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A laboratory scale two‐stage sequencing batch reactor (TSSBR) was used to study the effectiveness of pH as a real‐time control parameter in swine wastewater treatment. A Ringlace media was inserted into the A/O (Anoxic/Oxic) reactor for bacteria immobilization. The TSSBR was subjected to three levels of organic loading. The pH and ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) patterns obtained were consistent with distinct features, enabling the real‐time control strategy to effectively set a flexible aeration time pending on influent concentration, hence resulting in flexible cycle time and HRT (Hydraulic Retention Time) for the system. The real‐time process ensured a removal efficiency of over 99% and 95%, respectively, for ammonia and TOC (Total Organic Carbon). For NO3 ‐N and PO4 ‐3, the run with influent TOC = 4,000 mg/L yielded the most efficient removal of 61% and 95%, respectively. Test results suggest that pH can be a viable tool for on‐line real‐time control of a biological treatment process.  相似文献   

Land disposal of olive oil wastewater using it as a soil amendment requires a knowledge of the effects that its application may produce on the status of the mineral nutrients in the plant‐soil system. A pot experiment using calcareous soil was performed in a growth chamber to examine the effects of olive oil wastewater on the availability and postharvest soil extractability of K, Mg and Mn. The experiment included 6 treatments: two rates of olive oil wastewater, two mineral fertilizer treatments containing K (which supplied K in amounts equivalent to the K supplied by the olive oil wastewater treatments), a K‐free mineral fertilizer treatment, and a control. The pots were sown with ryegrass as the test plant, harvesting 3 times at intervals of one month. Olive oil wastewater has demonstrated a considerable capacity for supplying K that can be assimilated by the plant, tending in fact to surpass the mineral potassium fertilizer tested. The application of olive oil wastewater tends to reduce the concentration of Mg in the plant, similarly to the effect of adding mineral potassium fertilizer. An enhancement of Mn availability takes place in the soil amended with olive oil wastewater, which on occasion has produced Mn concentrations in plant that could be considered phytotoxic or at least excessive. After harvesting, we observed an increase in the amount of exchangeable K in soil with added industrial wastewater. However, these increases are lower than those in soil treated with mineral potassium fertilizer. The levels of exchangeable, carbonate‐bound, organic‐bound and residual Mg in soil were higher in treatments incorporating olive oil wastewater than in those with added mineral K, with the opposite tendency occurring in the amount of Fe‐Mn oxides‐bound Mg in soil. Treatments based on olive oil wastewater, especially in high doses, increased the amount of exchangeable and carbonate‐bound Mn in soil, in comparison with treatments adding mineral fertilizers with or without K. In contrast, the addition of industrial wastewater caused a drop in the amount of Fe‐Mn oxides‐bound and organic‐bound Mn in soil.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the toxicity for fish of two active ingredients (lambda-cyhalothrin-20?g L?1, a pyrethroid, and acetamiprid-15?g L?1, a neonicotinoid) which are components of a commercial insecticide (Acer 35 EC) used in cotton crop in many West African countries. The juveniles of Oreochromis niloticus (4.01?±?0.34?g, mean body weight) were exposed for 96?h to increasing concentrations of active ingredients (lambda-cyhalothrin and acetamiprid) or a mixture similar to Acer 35 EC (composed by 20?g of chemical compound lambda-cyhalothrin and 15?g of acetamiprid dissolved in 1?L of acetone). The experiments were carried out under controlled conditions in aquaria according to OECD Guidelines. During the experiments, the behavioral responses (loss of balance, color change, hyperactivity, etc.) that usually precede death were observed in exposed fish. Mortalities were recorded in each aquarium and the LC50-96h of each chemical was determined. The LC50-96h obtained were respectively 0.1268, 0.0029, 182.9 and 0.5685?ppm for Acer 35 EC, lambda-cyhalothrin, acetamiprid and mixture. All insecticides used in this study had profound impact on Nile tilapia behavior which may confirm the neurotoxicity of each single active compound as well as of their mixture.  相似文献   
生物填料地下渗滤系统对生活污水的脱氮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将草甸棕壤、炉渣和活性污泥等基质按体积比13∶6∶1配制生物填料,研究了生物填料地下渗滤系统(subsurface wastewater infiltration system,SWIS)在不同的水力负荷和污染负荷条件下对校园生活污水的脱氮效果。场地实验结果表明,当BOD5负荷为12.0 g BOD5/(m2·d),表面水力负荷为0.04-0.10 m3/(m2·d)时,SWIS对NH+4-N和TN的平均去除率分别为92.4%和82.0%。当水力负荷为0.08 m3/(m2·d),BOD5负荷9.3-16.8 g BOD5/(m2·d)时,SWIS对NH+4-N和TN的平均去除率为92.7%和81.2%。SWIS中氧化还原电位(oxygen reduction potential,ORP)随进水水力负荷和BOD5负荷的增加而降低,脱氮效率下降。综合出水水质和处理效率,适宜的水力负荷和污染负荷分别为0.065 m3/(m2·d)和12.0 g BOD5/(m2·d)。在此条件下,SWIS的启动周期为25-30 d。出水水质均优于《城市污水再生利用-景观环境用水水质》(GB/T18921-2002)标准,且处理效果稳定,抗负荷冲击能力强。  相似文献   
中温(35±1)℃条件下,采用上流式厌氧污泥床(upflowanaerobicsludgebed,简称UASB)反应器处理了含蒽醌类-活性艳蓝(c.I.ReactiveBlue5,简称K—GR)或偶氮类-活性艳红(C.I.ReactiveRed20,简称KD-8B;C.I.ReactiveRed2,简称X-3B)模拟染料废水,重点研究了回流比对染料脱色率和COD去除率的影响,在最佳回流比的条件下,探讨HRT(hydraulicretentiontime)对脱色的影响和不同结构染料的脱色效果,并初步分析了脱色机理。结果表明,适宜的回流比有利于提高系统的脱色率;控制回流比和HRT分别为2和24h,当模拟废水中染料的浓度为100mg/L时,COD去除率和脱色率分别为90%~96%和85%~92%;蒽醌和偶氮类染料的脱色是通过偶氮键和葸醌共轭结构的断裂来实现的。  相似文献   
通过对昆明市餐饮和居民生活污水厌氧模拟实验研究,初步探讨生活污水中CH4的产生规律,实验结果表明,在自然条件下,餐饮和居民生活污水中产生的甲烷浓度最大值分别为1.63 mg/L和3.82 mg/L。并且将COD、硫酸盐、硫化物、TN的浓度变化与甲烷浓度变化进行Pearson简单相关性分析,结果表明,1/COD、COD/硫酸盐和1/TN与甲烷在置信度为0.01时极显著相关,硫化物与甲烷在置信度为0.05时不相关;COD、硫酸盐和TN浓度的变化对生活污水中甲烷的产生起关键性作用。对居民生活污水中甲烷产生规律进行温度和pH控制分析研究,实验结果表明,生活污水在25~30℃时,24 h内甲烷产生量最大值为8.6494 mg/L,明显大于其他温度段的甲烷产生量;在pH为7~8之间时,甲烷的产生量在24 h内达到的最大值为3.0477 mg/L,明显高于其他pH控制段的甲烷产生量。  相似文献   
在SBR中利用光合细菌球形红细菌污泥颗粒进行模拟氯苯废水处理的初步研究,结果表明,采用球形红细菌污泥颗粒处理模拟氯苯废水的SBR系统是可行的,其降解氯苯过程符合Monod一级反应动力学方程。当进水氯苯浓度在125~187.5 mg/L变化时,处理效率都能稳定在90.5%~95.6%之间;其最佳工艺条件为反应时间6 h、DO 4.75~5.0 mg/L、沉淀时间1.5 h、污泥颗粒浓度4 000~6 000 mg/L。在污泥颗粒浓度4 000 mg/L、DO 5.0 mg/L、反应时间6 h的最佳条件下,当进水COD为748.1 mg/L、氯苯浓度100 mg/L时,COD的去除率达90.9%,处理后出水COD满足国家一级排放标准要求。  相似文献   
按照水质情况,将多种来源于不同工业生产过程中的高浓度有机废水划分为高悬浮固体乳化液废水、难生化高浓度有机废水、高悬浮固体不含油有机废水、含铬有机废水和杂质含量较少的乳化液废水5类,分别采用酸化破乳/Fen-ton氧化/混凝/絮凝、Fenton氧化/混凝/絮凝、混凝/絮凝、还原/混凝/絮凝、震动膜过滤技术作为生化预处理技术,并通过小试和中试验证了各技术的效果。实验结果表明,按照上述分类结果,采用不同预处理技术可以得到良好的效果,废水水质明显改善,满足继续生化处理的基本条件。各预处理生产装置处理效果稳定,同时生化系统已经稳定运行120天以上,COD去除率超过90%,出水经过低剂量的Fenton试剂处理后可达到《污水排入城镇下水道水质标准》(CJ343-2012)。  相似文献   
实验基于企业污水站的改造工程,研究了MBR对玉米深加工废水的处理效果并对工艺运行参数优化提出建议.结果表明,该工艺对COD的去除率可以达到90%以上,出水稳定在26 mg/L左右;出水NH4-N达到1 mg/L以下;TN去除率达到70%以上,出水TN达到10 mg/L以下,出水完全达到排放标准.通过4种工况的比较,说明在污泥浓度8 g/L左右,曝气池内DO在3 mg/L左右,MBR内DO>4 mg/L,好氧段停留时间13.5 h,并保证3h以上的缺氧段水力停留段时间的条件下,A/O+ MBR工艺可以有效去除玉米深加工废水中的污染物.  相似文献   
臭氧-BAF组合工艺对石化行业废水深度处理的中试研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用臭氧-曝气生物滤池(BAF)组合工艺对中石化九江分公司二级生化出水进行深度处理中试实验。探讨了臭氧投加量、进水水质冲击负荷等因素对该组合工艺出水COD、NH4+-N的影响。中试结果表明,在该水质条件下,臭氧最佳投加量为20~25 mg/L;组合工艺处理后出水COD低于40 mg/L,NH4+-N低于5 mg/L,达到中水回用设计标准;该组合工艺能够经受一定冲击负荷。  相似文献   
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