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There has been considerable research on North–South issues on climate change; however, little work has been done on how the recent discovery of oil in some developing countries could affect North–South relations, the prospects for development for the South, climate change and local socio-environmental issues. Using the theory of inclusive development, the concept of the Right to Development, and their relation to stranded assets, this paper addresses the question: what does inclusive development imply at the national and global level in dealing with oil extraction in the context of climate change? Based on a literature review and a layered case study of Kenya, this paper concludes that (a) Kenyans argue that Kenya has a right to extract and use oil resources and that rich countries should reduce their extraction and use; (b) such a claim could be integrated in an appropriate emissions trading scheme; and that (c) Kenya should also account for the national and local socioecological aspects to reduce potential local conflict, yet the conditions favoring inclusive development are not yet established. However, such an argument may also lead to perverse results. If addressing climate change requires phasing out fossil fuels, this argument may lead to stranded assets in both developed and developing countries, and may ironically leave developing countries poorer off as stranded assets are possibly more expensive than having stranded resources.  相似文献   
In 2015, member countries of the United Nations adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals at the Sustainable Development Summit in New York. These global goals have 169 targets and 232 indicators that are based on the three pillars of sustainable development: economic, social, and environmental. Substantial challenges remain in obtaining data of the required quality, especially in developing countries, given the often limited resources available. One promising and innovative way of addressing this issue of data availability is to use Earth observation (EO). This paper presents the results of research to develop a novel analytical framework for assessing the potential of EO approaches to populate the SDG indicators. We present a Maturity Matrix Framework and apply it to all of the 232 SDG indicators. The results demonstrate that although the applicability of EO‐derived data do vary between the Sustainable Development Goal indicators, overall, EO has an important contribution to make towards populating a wide diversity of the Sustainable Development Goals indicators.  相似文献   
Complying with the requirements of sustainability development is a very high priority for the business community. The United Nations' 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (UN_SDGs) pose new challenges for firms, which have to adjust their operations and strategies to the requirements of SDGs. In this context, this paper aims to develop a methodological framework for evaluating the level of alignment of corporate sustainability reporting practices with the scope of UN_SDGs. Based on disclosure topics from Global Reporting Initiative and a scoring system, an evaluation framework was developed in order to assess the quality of information published in sustainability reports with respect to each UN_SDG. An empirical analysis was performed in a sample of sustainability reports in order to examine the structure and the applicability of the proposed methodological framework. The outcomes of the empirical analysis reflect some implications for future research on the UN_SDG reporting practices.  相似文献   
目标间关系是影响可持续发展目标执行的重要挑战。本文回顾了关于目标间权衡和协同关系的研究成果,梳理了既有研究中平衡目标间关系的评估方法以及可以促进多目标实现的政策创新手段,总结了影响监测评估和政策手段发挥作用的因素。研究发现:目标间普遍存在部分或整体性的权衡和协同关系;以综合指数法和事前评估法为代表的评估方法开始转向关注目标间复杂的联动关系;减贫、减排、土地政策以及清洁生产和多元利益主体协作机制对目标的整体实现有助益;监测评估作用的发挥受限于数据管理和绩效测量方法的选择,政策手段的效果在一定程度上受到治理能力和既有制度安排的影响。最后,对未来中国落实可持续发展目标提出了展望和建议,要确立中国可持续发展目标间的整体关系,加强对目标执行和实现的事前评估能力,将更多本土化的SDGs指标纳入国家中长期发展规划。  相似文献   
Critical discourse analysis is employed to examine discourses of the private sector within key texts of the Millennium Development Goals and the Sustainable Development Goals. Taking a genealogical approach, four discourses are identified in the literature: the dominant, pro‐private sector discourse, showing unconditional support for the private sector; the sceptical discourse; the middle‐ground discourse with new approaches, specifically designed to leverage development relevance; and the antiprivate sector discourse, which considers that current approaches to the private sector will not be conducive to sustainable development of the global South. The pro‐private sector discourse was found to be predominant within the global goals, reflecting the post‐Washington Consensus as well as the role of the developed countries and the corporate sector in their formulation. All discourses on the private sector, however, place an emphasis on economic and social development at the expense of the key environmental component of sustainable development.  相似文献   
Water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) are at the core of sustainable development. As we embark on a new round of global goals, namely the Sustainable Development Goals, a top priority is to address a coherent framework for monitoring these services. In the coming years, the sector will witness the development of a variety of multidimensional monitoring measures, albeit from different perspectives. This paper reviews the relevant literature and discusses the adequacy and applicability of one approach that is increasingly adopted for multidimensional poverty measurement at the household level, the Alkire‐Foster methodology. Drawing on this method, we identify and combine a set of direct household‐related water and sanitation deprivations that batter a person at the same time. This new multidimensional measure is useful for gaining a better understanding of the context in which WaSH services are delivered. It captures both the incidence and intensity of WaSH poverty, and provides a new tool to support monitoring and reporting. For illustrative purposes, one small town in Mozambique is selected as the initial case study.  相似文献   
Business can play a critical role in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Contextually, business reporting on the SDGs can support organizations in planning, implementing, measuring, and communicating their SDG efforts. This study investigates the relationship between early adoption of SDG reporting and a series of organizational factors by combining data from two databases—provided by the Global Reporting Initiative and Orbis—to identify the organizations that addressed the SDGs in their sustainability reports and their respective structural characteristics. The study, using a logit model based on data from 408 organizations worldwide, indicates that early adoption of SDG reporting is related to a larger size, a higher level of intangible assets, a higher commitment to sustainability frameworks and external assurance, a higher share of female directors, and a younger board of directors. The study contributes to the academic and practical understanding of factors related to the decision to engage early in new sustainability frameworks and practices.  相似文献   
Ensuring the conservation of wild relatives of domesticated animals that are important food sources for humans forms part of targets for both the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). There is, however, no indicator allowing progress toward these aims to be measured. We identified 30 domesticated mammal and bird taxa that are sources of food for humans and consider 55 mammal and 449 bird species to be their wild relatives. We developed a Red List Index for these wild relatives, which declined by 2.02% between 1988 and 2016. Currently, 15 species are Critically Endangered, indicating that the Red List Index could deteriorate sharply unless action is taken to ensure the survival of highly threatened species and the reversal of their declines. This Index can meet a range of global policy needs, including reporting on progress toward Aichi Target 13 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020 and SDG Target 2.5.  相似文献   
The changing status of the global environment, in both developed and developing countries, and our perception of these changes since the convening of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972 are reviewed. The present as well as potential future environmental issues facing mankind are discussed under three interrelated broad categories: interrelationship between people, resources, environment and development, rational use of natural resources and new patterns of development and lifestyle.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the development impact of mining and mineral processing on the regions in which they are located. The discussion is organized so as to be of relevance for policy formulation in resource-rich developing countries which consider the exploitation of their mineral wealth. The hypothesis is that mining technology, interpreted in a broad sense, has undergone a profound change since 1900. In consequence, experiences of mineralbased regional development in the industrialized countries around the turn of the century are of little relevance to the Third World in the 1980s. Contemporary mineral ventures have very weak regional development repercussions in the absence of forceful policies specifically directed towards the regional development goal.  相似文献   
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