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刘鑫  向伟  司炳成 《环境科学》2021,42(4):1739-1749
汾河流域是黄河的第二大支流,本文利用Piper三线图、Gibbs模型、主成分分析法、相关矩阵和正向演替模型等方法,分析了汾河流域浅层地下水的水化学和氢氧稳定同位素分布特征及其控制因素,揭示了流域水循环及水质演化过程.结果 表明,汾河流域地下水属弱碱性和微硬水;优势阴阳离子分别为HCO3-和Ca2+;地下水水化学类型以M...  相似文献   
基于农户生计演化的山地生态恢复研究综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
农户生计演化对山地生态系统恢复的影响是恢复生态学和乡村地理学关注的焦点。针对该学术背景,论文对国内外相关研究进行了总结,系统梳理了农户生计变化的内涵、驱动因素及其对山地生态系统恢复的影响;得出农户生计变化与山地生态系统演化是紧密相关的,农户生计状况最终决定着山地生态系统的特征,农户生计的改善往往驱动着山地生态系统的正向演替。最后,针对当前的研究和实践现状,建议进一步加强对农户生计和生态恢复相互关系的研究;针对当前的新农村建设和环境保护项目,要深入探究其对农户生计乃至山地生态系统恢复的影响;并建议优化中国地方官员考核标准,增强各级部门对农户生计以及环境保护的重视。  相似文献   
The increasing environmental awareness caused by the green movement has led to changes in attitude towards our traditionally wasteful society. Recent surveys in Hong Kong have shown that waste recycling has gained increasing verbal support among its citizens. This paper reports on recent findings which reveals that some discrepancies exist between people's attitude and behaviour towards waste recycling. The implication of this phenomenon on how and when a waste recycling policy should be carried out is considerable. Two major types of barriers to waste recycling and reduction were evident. Technical barriers to recycling included lack of appropriate information, lack of conveniently located bins and of temporary storage space, whilst the most critical barrier to paper waste recycling was the presence of non-recyclable materials in some paper items. Psychological barriers included the attitude of being troubled, and that too little waste was involved to be worth the effort. Technical barriers were found to dominate in commercial paper waste recycling, and can usually be overcome while psychological barriers were more significant in household waste recycling and are more difficult to solve. Thus, it might be concluded that, if a large scale household waste recycling programme were in place in Hong Kong, more effort should be devoted towards educating the public, to eliminate as many psychological barriers as possible. Findings from attitude surveys on recycling can provide valuable information for policy makers. However, a review of the literature indicates that findings from attitudinal and self-reported behavioural surveys may exaggerate the proportion of those who have a favourable attitude towards the surveyed subject matter. Thus, it is prudent for policy makers to consider the response rate of the surveys also.  相似文献   
一种解毒健脾中药驱除有毒重金属的机理研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在38.5±1℃,硝酸钾维持离子强度为0.1的条件下,用pH电位滴定法测定了一种解毒健脾中药有效成分与铅、镉、汞等离子形成的各各配合物的表观稳定常数,得到了在不同pH条件下该中该药与金属离子混合体系中各配合物组分的物种分布图,发现在与人体生理pH相近的条件下,该中药与铅、镉、汞等离子有良好的结合能力,其排除体内有毒重金属的效果远好于传统的EDTA-Zn盐,并且对体内必需微量元素Zn的存在不会产生明  相似文献   
采用室内培养试验研究了不同镉浓度(1、5、10和15 mg·kg-1)及pH条件下(4、5、6、7和8)纳米沸石和普通沸石施用量(0、5、10和20 g·kg-1)对土壤镉形态分布和CEC的影响,并通过盆栽试验研究了纳米沸石和普通沸石施用量对大白菜生长、镉含量及积累量的影响.结果表明,施用纳米沸石和普通沸石均显著降低了土壤可交换态镉(EX-F)含量和FDC(即土壤中镉的某种形态占总镉的质量分数),增加了碳酸盐结合态(CAB-F)、铁锰氧化态(FMO-F)、有机态(OM-F)和残渣态(RES-F)镉含量和FDC.培养结束时,沸石处理使可交换态镉FDC从0 d时的72.0%~88.0%降至2.4%~10.7%,各处理土壤镉主要以可交换态存在.土壤pH与土壤EX-F镉含量存在极显著的负相关关系(P0.01),与FMO-F和OM-F镉含量存在极显著的正相关(P0.01).土壤CEC与土壤EX-F镉含量均存在极显著负相关关系(P0.01).施用沸石使大白菜植株各部位干重较对照增加了14.3%~131.4%,地上部和根镉含量分别降低了1.0%~75.0%和3.8%~53.2%.新晋菜三号各部位镉含量和镉积累量明显高于山东四号品种.与普通沸石相比,纳米沸石显著提高大白菜生物量的同时,也显著降低了大白菜镉含量及镉积累量.  相似文献   
活动大陆造山带大多以活跃的断裂错断及褶皱发育为特征,这些过程同时改变区域高程与地势,进而影响气候变化的进程。位于我国西北部的天山山脉南北两侧均发育有明显的三列褶皱-断裂系统。根据褶皱地层中前生长地层和生长地层均可计算区域地层的隆起高度。东天山北侧近平行分布着齐古、玛纳斯和独山子褶皱-逆冲带,根据前生长地层能够开展区域隆升过程分析和天山生长历史恢复。本文通过三列褶皱-断裂体系地层组成分析及地层变形特征测量,获得天山平均高程在中新世早期约1800米,在中新世晚期约2600米,而晚上新世与现在高度接近。结合前人对中新世以前区域高程的恢复数据,天山北侧褶皱和断裂活动是区域生长的主要构造形式,也造成了区域阶段性隆升。  相似文献   
为调整外商中的投资环境保护问题,我佃环境法已经形成了一个包括宪法性规范,专项单行立法,地方性法规及国际公约等多层次的法律框架。我国将外商投资项目分为鼓励允许、限制禁止四类,并规定了外商投资应遵循的若干环境管理措施。但总体上看我国环境法还存在立法和执法缺陷,亟待完善。  相似文献   
Results of a survey of 156 Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) grow-out farms around Hongze Lake (118.48–118.72°E; 33.36–33.38°N) are reported. Area farmed has remained relatively unchanged but production (59 932 t in 2012) increased steadily over the last 7 years, indicative of the viability and sustainability of the farming system that has gradually replaced intensive Chinese major carp polyculture around Hongze Lake. Results showed that production range was 135–2400 kg ha−1 cycle−1 (mean 1144 ± 34). Crab yields correlated linearly to stocking density and conformed to a normal distribution curve, with 66.7 % of farms yielding 900 kg ha−1 cycle−1 or more. Yield was negatively correlated to pond size and capture size (p < 0.01), and farms with macrophyte coverage rate lower than 30 % of water surface were significantly (p < 0.05) lower than those exceeding 30 %.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s13280-015-0722-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
随着技术水平提升及生活水平的提高,家电产品的更新换代也越来越快,废旧家电的末端治理问题亟待优化。以北京市为例,运用等维灰数递补动态预测方法研究4类主要家电的销量,发现自2010年起,北京市的家电销售量迅猛增长,并在此基础上预测了2013--2016年废旧家电的产生量,并就规范当前回收体系提出可行一性建议。  相似文献   
In the environment of a lead smeltery contamination with lead, zinc and cadmium was measured over a 15-year period. Efficient bag filters were installed in order to remove dust from the flue gases. This measure of improvement resulted in a drastic reduction of lead, zinc and cadmium content in suspended particles (by 92, 94 and 89%), to a lesser extent in depositions (by 79, 75 and 68%), whereas in household dust the reduction was considerably lower (by 53, 55 and 70%). It can be assumed that household dust contains also redispersed soil particles on which the dust from the smeltery flue gases has deposited over years. To determine to what extent contaminated soil continues to cause increased population exposure directly or through plants or pastures, in the period 1981–1985 the content of metallic ions in the soil was measured at three depths. Selective solubility of soil metallic compounds was analysed in water, in 1 mol ammoniumacetate solution and in 0.05 mol ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (EDTA) solution in relation to their solubility in suspended particles, depositions and household dust. A considerably low portion of soluble metallic compounds was found in the soil and physico-chemical characteristics of the soil and portion of metallic ions bound to fulvice and humic acids were determined. The behaviour of metallic ions in contact with soil samples was studied in laboratory and it was found that approximately 50% of lead, 70% of zinc and 7% of cadmium ions change into non-soluble or poorly soluble compounds. By qualitative phase analysis in the non-soluble fraction PbO2, Pb3P4O13, Zn(OH)2, ZnO, Fe2O3 and Cd(OH)2 were identified.  相似文献   
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