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电子废弃物回收再利用属于逆向物流。阐述了我国电子废弃物物流的特点和模式,系统分析了电子废弃物物流框架,重点阐明在电子废弃物回收再利用中各责任方的安全职责:电子产品生产者具有全面责任;消费者具有经济责任和物质责任;政府管理部门具有宏观调控和监督协调责任;物流方有微观控制和安全保管的责任。  相似文献   
介绍了沈阳市环境污染责任保险推进情况、推进方法及配套政策措施,明确了沈阳市环境污染责任保险参保企业的确定原则,结合当前沈阳市该险种推进过程中存在的法律法规缺失造成环境污染责任保险推进不力、企业投保意识不强、环境专门机构与保险公司的协调配合有待于进一步加强相关问题,提出了选择适合的环境污染责任保险模式、加强环保部门与保险行业的合作、将环境污染责任险推进融入到环境监理工作中等建议及对策。  相似文献   
新冠肺炎疫情暴发一年多以来,国际国内形势仍面临极大不确定性。疫情显著降低了短期排放水平,但是经济恢复政策和疫情发展形势的不确定使得对未来经济发展和碳排放的判断变得复杂,碳排放是否会反弹对实现《巴黎协定》目标造成挑战,已经投入运行的全国碳市场能多大程度发挥政策效果等问题值得关注。本文首先定量评估了疫情对经济和环境的短期和长期的影响,基于此分析疫情后全国碳市场政策的实施效果。结果显示:疫情造成中国经济活动以及碳排放短期显著下降,2020年中国全年的GDP增长较基准情景下降3.84%,能源消费和碳排放分别较基准情景下降4.47%和5.12%。但是,接下来的十年内,GDP会逐渐恢复至基准情景,累计碳排放较基准情景增加0.06%。在没有其他气候政策干预的情况下,疫情带来的短期减排效应不足以保障中国各项气候目标的实现,落实碳市场政策十分必要。疫情之后启动全国碳市场,可以促进投资、减少能源使用和碳排放,到2030年,能源消费将下降7.44%,碳排放下降10.49%,碳价为229.73元/t。国外疫情若在2021年还不能得到控制,将会继续影响中国的对外贸易,使得中国GDP损失略有提高,但不会改变国内疫情之后经济恢复的大趋势。  相似文献   
Environmental federalism considers what level of government should optimally regulate pollution. This paper addresses this question for accidental pollution, which government regulates through the ex post liability regimes of either negligence or strict liability. We find that decentralizing the choice between these regimes does not, in general, induce the socially optimal outcome. When firms can pay all damages, all regions may choose negligence and impose an overly strict standard of due care. When firms may be bankrupted by damages, all regions may choose strict liability, which induces too little care. In addition, asymmetric equilibria are possible in which some regions choose negligence, others strict liability. Combining negligence with a Pigovian tax, or strict liability with a bonding requirement can align regional authorities' incentives with those of a central government.  相似文献   

Civil society’s potential as a force for solving complex societal problems – particularly those that require a challenge to the status quo – has provoked practical and theoretical interest, with its potential largely reliant on the perception that it is a ready if variable source of social capital resources. However, there are no guarantees that civil society will use its social capital for the greater good. Civil society encompasses a range of groups, some more inward-looking and oriented to private interests, and others more outward-looking and oriented to public interests. This divergent character of civil society was evident in the three campaigns for greenspace protection that eventually led to the creation of the Toronto region greenbelt, where civil society organisations (CSOs) from both growth and conservation camps contended for influence, each succeeding at different times. But over time (a time when state actors were increasingly in need of non-state partners to help solve complex governance problems), coalitions of environmental CSOs in the three campaigns – to protect the Niagara Escarpment, Oak Ridges Moraine and surrounding countryside – became more effective at influencing government to protect greenspace. A comparison of the coalitions using a framework based on key attributes of CSOs – missions and memberships – suggests that the environmental coalitions were more effective when they recruited more members with a diverse set of resources arising from both bonding and bridging social capital. In general, the more inclusive and public-interested the CSOs, the more effective the challenge to the status quo.  相似文献   
污染环境罪司法适用争议问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《刑法修正案(八)》颁布实施后,污染环境罪适用已经一年有余,然而一些争议问题仍未厘清,尤其是主观罪过形态以及严格责任问题,理论界和司法实践中还存在不同的认识。笔者认为,将污染环境罪认定为过失犯罪不存在理论上的不恰切,相反更符合刑法罪责刑相适应的原则。同时严格责任在我国刑法中没有适用的空间。  相似文献   
水污染侵权中的因果关系成立与否决定着民事责任的有无,对受害人的利益影响甚巨,关于因果关系的理论纷繁复杂,水污染侵权中的因果关系认定难度更大,试图在分析各种学说的基础上找到认定水污染侵权中因果关系的可行方法。  相似文献   
基于目前国家建立环境污染责任保险制度的规划需求和河南省当前新发展形势需要,选择以河南省典型高污染、高风险行业(即煤化工行业)为研究对象.在对相关理论进行分析的基础上,识别影响河南省煤化工行业的环境风险因子,并确定指标的评估标准(权重及评分结果).遵照指标体系的建立原则,采用层次分析法,从内在性和外在性两方面因素构建煤化工行业环境风险等级划分指标体系,进一步将评分结果与环境风险等级比对,最终将煤化工行业的环境风险等级划分为5个等级,为河南省环境污染责任保险制度的建立奠定基础.  相似文献   
生态环境损害的惩罚性赔偿规则首次在《民法典》侵权责任编中确立。针对这项制度创新,本文梳理了惩罚性赔偿规则在不同法律制度中适用范围和适用条件的差异性,并进一步分析惩罚性赔偿在生态环境损害救济体系中所具有的特殊规则和功能定位。在缺乏生态环境领域部门法配套的情况下,《民法典》中惩罚性赔偿规则的适用应基于生态环境的公益性而适当扩大请求权主体范围,基于严格法定性而明确举证责任负担和证明标准,基于生态环境要素的特殊性而完善多样化的赔偿内容和计算方法。  相似文献   
环境民事责任是环境法律责任的一种形式,是解决和处理环境损害赔偿中重要的法律依据。  相似文献   
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