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冯蕾  韩洪蕾  唐学玺 《海洋环境科学》2007,26(3):229-231,240
运用生态毒理学方法,研究了UV-B辐射条件下褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachinonus plicatilis)对6株海洋微藻:小球藻(Chlorella sp.、绿色巴夫藻(Pauloua uiridis)、扁藻(Tetraselmis chuii)、球等鞭金藻8701(Isochrysis galbana Park 8701)、牟氏角毛藻(Chaetoceros muelleri Lermumerman)和小新月菱形藻(Nitzschia clostertum)的摄食.结果表明:UV-B辐射增强对褶皱臂尾轮虫的摄食有显著的抑制作用.与对照组相比,褶皱臂尾轮虫对每一种饵料单胞藻的滤水率和摄食率都表现出,随UV-B辐射剂量的增大而显著减小(P<0.5).而且对每一种饵料单胞藻的滤水率和摄食率是不相同的,这说明褶皱臂尾轮虫对饵料单胞藻是有选择性的.  相似文献   
运用群体累计培养的方法研究了UV-B辐射增强对壶状臂尾轮虫(Brachionus urceus)种群增殖的影响.结果表明:UV-B辐射增强对壶状臂尾轮虫的种群数量、雌体抱卵率和种群增殖率都有显著影响(P<0.05).实验表明,在本实验辐射强度(20μW/cm2)和剂量范围内(0.24、0.48、0.72、0.96和1.20kJ/m2),壶状臂尾轮虫的种群数量和种群增殖率均以对照组最高,各UV-B辐射处理组则随UV-B辐射剂量的增大而呈一致性减小,说明该种群的种群数量和种群增殖率随UV-B辐射的增强显示一致性的影响,两者都可以作为大气UV-B辐射强弱的生物指标.  相似文献   
诺氟沙星是一种被广泛使用的抗生素,但其对轮虫的毒性作用尚不清楚。为调查诺氟沙星对轮虫的毒性及其与藻密度之间的关系,以及各试验终点对诺氟沙星污染的相对敏感性,本文以萼花臂尾轮虫为受试生物,研究了不同斜生栅藻密度(1.0×10~6、2.0×10~6和4.0×10~6cells·m L~(-1))下不同浓度(0、5、20、35、50、65和80 mg·L~(-1))的诺氟沙星对其生命表统计学参数的影响。结果显示,与3个藻密度下的对照组相比,暴露于5~80 mg·L~(-1)诺氟沙星溶液中的轮虫生命期望和世代时间显著延长,净生殖率和种群内禀增长率显著提高。5 mg·L~(-1)的诺氟沙星使生命期望和世代时间的延长幅度随着藻密度的升高而增大,但6个处理组的平均提高幅度却随着藻密度的升高而减小; 5 mg·L~(-1)的诺氟沙星对净生殖率和种群内禀增长率的提高幅度随着藻密度的升高而增大,但6个处理组的平均提高幅度却在2.0×10~6cells·m L~(-1)的藻密度下最小,4.0×10~6cells·m L~(-1)的藻密度下最大。1.0×10~6cells·m L~(-1)的藻密度下,诺氟沙星浓度对轮虫后代混交率无显著性影响(P0.05); 2.0×10~6cells·m L~(-1)的藻密度下,暴露于5~35和80 mg·L~(-1)诺氟沙星溶液中的轮虫后代混交率显著降低; 4.0×10~6cells·m L~(-1)的藻密度下,暴露于5、35和80 mg·L~(-1)诺氟沙星溶液中的轮虫后代混交率显著降低。当藻密度为1.0×10~6和2.0×10~6cells·m L~(-1)时,诺氟沙星浓度与轮虫的生命期望、世代时间、净生殖率和种群内禀增长率之间具有显著的剂量-效应关系;当藻密度为4.0×10~6cells·m L~(-1)时,诺氟沙星浓度与轮虫的净生殖率和种群内禀增长率之间具有显著的剂量-效应关系。本研究表明,亚致死浓度的诺氟沙星促进轮虫的存活、发育、孤雌生殖和种群增长,促进作用的幅度受藻密度的显著影响。  相似文献   
溢油污染对近岸生态系统的平衡与稳定危害极大。本研究以石油水溶性成分(water-accommodated fraction,WAF)为目标,研究其对海洋浮游动物褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachionus plicatilis)生殖、发育和种群动态变化的影响,以期为阐明或评估海洋溢油污染的潜在威胁提供依据。研究结果表明,(1) WAF抑制褶皱臂尾轮虫的种群增长,随着胁迫时间的延长抑制作用不断增强,呈现显著剂量-毒性效应的正相关,其48、72和96 h的半数有效抑制浓度(EC_(50))分别为5.42、4.81和4.39 mg·L~(-1)。(2)WAF能显著影响褶皱臂尾轮虫的生殖和发育过程,缩短轮虫的平均寿命和生殖周期,使得进入生殖期的时间滞后,个体发育延迟;基于生命表的研究发现,其内禀增长率(r_m)、周限增长率(λ)、净生殖率(R_0)和生命期望(E_0)显著降低,世代周期(T)延长,其中r_m、λ和R_0变化较其他指标明显,可作为灵敏指示褶皱臂尾轮虫响应WAF胁迫的指示指标。  相似文献   
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are new kinds of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and their potential threats to the equilibrium and sustainability of marine ecosystems have raised worldwide concerns. Here, two kinds of PBDEs, tetra-BDE (BDE-47) and deca-BDE (BDE-209) were applied, and their toxic effects on the swimming behavior, population growth and reproduction of Brachionus plicatilis were investigated. The results showed that: (1) The actual concentrations of BDE-47 and -209 in the seawater phase measured by GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer) were much lower than their nominal concentrations. (2) In accordance with the 24-hr acute tests, BDE-209 did not show any obvious swimming inhibition to rotifers, but a good correlation did exist between the swimming inhibition rate and BDE-47 concentration suggesting that BDE-47 ismore toxic than BDE-209. (3) Both BDE-47 and -209 had a significant influence on the population growth and reproduction parameters of B. plicatilis including the population growth rate, the ratio of ovigerous females/non-ovigerous females (OF/NOF), the ratio of mictic females/amictic females (MF/AF), resting egg production and the mictic rate, which indicate that these parameters in B. plicatilis population were suitable for monitoring and assessing PBDEs. Our results suggest that BDE-47 and -209 are not acute lethal toxicants and may pose a low risk to marine rotifers at environmental concentrations for short-term exposure. They also accumulate differently into rotifers. Further research data are needed to understand the mechanisms responsible for the effects caused by PBDEs and to assess their risks accurately.  相似文献   
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers(PBDEs) are new kinds of persistent organic pollutants(POPs) and their potential threats to the equilibrium and sustainability of marine ecosystems have raised worldwide concerns. Here, two kinds of PBDEs, tetra-BDE(BDE-47)and deca-BDE(BDE-209) were applied, and their toxic effects on the swimming behavior,population growth and reproduction of Brachionus plicatilis were investigated. The results showed that:(1) The actual concentrations of BDE-47 and-209 in the seawater phase measured by GC–MS(Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer) were much lower than their nominal concentrations.(2) In accordance with the 24-hr acute tests, BDE-209 did not show any obvious swimming inhibition to rotifers, but a good correlation did exist between the swimming inhibition rate and BDE-47 concentration suggesting that BDE-47 is more toxic than BDE-209.(3) Both BDE-47 and-209 had a significant influence on the population growth and reproduction parameters of B. plicatilis including the population growth rate, the ratio of ovigerous females/non-ovigerous females(OF/NOF), the ratio of mictic females/amictic females(MF/AF), resting egg production and the mictic rate, which indicate that these parameters in B. plicatilis population were suitable for monitoring and assessing PBDEs. Our results suggest that BDE-47 and-209 are not acute lethal toxicants and may pose a low risk to marine rotifers at environmental concentrations for short-term exposure. They also accumulate differently into rotifers. Further research data are needed to understand the mechanisms responsible for the effects caused by PBDEs and to assess their risks accurately.  相似文献   
探讨了在较高温度和饵料密度下实验室小批量培养萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionuscalyciflorus)休眠卵产生的时间及变动规律.结果表明,在本实验条件下,该轮虫高温较低温时休眠卵产生得早;未见饵料密度对休眼卵的产生时间有影响;前期培养于适宜温度和饵料密度条件下的轮虫种群,产生休眠卵的数时大.  相似文献   
壶状臂尾轮虫摄食生态的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了壶状臂尾轮虫(Brachionus urceus)在不同的温度、盐度、饵料种类、pH和光照条件下滤水率(F)和摄食率(G)的变化情况.结果表明:(1)温度对壶状臂尾轮虫的摄食有显著影响(P<0.05).壶状臂尾轮虫摄食的适宜温度范围为25~30℃,最适摄食温度为25℃;(2)盐度对壶状臂尾轮虫的摄食也有显著影响(P<0.05).壶状臂尾轮虫适宜的摄食盐度范围为20~30,最适摄食盐度为20;(3)壶状臂尾轮虫对5种不同藻类食物F的顺序为:小新月菱形藻(Nitzschia clostertum)>>小球藻(Chlorella sp.)>牟氏角毛藻(Chaetoceros muelleri Lermumerman)>金藻8701(Isochrysis galbana Park 8701)>扁藻(Tetraselmis chuii);G的顺序为:小球藻>小新月菱形藻>金藻8701>牟氏角毛藻>扁藻;(4)壶状臂尾轮虫适宜的摄食pH范围为6.0~8.0,最适摄食pH为7.0; (5)在条件允许的情况下,黑暗有利于壶状臂尾轮虫的摄食.  相似文献   
We tested the effect of different algal (Chlorella vulgaris) levels and inoculation densities on the outcome of competition between the rotifers Euchlanis dilatata and Brachionus patulus. The experiment was performed in 36 transparent jars, each with 20 ml of a test medium. We used three Chlorella levels: 0.75 × 106, 1.5 × 106, and 3.0 × 106 cells/ml. For each algal level, we used five different ratios of initial inoculation density. The population growth experiments were terminated after 19 days. Regardless of inoculation densities, an increase in food level resulted in an increased population abundance of both rotifer species. Regardless of food concentration,E. dilatatawas able to outcompete B. patulus at all inoculation densities when grown together. However, when Chlorella was offered in low concentration and there was a higher ratio of Brachionus to Euchlanis at the onset of the experiment, both rotifer species coexisted in more or less equal densities until the end of the experiments. When the food level was enhanced, E. dilatata totally eliminated B. patulus. The rate of population growth ranged from 0.002 to 0.578 for B. patulus and from 0.006 to 0.447 for E. dilatata. The results are discussed with respect to the factors influencing the outcome of competition between species.  相似文献   
以萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)为受试动物,研究了在不同斜生栅藻(Scenedesmus obliquus)密度(1.0×106,2.0×106,4.0×106个/mL)下,不同浓度(2.0,4.0,6.0,8.0,10.0μg/mL)的利福平溶液对萼花臂尾轮虫实验种群增长参数的影响.结果表明,与空白对照组及助溶剂对照组相比,1.0×106个/mL藻密度下,各浓度的利福平显著提高了轮虫的后代混交率;2.0×106个/mL藻密度下,2.0,4.0,10.0μg/mL的利福平显著提高了轮虫的內禀增长率,各浓度的利福平均提高了轮虫的后代混交率;4.0×106个/mL藻密度下,各浓度的利福平均显著提高了轮虫的內禀增长率和后代混交率.藻密度为1.0×106个/mL时,利福平浓度与轮虫的生命期望、世代时间、平均寿命和后代混交率间具有显著的剂量-效应关系;藻密度为2.0×106个/mL时,利福平浓度与轮虫的后代混交率间具有显著的剂量-效应关系;藻密度为4.0×106个/mL时,利福平浓度与轮虫的世代时间、净生殖率、內禀增长率和后代混交率间有显著的剂量-效应关系.  相似文献   
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