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从废气采样、相关参数测定、烟尘监测以及废气监测等方面,阐述了保证监测数据质量应注意的问题。结合实际,提出了提高废气监测数据质量的方法和建议。  相似文献   
丙纶强力丝在加工过程中,聚丙烯在高温下发生分解,产生有害烟气,造成操作环境污染,危害人体健康.采用提高抽风机位置,加大排风量,改进风机换气次数等措施,除烟率达85%以上.  相似文献   
介绍寒冷地区小型硫磺回收的设计特点,包括选用一、二、三级冷凝器同壳、低噪音鼓风机;试生产中的改进经验,包括过程气用蒸汽夹套保温,带有硫封的被硫储罐.  相似文献   
以麦饭石为吸附质,采用反气相色谱法测定了载气流量、麦饭石装柱质量和载气湿度对吸附等温线测定的影响,测定了苯等4种挥发性芳香类有机物在麦饭石颗粒上的吸附焓。结果表明,在水蒸汽存在的条件下,苯等4种挥发性有机物在麦饭石颗粒上的吸附能遵循理想气相色谱方程,且测得的吸附焓和其蒸发焓较接近。  相似文献   
在研究分析葫芦岛有色金属集团近年来废气治理情况的基础上,根据葫芦岛市工业区环境空气质量监测数据,通过环境空气综合污染指数评价和Spearman秩相关系数评价,分析了废气治理对环境空气质量的影响.  相似文献   
本文对发改委颁布的(《温室气体自愿减排交易管理暂行办法》进行了解读、分析其特点并指出尚需进一步解决的问题。  相似文献   
This paper presents results from a gate-to-gate analysis of the energy balance, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and economic efficiency of biochar production from palm oil empty fruit bunches (EFB). The analysis is based on data obtained from EFB combustion in a slow pyrolysis plant in Selangor, Malaysia. The outputs of the slow pyrolysis plant are biochar, syngas, bio-oil and water vapor. The net energy yield of the biochar produced in the Selangor plant is 11.47 MJ kg−1 EFB. The energy content of the biochar produced is higher than the energy required for producing the biochar, i.e. the energy balance of biochar production is positive. The combustion of EFB using diesel fuel has the largest energy demand of 2.31 MJ kg−1 EFB in the pyrolysis process. Comparatively smaller amounts of energy are required as electricity (0.39 MJ kg−1 EFB) and for transportation of biochar to the warehouse and the field (0.13 MJ kg−1 EFB). The net greenhouse gas emissions of the studied biochar production account for 0.046 kg CO2-equiv. kg−1 EFB yr−1 without considering fertilizer substitution effects and carbon accumulation from biochar in the soil. The studied biochar production is profitable where biochar can be sold for at least 533 US-$ t−1. Potential measures for improvement are discussed, including higher productivity of biochar production, reduced energy consumption and efficient use of the byproducts from the slow pyrolysis.  相似文献   
In a proton exchange membrane electrolyzer cell (PEMEC), liquid/gas diffusion layer (LGDL) is expected to transport electrons, heat, and reactants/products to and from the catalyst layer with minimum voltage, current, thermal, interfacial, and fluidic losses. In addition, carbon materials, which are typically used in PEM fuel cells (PEMFCs), are unsuitable in PEMECs due to the high ohmic potential and highly oxidative environment of the oxygen electrode. In this study, a set of titanium gas diffusion layers with different thicknesses and porosities are designed and examined coupled with the development of a robust titanium bipolar plate. It has been found that the performance of electrolyzer improves along with a decrease in thickness or porosity of the anode LGDL of titanium woven meshes. The ohmic resistance of anode LGDL and contact resistance between anode LGDL and the anode catalyst play dominant roles in electrolyzer performance, and better performance can be obtained by reducing ohmic resistance. Thin titanium LGDLs with straight-through pores and optimal pore morphologies are recommended for the future developments of low-cost LGDLs with minimum ohmic/transport losses.  相似文献   
对影响玻璃熔窑SCR烟气脱硝设计的几个主要因素,如烟气条件(烟气量和NOx初始浓度)、还原剂、催化剂、SCR反应器布置方式及催化剂吹灰方式等进行了分析与讨论,指出在对玻璃熔窑进行SCR烟气脱硝设计时应根据燃料情况、烟气条件、生产工艺、环保法规及污染物减排要求等合理进行选择,以确保玻璃熔窑SCR烟气脱硝系统安全运行及工程投资、运行费用的经济合理性。  相似文献   
气相色谱经加装双ECD检测器,实现单塔双柱双检测器测定农产品中有机氯、拟除虫菊酯类农药残留,在不须关机换色谱柱情况下实现双柱定性定量分析。该方法可节约大量定性分析时间,通过百菌清、氯氟氰菊酯、三唑酮、氯氰菊酯的加标回收试验,平均回收率为95.0%~102.5%,相对标准偏差为1.88%~3.72%,方法稳定可靠。  相似文献   
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