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The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the inadequacy of China's legal protection of wildlife. Long-standing illegal wildlife trade in China and worldwide increases the risk of zoonotic infectious diseases. We sought to improve the understanding of China’ legal system for the protection of wildlife, which has at its core the wildlife protection law, by systematically evaluating the laws and regulations of China's Wildlife Protection Framework. We examined how existing legal documents (e.g., the Wildlife Protection Law 2018) are directly or indirectly related to wildlife conservation. The inherent defects of wildlife protection legislation include a narrow scope of protection, insufficient public participation, and inconsistent enforcement among responsible agencies. Solutions to improve China's Wildlife Protection Law include expanding the legal protection of wildlife, and improving monitoring of wildlife protection. Strengthening legislation will be the basis for effective regulation of the use of wild animals. We advocate the establishment of a sound wildlife protection legal system for resolving conflicts between humans and wild animals and preventing zoonotic disease, such a system will have a profound impact on the sustainable development of China's wildlife resources.  相似文献   
华楠  尚玥  谢鸣捷 《环境科学》2023,44(2):593-601
为了解新冠疫情期间极端减排情景下南京市PM2.5的化学组成和来源变化,对南京市2020年1~3月和2021年6~8月两次疫情管控前后PM2.5化学组分(水溶性无机离子、碳质组分和无机元素)的小时观测结果进行分析.结果表明,NO-3浓度在两次疫情管控期间比管控前分别下降52.9%和43.0%,高于NH+4(46.4%和31.6%)和SO42-(33.8%和16.5%).由于观测点位于交通干道附近,元素碳(EC)的下降幅度(35.4%和20.6%)高于有机碳(OC; 11.1%和16.2%).结合以上丰量组分特征比值的变化,推断疫情管控对交通排放的影响比工业活动更显著.各主要丰量组分浓度在疫情管控前后的连续变化过程表明,来自本地交通排放的NOx对PM2.5中NO-3的形成有重要贡献,并且是短期内本地PM2.5...  相似文献   
为了应对COVID-19疫情,京津冀地区采取了一系列严格的管控措施,这些措施导致了大气污染物人为源排量的减少,为探究大气污染受人类活动的影响程度提供了时机.将疫情防控分为前期、初期、中期和后期这4个阶段,并结合气象、交通量和工业数据,综合运用数理统计和空间分析方法,得出各时间段大气污染物的变化情况及影响因素,为京津冀地...  相似文献   
2020年1月我国爆发了新型冠状病毒疫情,期间我国各地区大气污染源排放特征发生了显著改变.为研究该情景下PM2.5组分特征,本研究于2020年1月1日~2月13日利用在线观测仪器对郑州、安阳和新乡市进行连续观测.根据春节假期和疫情爆发,将研究时期分为春节前(1月1~23日)、春节疫情期(1月24~31日)和节后疫情期(2月1~13日).受疫情和有利的气象条件影响,节后疫情期间郑州、安阳和新乡市除O3外其它污染物浓度较春节前均明显下降,其中NO2和PM2.5的降幅分别为65%、52%、72%和51%、55%、54%,但是污染物浓度仍较高,表明未来河南省冬季大气污染的较大幅度改善面临巨大挑战.从颗粒物组分来看,二次无机盐和有机物是观测期间PM2.5的主要组分.春节疫情期3个城市受烟花爆竹的影响较小,并且硝酸根和扬尘的贡献相比春节前轻微下降.节后疫情期间郑州、安阳和新乡市PM2.5中硝酸根浓度和占比显著下降,占比降幅为10.6%、4.1%和4%;硫酸根和有机物的占比上升,其中二次有机碳的贡献增大.以郑州市为例分析硝酸盐生成,相比春节前,节后疫情期间不同污染时段硝酸根的占比均下降,但硝酸根仍是污染时段PM2.5中占比最高的组分.日变化特征表明节后疫情期间大气中O3浓度和湿度的增高可能促进了NO2的转化,因此下一步应采取PM2.5和O3的协同管控,重视NO2和VOCs的协同减排.  相似文献   
目前新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情在全球流行,对人类生命健康造成威胁.对甲型流感这一常见传染病进行流行特征、影响因素和防控措施分析,回顾总结全球为防控甲型流感做出的努力及相关科学研究成果,为新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情提供防控经验和研究思路.结果表明:①甲型流感呈季节性流行,受气候、社会、政治和文化等多因素影响,在低温低湿、人口密集的环境中表现出强流行性.②甲型流感防控研究工作主要包括季节性流感病毒监测、流感病毒的生态学研究、广谱中和抗体及通用疫苗的研究、应对流感大流行的病原学风险评估四方面,其中季节性流感病毒监测是制定公共卫生政策及后续研究的核心防控措施.③与甲型流感类似,新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情流行受温度等气候因素影响,同时社会、政治、文化等因素也影响其传播,亟需借鉴较成熟的甲型流感的防控经验、技术和平台.建议在加强病毒监测的同时,深入开展病毒生态学研究、病原学风险评估和药物开发,对完善疫情防控工作和预警预测未来可能出现的二次暴发及传播至关重要.研究结果将为新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情和未来传染病疫情的防控及预测预警提供参考和研究思路.   相似文献   
李雪峰 《安全》2020,(4):22-28,33
本文系统回顾了新冠肺炎疫情的发生、传播、爆发,以及下一步发展等问题的客观现状,在此基础上深入探讨了重大安全风险事件的形态新颖性、发生意外性、发展爆炸性、演变复杂性等特征。结合对特征的认识,本文给出了针对重大安全风险事件治理者在防灾、备灾、抗灾、救灾方面的启示与建议。  相似文献   
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is an unprecedented worldwide health crisis. Many previous research studies have found and investigated its links with one or some natural or human environmental factors. However, a review on the relationship between COVID-19 incidence and both the natural and human environment is still lacking. This review summarizes the inter-correlation between COVID-19 incidence and environmental factors. Based on keyword searching, we reviewed 100 relevant peer-reviewed articles and other research literature published since January 2020. This review is focused on three main findings. One, we found that individual environmental factors have impacts on COVID-19 incidence, but with spatial heterogeneity and uncertainty. Two, environmental factors exert interactive effects on COVID-19 incidence. In particular, the interactions of natural factors can affect COVID-19 transmission in micro- and macro- ways by impacting SARS-CoV-2 survival, as well as human mobility and behaviors. Three, the impact of COVID-19 incidence on the environment lies in the fact that COVID-19-induced lockdowns caused air quality improvement, wildlife shifts and socio-economic depression. The additional value of this review is that we recommend future research perspectives and adaptation strategies regarding the interactions of the environment and COVID-19. Future research should be extended to cover both the effects of the environment on the COVID-19 pandemic and COVID-19-induced impacts on the environment. Future adaptation strategies should focus on sustainable environmental and public policy responses.  相似文献   
The COVID-19 pandemic has escalated into one of the largest crises of the 21st Century. The new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, responsible for COVID-19, has spread rapidly all around the world. The Spanish Government was forced to declare a nationwide lockdown in view of the rapidly spreading virus and high mortality rate in the nation. This study investigated the impact of short-term lockdown during the period from March 15th to April 12th 2020 on the atmospheric levels of CO, SO2, PM10, O3, and NO2 over 11 representative Spanish cities. The possible influence of several meteorological factors (temperature, precipitation, wind, sunlight hours, minimum and maximum pressure) on the pollutants' levels were also considered. The results obtained show that the 4-week lockdown had significant impact on reducing the atmospheric levels of NO2 in all cities except for the small city of Santander as well as CO, SO2, and PM10 in some cities, but resulted in increase of O3 level.  相似文献   
为了揭示新冠肺炎疫情下武汉典型饮用水水源中消毒副产物(DBPs)的污染特征与风险水平,选取武汉典型饮用水源地26个采样点位,采用N,N-二乙基-1,4-苯二胺分光光度法和气相色谱仪-微池电子捕获检测器(GC-μECD)法分别对水体中残余氯消毒剂和DBPs进行了检测,并开展健康与生态风险评估.结果表明,26个点位中有16个检出了游离氯或总余氯,检出最大浓度为0.04 mg·L-1,部分点位游离氯超过了国家地表水标准,靠近城市污水厂排水口的点位浓度相对较高.对10个代表性点位进行了34种DBPs的检测,有24种物质被检出,检出率为10.00%~100.00%;ρ(总DBPs)浓度范围为0.11~104.73μg·L-1,平均值为7.26μg·L-1.三氯甲烷检出浓度最高,浓度范围为9.98~11.15μg·L-1,平均值为10.47μg·L-1;一溴一碘乙酰胺检出浓度最低,浓度范围为ND~0.11μg·L-1,平均值为0.01μg·L-1...  相似文献   
2020年初新冠肺炎疫情(COVID-19)暴发后,中国多地实施了严格的管控措施,导致污染物排放量明显下降.但在减排实施的情况下,京津冀PM2.5等污染物浓度较过去5 a同期却明显增长,出现了两次PM2.5重度污染事件.利用欧洲中心ERA5再分析资料分析发现,相对于过去5 a, COVID-19管控期间京津冀地区的气象场表现为偏高的相对湿度、偏低的边界层高度和边界层内异常的辐合上升运动,有利于颗粒物的吸湿增长和二次转化,不利于污染物垂直方向上的扩散.此外,利用WRF-Chem模式开展敏感性试验发现,在京津冀中部地区气象场的变化导致2020年管控期间ρ(PM2.5)升高了20~55μg·m-3,升高比例高达60%~170%.进一步利用过程诊断分析法得出,增强的气溶胶化学过程和不利的湍流扩散条件是2020年COVID-19管控期间PM2.5浓度升高的主要原因.在当今减排的大背景下,边界层高度和相对湿度的变化可能成为预报预测京津冀地区PM2.5污染事件的重要指标...  相似文献   
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