型,为区域规划和城市管理决策提供依据。  相似文献   
保护集镇饮用水河流是当前水污染防治工作的重点。本文通过现状分析,针对城乡结合部河流以面源为主的特点,找出影响饮用水河流水质的主要污染源及污水排放特征.用系统分析方法,将集镇的经济、人口、环境统计资料作为环境管理模型的主要输入信息,经计算机仿真,得出保护水源水质应采取的对策与治理方案。  相似文献   
为探讨污水深度处理和同步获取产油微藻的可行性,建立光生物反应器,应用微拟球藻去除污水和中水中的氮磷,并分析不同浓度的Fe3+和Zn2+离子对微藻的生长和油脂积累的影响,从而在净化污水的同时培养微藻获得富油生物质。结果表明,该藻对污水氮磷具有较强的去除能力,可在13 d内,去除水体中96%的氨氮和94%的磷,同时化学需要氧量(COD)的去除率可达72.9%。在生活污水中培养至第16天,微藻的细胞密度可达4.55×106 cell/mL。Fe3+浓度对微拟球藻的生长具有显著影响(P6 cell/mL。该研究以中水和生活污水为基质培养微拟球藻,同时获取微藻油脂,为污水中氮磷的去除和能源的同步获取提供了新途径。  相似文献   
Environmental management and planning is now considered as a new field of professional expertise. There are even professional associations for interested professionals. To date, urban environmental management has been regarded as a subdiscipline of environmental management, but since the Rio Conference in 1992, with the new focus of urban management on environmental problems, it can itself be considered as a professional field. This paper traces the emergence of the field and tries to identify the new skills required for it. The question of formal training, in higher education, for a new type of professional is raised and discussed. It refers at length to an initiative taken by the Asian Institute of Technology (Bangkok) to propose and offer a new graduate programme in this discipline, and draws on the author's experience of an Asian workshop (Bangkok, May 1993) aimed at defining the need for such a new profession in Asia.  相似文献   
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