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以长兴县入太湖的泗安塘-合溪-乌溪河网为研究对象,将入湖河网划分为水源区、河网区、西苕溪区和入湖区,于2018年8月和2019年1月分别对长兴县入太湖河网丰水期和枯水期的水质状况进行了调查,采用空间聚类法、水质标识指数对水质的时空分布进行评价。结果表明,长兴入太湖河网不同片区氨氮(NH3-N)和总氮(TN)的质量浓度平均值呈现枯水期较丰水期高的特征,而高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)和总磷(TP)则呈现丰水期较枯水期高的特征。空间聚类分析结果表明,水质指标分布具有明显的空间差异性,呈现水源区>西苕溪区>河网区>入湖区的分布特征,入湖区是污染物聚集的主要区域。综合水质标识指数分析结果表明,长兴入太湖河网主要以Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类水为主;单因子水质标识指数分析结果表明,溶解氧(DO)、CODMn、NH3-N、TP指标均优于Ⅲ类水标准,TN是入太湖河网的特征污染物,且在丰水期和枯水期质量浓度平均值分别达到2.24,3.49 mg/L。因此,进一步削减氮污染是缓解其河网富营养化的关键。 相似文献
采集太原市3个不同功能区夏季和冬季环境空气样品,使用色谱-质谱仪测定挥发性有机物(VOCs)的组成,分析VOCs浓度变化和日变化特征,计算臭氧生成潜势(OFP),利用特征比值法和正定矩阵因子分析法(PMF)研究环境空气中VOCs的来源.结果表明,观测期间太原市环境空气中VOC总浓度变化范围为(36.27—210.67)μg·m-3,夏季和冬季VOCs化合物平均质量浓度为49.73 μg·m-3和205.19 μg·m-3,冬季环境空气中VOCs浓度是夏季VOCs的4.13倍;VOCs日变化受到机动车排放和光化学反应显著影响,且夏季影响大于冬季;夏季OFP最大的物种为烯烃类化合物,冬季OFP最大的物种为芳香烃类化合物.太原市环境空气中VOCs主要包括五类污染源,分别为燃煤源28.10%、机动车源27.41%、挥发源22.90%、液化石油/天然气源14.90%和植物源6.69%;不同功能区主要污染源存在差异,太原市夏季工业交通区最主要排放源为燃煤源,居民商业混合区和居民交通区受燃煤源和机动车排放源共同影响,冬季太原市燃煤源是环境空气中VOCs的最主要污染源. 相似文献
2019年8月20日,四川省汶川县绵虒、三江、水磨镇爆发大规模群发性泥石流灾害,造成大量人员伤亡和经济损失。以绵虒镇板子沟泥石流为典型实例,通过泥石流灾害前后遥感影像的解译和对比分析,以及雷达数据获取的流域内不同海拔位置的降雨数据,从物源和降雨两个角度分析了泥石流灾害的成因。利用FLO-2D数值模拟方法分析并计算此次泥石流强度指数,作为泥石流危险性的表征关键参数。基于板子沟流域典型建筑物类型的调查,构建了易损性曲线,量化了承灾体易损强度。研究结果表明:汶川地区泥石流致灾性和风险性仍处于较高水平,应进一步研究强震区泥石流灾害发生规律及风险性,为泥石流预警工作与有效工程防治提供科学参考。 相似文献
本研究对湘西一带发育于下寒武统黑色页岩关键带上的新鲜黑色页岩、风化黑色页岩和黑色页岩土壤进行系统采样和元素地球化学分析,探讨黑色页岩关键带铅(Pb)的分布和循环活动特征.结果表明,该区黑色页岩相对富集SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3等惰性组分和Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd等重金属,而亏损MgO、Na2O、K2O等活性组分.黑色页岩关键带上Pb含量变化在2.3-80 mg·kg-1之间,分布不均匀.且Pb富集不明显(EF<1.5),自新鲜黑色页岩→风化黑色页岩→黑色页岩土壤,其富集程度趋于降低.质量平衡计算表明,黑色页岩风化过程中,赋存于硫化物矿物中的Pb等重金属活动性较强,Pb随黄铁矿等硫化物氧化分解而淋滤释出,淋滤释出率平均达-21.9%(n=36);Pb等重金属在黑色页岩风化的淋滤释出后,于成土作用过程中进一步被淋滤释出,淋滤释出率平均达-29.8%(n=36).黑色页岩风化-成土过程中Pb的淋滤释出与黑色页岩中钙质含量低,硫化物氧化分解产生的酸难于被中和等因素有关. 相似文献
高海拔地区低的气压和含氧量会影响燃烧和溶剂挥发过程,进而影响挥发性有机物(VOCs)的排放特征.然而,人们对海拔3 000 m以上的燃烧源或挥发源的VOCs排放特征的认识有限.拉萨市正在经历快速的经济发展和城市化进程,VOCs排放源日趋复杂.采集拉萨市机动车尾气、汽油挥发、柴油挥发、液化石油气和燃香等排放源VOCs样品进行分析,研究成分谱特征,并与平原地区的相比较.发现液化石油气VOCs排放谱以丙烷和丁烷为主,与平原地区的一致;汽油挥发中1,2,4-三甲苯占比最高,而汽油车尾气中异戊烷、正丁烷和丙烷占比高,1,2,4-三甲苯占比较低,这不同于平原地区的结果;柴油挥发比汽油及汽油车排放具有更高占比的C7以上高碳化合物;柴油车排放中含氧挥发性有机物(OVOC)占比最高,而平原地区则是丙烯和C7以上烷烃占比高;燃香排放中OVOC占比最高,特征示踪物是乙腈,且有不容忽视的异戊二烯排放.从甲苯与苯的比值上看,汽油车及柴油车排放与平原地区的结果基本一致,但两地区柴油挥发和燃香排放则不同.从苯、甲苯和乙苯比例三元图上看,柴油挥发落在工业及溶剂排放区内,有别于平原地区的结果 .与其它城市一样,烯烃和芳香烃化合物也是高原城市中具有高反应活性VOCs组分,二者分别对臭氧和二次有机气溶胶的生成有重要的贡献.初步研究结果表明,高原城市地区不同VOCs源的组分特征与平原地区有所差异,需要进一步深入研究,以应对潜在的环境和健康风险. 相似文献
选取了我国5种典型化工行业VOCs排放源进行了源排放特征分析,通过对70个VOCs源样品的分析,结果表明,烷烃是合成材料制造业、石化行业和涂料产品制造业的主导VOCs种类(占比分别为43%、63%和68%),烯烃是日用化学产品制造业的VOCs主要种类(46%),卤代烃在专用化学品制造业排放中占主导(43%);利用机器学习方法分析了上述行业的标志组分,发现癸烷和四氢呋喃是合成材料制造业源的特征标志组分,正丁醇和甲苯是日用化学产品制造业源的特征标志组分,1,2,3-三甲苯和1,3,5-三甲苯是石化行业源的特征标志组分,丙烯和3-甲基戊烷是涂料产品制造业的标志组分,对二甲苯和异丙苯是专用化学品制造业源的特征标志组分;并采用最大增量反应活性法(MIR)估算了各VOCs排放源的臭氧生成潜势(OFP),结果表明,在单位浓度总VOCs排放条件下,对臭氧生成潜势的贡献大小依次为日用化学产品制造业、专用化学品制造业、石化行业、合成材料制造业和涂料产品制造业.建议在今后的臭氧防控中,更应关注各行业所排放的关键活性物种,而不仅仅注重VOCs排放总量. 相似文献
Jeremy P. Bird;Richard A. Fuller;Justine D. Shaw; 《Conservation biology》2024,38(4):e14239
Eradicating invasive predators from islands can result in substantial recovery of seabirds, but the mechanisms that drive population changes remain poorly understood. Meta-analyses have recently revealed that immigration is surprisingly important to the recovery of philopatric seabirds, but it is not known whether dispersal and philopatry interact predictably to determine rates of population growth and changes of distribution. We used whole-island surveys and long-term monitoring plots to study the abundance, distribution, and trends of 4 burrowing seabird species on Macquarie Island, Australia, to examine the legacy impacts of invasive species and ongoing responses to the world's largest eradication of multiple species of vertebrates. Wekas (Gallirallus australis) were eradicated in 1988; cats (Felis catus) in 2001; and rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), black rats (Rattus rattus), and mice (Mus mus) in 2011–2014. We compared surveys from 1976–1979 and 2017–2018 and monitoring from the 1990s and 2000s onward. Antarctic prions (Pachyptila desolata) and white-headed petrels (Pterodroma lessonii) increased ∼1% per year. Blue petrels (Halobaena caerulea) and gray petrels (Procellaria cinerea) recolonized following extirpation from the main island in the 1900s but remained spatially and numerically rare in 2018. However, they increased rapidly at 14% and 10% per year, respectively, since cat eradication in 2001. Blue and gray petrel recolonization occurred on steep, dry, west-facing slopes close to ridgelines at low elevation (i.e., high-quality petrel habitat). They overlapped <5% with the distribution of Antarctic prion and white-headed petrels which occurred in suboptimal shallow, wet, east-facing slopes at high elevation. We inferred that the speed of population growth of recolonizing species was related to their numerically smaller starting size compared with the established species and was driven by immigration and selection of ideal habitat. 相似文献
Annie J. Morris Joseph J. Donovan Michael Strager 《Environmental Modeling and Assessment》2009,14(1):73-84
Streamflow values are commonly synthesized for locations where flow measurement stations are lacking or where only intermittent
measurements are available. In an Appalachian Mountains dataset comprised of 29 watersheds, the most appropriate among geomorphic,
geologic, and hydrogeologic datasets were selected for use in prediction of streamflow at watershed scale. A statistical model
was developed using principal components analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) for. Using CA on variables derived from
the PCA, an optimum set of variables was derived for predicting streamflow. Results indicate there are two categories of watersheds
in the study area. The first is strongly correlated with climatic variables (precipitation, temperature, elevation, and groundwater
recharge). The second is strongly correlated with two geomorphic variables (watershed slope and percentage of forested area).
The spatial distribution of cluster classifications shows that watersheds dominated by the climatic component are located
along the Allegheny Front while watersheds dominated by the geomorphic component are located in the Allegheny Plateau and
Valley and Ridge physiographic provinces. These variations between the Allegheny Plateau and Valley and Ridge physiographic
provinces suggest that, to accurately model streamflow, modeling needs be done based on natural physiographic boundaries rather
than political boundaries. In this physiographic setting, elevation seems to be a major control. 相似文献
Agricultural causes of desertification risk in Minqin, China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This study uses statistical modeling techniques to develop a desertification risk index (RI) for Minqin County, Gansu Province, China. Twenty socio-economic factors were selected and compared with the RI results to explore the spatial and temporal variability of desertification risk in the study area and to identify possible local driving forces behind desertification risk. The explanatory factors were different in 1988, 1992 and 1997, possibly reflecting the role of temporal variation as a contributor to desertification. The average number of sheep per-household was found to be an important indicator of change in desertification risk, while changes in ridge crop planting area explained the distribution of the rate of change in desertification risk in 1988-1992. The results suggests that the RI was useful in expanding the understanding of spatial temporal desertification issues in Minqin County, as well as identifying a current set of agricultural activities related to desertification risk. Further, given the limited nature of consistent data and observations for the area, development of the RI also served to establish a baseline for future investigations into desertification change and the risks such change might pose for the region. 相似文献