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The dominant use of coal in power sectors has been associated with adverse environmental impacts. Ambient air monitoring for the two size fractions of particulate matter, respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM) and non-respirable suspended particulate matter (NRSPM) in the downwind and upwind directions of a large coal-fired power station in central India, was carried out. Collected samples of ambient particulate matter were analysed atomic absorption spectrophotometrically for 15 elements. Spatial variability in elemental composition of RSPM and NRSPM and the degree of enrichment of these toxic metals in RSPM were investigated. A significant spatial variability for the elements in RSPM and NRSPM and higher degrees of enrichment of the elements were observed.  相似文献   
用伴随方法对毒气泄漏事件进行危害评估   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
由于自然、人为等因素造成的有毒气体泄漏事件随时威胁着人们的生命安全。对于这类突发事故进行危害评估 ,在应急救援中 ,可以给决策者提供参考 ,使之采取有效措施 ,最大限度地降低事故危害程度 ,减少事故恶果及引起的恐慌。由于毒气泄漏位置事先无法确定 ,如果用常规方法进行逐点评估 ,将面临着巨大的计算量而难以进行。笔者发展了一种伴随方法 ,对风险函数的表达式进行等价变形 ,通过求解伴随方程 ,可以一次求得任意位置的毒气泄漏的风险值 ,大大降低计算量和工作量。此法在化学工厂和仓库设置 ,煤气网铺设和监测点选取 ,城市应急中心设置等多种安全规划中均有重要价值 ,为快速危害评估 ,降低化学事故危害提供了有力的研究工具和实用方法。  相似文献   
半刚性路面基层环境影响评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用输人输出模型,通过清单分析和归一化处理对我国典型的路面基层材料水泥稳定粒料与石灰稳定粒料以及几种工业固体废弃物路面基层材料的环境影响进行了研究并和水泥混凝土进行了对比.结果表明,工业固体废弃物路面基层对资源能源消耗量少,生产过程中固体废弃物、温室气体、酸雨气体的排放量小.和我国目前广泛使用的水泥稳定粒料相比,其环境影响较小,而且可以被再循环用作水泥生产的混合材,是一类典型的生态建筑材料.  相似文献   
City hazardous gas monitoring network   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In our today's societies, many dangerous chemicals are produced and transported. Due to the vast use of chemicals, more chemical accidents are taking place with huge losses. In this study a city hazardous gas monitoring network was designed to detect the dispersion of toxic and combustible gases in the primary stages. The network could cover hazardous chemical facilities, important hazardous chemical routes, warehouses and special locations which may be the targets of terrorist attacks. The network is consisted of several local networks and a central control panel complex. Each local network has a local control panel in the center and many detectors and sounders around it at distances less than 3000 m that communicate with the local control panels wirelessly. In each location there are two types of gas detectors, toxic and combustible, and a sounder which are equipped with a wireless, radio frequency modem allowing the units to communicate readings and other information on a real-time basis with a remotely located local control panel. High sensitive Photo Ionization Detectors, PIDs, are used to provide fast and low-level on-site screening for chemicals contamination. Combustible gas detectors are the second choice to sense the combustible gas and verify the readings of PIDs in this regard. The central panel consists of several connected control panels work uniquely helping a computer set and the appropriate software and communicate with local control panels via telephone lines. All of the network components are shown on the monitor of central panel with special symbols by geographical information system program. The system is fully addressable so that the high level detection of a detector produces a blinking color double-circle around its symbol in GIS plan. In case of high level gas detection, a team of experts who are fully equipped with different portable detectors depart to the site to test the field to identify the chemicals. All readings of detectors are saved in a data bank and then analyzed to find any chemicals spills and leakages. The network was simulated by a special program so that the components of local networks and the central panel are shown in separate windows. By clicking on one detector on environmental window the formerly designed responses will be activated in central panel window.  相似文献   
工业设施受恐怖袭击风险评价方法研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
鉴于全球范围恐怖活动日益猖獗的形势,无论从学术研究还是维护社会安全稳定的角度,恐怖袭击都应作为一个重要的风险因素加以深入研究.恐怖袭击事故是由恐怖分子策划和实施的,其风险机理不同于系统失效或人为失误造成的事故机理.科学地分析、预测和预防恐怖袭击的风险成为当前安全科学领域面临的新课题.本文对国内外相关研究的进展做了较详细的评述,提出了对重要工业设施和公共设施在加强传统安全管理的同时要加强脆弱性评价和保安管理体系建设等建议.  相似文献   
徐州市职业安全卫生工作探讨   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
本文概略描述了徐州市职业安全卫生各组成部门的工作情况。指出职业病危害存在患者待遇不落实、职业危害项目转移、职业健康检查滞后、工作场所职业危害因素检测、评价制度不健全的状况。调查发现,职业卫生工作存在5个方面的问题:现有职业卫生法律法规不够完善;对职业危害防治工作的支持力度不够;部门之间的协作机制有待加强;执法监督力量不足;企业法制意识淡漠。最后,提出解决问题的应对办法。  相似文献   
本文对西部某老工业区土壤中As、Pb、Cr、Cd、Hg、Zn的含量、空间分布状况展开了研究,并依据《污染场地风险评估技术导则》对该老工业区的健康风险进行了评价。研究结果表明,该老工业区土壤重金属污染严重,6种元素与陕西土壤背景值相比超标100%,表明其不适宜作为居住用地开发。健康风险评价结果显示,As、Pb、Cr、Cd元素的非致癌风险值分别为3.83、1.7、1.94、1.09,均超过非致癌风险可接受值1,表明该老工业区对人们存在非致癌健康风险;对于致癌风险,As、Cr、Cd元素的致癌风险值远大于致癌风险边界值,分别超过致癌风险值的2个数量级(2.64×10-4)、4个数量级(1.94×10-2)、1个数量级(6.12×10-5),表示As和Cr已经达到了显著致癌风险的水平。  相似文献   
“十二五”是我国全面建成小康社会的关键阶段,又由于环境和资源禀赋方面的制约,提高能源效率成为我国经济和社会发展的内在需求.从能源强度的角度出发,分析了我国产业结构和能源效率现状,采用完全因素分解法,从产业结构的角度人手对全国能源效率的影响因素进行了研究.结果表明,技术因素是我国能源效率提高的主要推动力,第二产业对能源效率的影响远远大于第一和第三产业.  相似文献   

The participative standard with feedback condition was superior to the assigned difficult (140% of normal) standard with feedback condition in terms of worker productivity. The percentage increase in worker productivity with the participative standard and feedback condition was 46%, whereas the increase in the assigned difficult standard with feedback was 23%, compared to the control group (no standard, no feedback). Worker productivity also Improved significantly as a result of assigning a normal (100%) production standard with feedback, compared to the control group, and the increase was 12%. The participative standard with feedback condition emerges as the optimum strategy for improving worker productivity in a repetitive industrial production task.  相似文献   
Introduction. The majority of industrial accidents occur because of human errors. Human error has different causes, however, in all cases cognitive abilities and limitations of human play an important role. Occupational cognitive failures are cognitively-based human errors that occur at work. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between occupational cognitive failures and safety consequences. Method. Personnel of a large industrial company in Iran filled out an occupational cognitive failure questionnaire (OCFQ) and answered questions on accidents. Univariate and multiple logistic regression analysis were used to determine the relationship between cognitive failures and safety consequences. Results. According to developed regression models, personnel with a high rate of cognitive failure, in comparison to low rate, have a high risk of minor injury involvement (OR 5.1, 95% CI [2.62, 10.3]); similar results were for major injury and near miss. Discussion. The results of this study revealed usefulness of the OCFQ as a tool of predicting safety-related consequences and planning preventive actions.  相似文献   
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