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Anderson, SallyRose, Glenn Tootle, and Henri Grissino‐Mayer, 2012. Reconstructions of Soil Moisture for the Upper Colorado River Basin Using Tree‐Ring Chronologies. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(4): 849‐858. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00651.x Abstract: Soil moisture is an important factor in the global hydrologic cycle, but existing reconstructions of historic soil moisture are limited. We used tree‐ring chronologies to reconstruct annual soil moisture in the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB). Gridded soil moisture data were spatially regionalized using principal components analysis and k‐nearest neighbor techniques. We correlated moisture sensitive tree‐ring chronologies in and adjacent to the UCRB with regional soil moisture and tested the relationships for temporal stability. Chronologies that were positively correlated and stable for the calibration period were retained. We used stepwise linear regression to identify the best predictor combinations for each soil moisture region. The regressions explained 42‐78% of the variability in soil moisture data. We performed reconstructions for individual soil moisture grid cells to enhance understanding of the disparity in reconstructive skill across the regions. Reconstructions that used chronologies based on ponderosa pines (Pinus ponderosa) and pinyon pines (Pinus edulis) explained more variance in the datasets. Reconstructed soil moisture data was standardized and compared with standardized reconstructed streamflow and snow water equivalent data from the same region. Soil moisture and other hydrologic variables were highly correlated, indicating reconstructions of soil moisture in the UCRB using tree‐ring chronologies successfully represent hydrologic trends.  相似文献   
Jin, Xin and Venkataramana Sridhar, 2012. Impacts of Climate Change on Hydrology and Water Resources in the Boise and Spokane River Basins. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(2): 197‐220. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00605.x Abstract: In the Pacific Northwest, warming climate has resulted in a lengthened growing season, declining snowpack, and earlier timing of spring runoff. This study characterizes the impact of climate change in two basins in Idaho, the Spokane River and the Boise River basins. We simulated the basin‐scale hydrology by coupling the downscaled precipitation and temperature outputs from a suite of global climate models and the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), between 2010 and 2060 and assess the impacts of climate change on water resources in the region. For the Boise River basin, changes in precipitation ranged from ?3.8 to 36%. Changes in temperature were expected to be between 0.02 and 3.9°C. In the Spokane River region, changes in precipitation were expected to be between ?6.7 and 17.9%. Changes in temperature appeared between 0.1 and 3.5°C over a period of the next five decades between 2010 and 2060. Without bias‐correcting the simulated streamflow, in the Boise River basin, change in peak flows (March through June) was projected to range from ?58 to +106 m3/s and, for the Spokane River basin, the range was expected to be from ?198 to +88 m3/s. Both the basins exhibited substantial variability in precipitation, evapotranspiration, and recharge estimates, and this knowledge of possible hydrologic impacts at the watershed scale can help the stakeholders with possible options in their decision‐making process.  相似文献   
Angradi, Ted R., David W. Bolgrien, Matt A. Starry, and Brian H. Hill, 2012. Modeled Summer Background Concentration of Nutrients and Suspended Sediment in the Mid‐Continent (USA) Great Rivers. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(5): 1054‐1070. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00669.x Abstract: We used regression models to predict summer background concentration of total nitrogen (N), total phosphorus (P), and total suspended solids (TSS), in the mid‐continent great rivers: the Upper Mississippi, the Lower Missouri, and the Ohio. From multiple linear regressions of water quality indicators with land use and other stressor variables, we determined the concentration of the indicators when the predictor variables were all set to zero — the y‐intercept. Except for total P on the Upper Mississippi River, we could predict background concentration using regression models. Predicted background concentration of total N was about the same on the Upper Mississippi and Lower Missouri Rivers (430 μg l?1), which was lower than percentile‐based values, but was similar to concentrations derived from the response of sestonic chlorophyll a to great river total N concentration. Background concentration of total P on the Lower Missouri (65 μg l?1) was also lower than published and percentile‐based concentrations. Background TSS concentration was higher on the Lower Missouri (40 mg l?1) than the other rivers. Background TSS concentration on the Upper Mississippi (16 mg l?1) was below a threshold (30 mg l?1) designed to protect aquatic vegetation. Our model‐predicted concentrations for the great rivers are an attempt to estimate background concentrations for water quality indicators independent from thresholds based on percentiles or derived from stressor‐response relationships.  相似文献   
人工浮床对汾江河水质净化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对佛山市汾江河内布置浮床的水域的7个断面进行采样监测,分析了布置浮床侧与未布置浮床侧各水质指标的差异,以考察人工浮床对汾江河水质的净化效果。同时比较了圆币草、水罂粟、梭鱼草、狐尾草、美人蕉和鸢尾6种浮床植物的生物量和氮磷吸收量。结果表明,布置人工浮床一侧的水质TN、TP、COD和NH4+-N含量均显著低于未布置浮床一侧的水质,表明人工浮床对水体水质的有净化效果。总面积约4 900 m2的浮床植物经过3个月的生长,从水体中共吸收了192.5 kg的氮和76.1 kg的磷。6种浮床植物中,狐尾草的净增生物量最高,达到64.2 kg/m2;圆币草次之,为62.2 kg/m2。狐尾草和圆币草对氮磷的吸收能力在6种植物中处于较高水平,每平方米狐尾草和圆币草从水体中分别吸收了51.61g氮、19.79 g磷和46.90 g氮、22.93 g磷。综合比较得出,狐尾草和圆币草在生物量和氮磷吸收量上均保持在较高水平,是较好的浮床植物。本研究为人工浮床在南方类似河流中的应用及植物选择提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
对辽河油田欢喜岭采油厂在事故状态下污染物排放对大凌河水域环境的影响进行预测研究。计算了洪水淹没、油罐冒顶泄漏、油井井喷泄漏、联合站泄漏、管道泄漏、暴雨径流带走落地油等16种情景下对该河流水质的影响情况,并建立数学模型,进行情景模拟。研究结果表明,事故状态下对大凌河水质影响的次序由大到小依次为:洪水淹没、油罐冒顶泄漏、油井井喷泄漏、联合站泄漏、管道泄漏、暴雨径流。  相似文献   
长江三角洲生产性服务业的空间分布特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在国家层面,生产性服务业向大都市地区聚集的趋势十分明显;在地区层面,生产性服务业在都市核心区集群化发展日益凸显。长三角地区生产性服务业发展不平衡,总体上初步形成了以上海生产性服务业与其他城市现代制造业相互促进的发展局面,产业之间的联系更加紧密,横向联系日益加强,推动着长三角地区产业竞争力和区域竞争力的提升。  相似文献   
A comprehensive evaluation of organic contamination was performed in sediments sampled in two reference and three impacted small streams where endocrine disruptive (ED) effects in fish have been evidenced. The approach combined quantitative chemical analyses of more than 50 ED chemicals (EDCs) and a battery of in vitro bioassays allowing the quantification of receptor-mediated activities, namely estrogen (ER), androgen (AR), dioxin (AhR) and pregnane X (PXR) receptors. At the most impacted sites, chemical analyses showed the presence of natural estrogens, organochlorine pesticides, parabens, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (16 PAHs), bisphenol A and alkylphenols, while synthetic steroids, myco-estrogens and phyto-estrogens were not detected. Determination of toxic-equivalent amounts showed that 28-96% of estrogenic activities in bioassays (0.2-6.3 ng/g 17β-estradiol equivalents) were explained by 17β-estradiol and estrone. PAHs were major contributors (20-60%) to the total dioxin-like activities. Interestingly, high PXR and (anti)AR activities were detected; however, the targeted analysed compounds could not explain the measured biological activities. This study highlighted the presence of multiple organic EDCs in French river sediments subjected to mixed diffuse pollution, and argues for the need to further identify AR and PXR active compounds in the aquatic environment.  相似文献   
以太湖15个入湖河流之一的社渎港为研究对象,利用社渎港流域的水环境质量监测数据、工业企业污染排放调查数据、环境统计数据及社会经济统计数据,对社渎港流域产业结构的合理性进行了诊断,并采用典型相关分析方法探讨了产业结构演变对水环境的影响。结果表明,研究区的工业污染总体上得到了较好控制,其中屺亭街道的工业污染排放最为严重;城乡生活污染和农业面源污染是研究区水环境质量恶化的主要原因,城乡生活污染对COD和氨氮入河量的贡献率较高,分别为46.59%和60.55%,农业面源污染对TN和TP入河量的贡献率突出,分别为64.05%和76.50%;研究区产业结构与钱纳里三次产业结构模式(产业结构合理程度的参照标准)的Hamming贴近度从2001年的0.83下降到2007年的0.77,产业结构不尽合理,且不合理程度逐渐加剧;研究区第一产业对TN和TP入河量的影响最为显著,第三产业对氨氮和COD入河量的影响最为明显;可通过优化产业结构来减轻研究区的水环境污染状况,产业结构调整的主要目标应为降低第二产业产值比例及增加第三产业产值比例。  相似文献   
2005年秋季长江口及其邻近水域浮游植物群集   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用Utermhl分析方法,对长江口及其邻近水域(30.5° ~ 32.5° N,121.0° ~ 123.5° E)2005年秋季浮游植物进行了分析,并对其与环境之间的关系做了进一步的探讨。结果表明:调查区初步鉴定浮游植物95种(含变种和变型),硅藻是主要的浮游植物类群,其丰度比例达到93.1%;生态类型多为温带近岸种,少数为暖水种和大洋种;优势种主要为中肋骨条藻〖WTBX〗(Skeletonema costatum)、具槽帕拉藻(Paralia sulcata)、菱形海线藻(Thalassionema nitzschioides)和圆海链藻(Thalassiosira rotula)〖WTBZ〗;浮游植物平均丰度为2.04 cells/mL,高值出现在长江口门偏南水域;Margalef指数、Shannon Wiener指数以及Pielou指数的分布显示:秋季调查区离岸海域浮游植物多样性程度高,物种均一性好。Pearson相关分析结果显示:海水温度和硝酸盐含量是控制调查区浮游植物分布格局的主要环境因子;优势种中肋骨条藻与温度呈极显著负相关,与硝酸盐呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   
长江流域常量元素的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年4月到5月对长江干流及主要支流河水中常量元素(Ca 2+,K+,Na+,Mg2+,Cl-,SO2-4及碱度)进行了测定,并对常量元素的含量及影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,长江阳离子以钙为主,占阳离子总量的40%~80%;而阴离子主要为HCO-3,占阴离子总量的60%~90%;阴阳离子含量顺序为HCO-3>SO2-4>Cl-,Ca 2+>Na+ >Mg 2+>K+。长江干流及主要支流河水的常量离子主要来自于岩石的风化,主要受碳酸盐类溶解的控制,硅酸盐类的风化过程较弱。而大气沉降的影响很小,只有SO2-4受大气沉降影响较大。长江干流的Na+、Mg2+、Ca2+、HCO-3和Cl-主要来自于上游,下游只是对上游的简单稀释,而没有额外来源。与世界上其它大河相比,长江的常量离子浓度处于较高的水平;温带地区的河流河水中常量离子的含量常处于较高的水平;热带地区的河流河水中常量离子的含量相对较低。  相似文献   
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