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Foliar deposits, volatilization and persistence of azadirachtin‐A (AZ‐A) were investigated after application of four spray mixes prepared from a wettable powder (WP) and three emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulations of neem. They were applied at the dosage rate of 50 g AI in 4 L/ha onto potted spruce seedlings in a laboratory spray chamber. Droplet‐size spectra and deposits were assessed using Kromekote® card/glass plate collection units. Foliar residues [dislodgeable residues (DR), penetrated residues (PR) and total residues (TR)] of AZ‐A and their volatilization were measured by HPLC at different intervals of time up to 60 h after treatment. Differences in the droplet‐size spectra and deposit levels were observed among the four spray mixes due to the influence of additives present in them. Dissipation half‐lives (DT50) of the DR, PR and TR in the foliage were low (range, 19.5 to 38.9 h) and varied according to the residue type and the spray mix used. The DT50 values of the DR were consistently lower (range, 19.5 to 31.9 h) than those of the PR (range, 30.5 to 38.9 h) due to preferential loss of the surface residues. The low DT50 values observed for the DR and TR in the foliage sprayed with the WP spray mix were attributed to the particulate nature of the deposit. AZ‐A volatilized appreciably from the DR rather than from the PR. The variations found in the amounts of AZ‐A volatilized (42 to 58%) and unaccountable (38 to 46%) from the initial TR values in spruce foliage, after 60 h, were attributed to the physical form of the deposits on the target surface and the influences of additives present in the different spray mixes.  相似文献   
金沙江干热河谷区地质灾害遥感研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
遥感技术能快速全面、高性价比地获取地表信息,可以从宏观上对区域性地质灾害进行调查,形成对区域性地质灾害分布、规模的定量认识,因此遥感技术已经在国外的地质灾害调查工作中得到了较广泛应用。金沙江德钦段河谷属于典型的干热河谷,遥感技术在该地区的环境地质调查的应用研究,对于西部大开发的工程建设具有很强的实用性。利用3种星载光学遥感影像对这一地区的地质灾害进行了目视解译研究。首先简要介绍了金沙江干热河谷区自然地理、地质和气候环境的特点及其对地质灾害解译产生的影响,其次就本地区的环境地质遥感数据的选择与处理进行了说明,然后配合图片详细分析了研究区主要地质灾害(滑坡、崩塌堆积、泥石流沟和倾倒变形)的解译特征。最后实地考察验证了解译的可行性,并分析总结了存在的不足,提出了利用近红外高光谱提高地质灾害解译研究的设想。  相似文献   
地下金属矿山安全评价体系的探讨   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
对矿山实行安全评价是确保安全生产的重要措施。根据地下金属矿山生产工艺的特点,分析发生事故的原因及影响因素,以定量分析的方法,从企业管理、工程设计、人员配备、环境条件等方面进行安全评价,提出评价体系,系统而直观地反映企业生产安全程度。  相似文献   
甬江建闸的环境影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甬江建闸能够阻咸蓄淡,带来一定的社会经济效益;但也会出现泥沙淤积、水体富营养化、水生生物减少等一系列问题,尤其是泥沙淤积,将对防洪排涝、出海航运和现有港口等产生严重的负面影响.就防洪排涝而言,如果建设甬江大闸,那么泥沙淤积后的镇海口将难以通过20年一遇和50年一遇的洪峰流量.综合考虑岸线前进、地面沉降和海面上升的结果,提出甬江大闸还是不建为宜.  相似文献   
非化学法制浆造纸废水混凝处理方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了用化学混凝法处理非化学法制浆造纸废水的可行性.采用石灰乳、自制的混凝剂,联合PAM絮凝处理该类造纸废水.试验结果表明,该方法处理效果好,工艺简单,易于操作管理,在沈阳某造纸厂的实际应用中取得很好的效果,具有推广价值.  相似文献   
开发玉龙铜矿的经济评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了开发玉龙铜矿床的优势条件.对玉龙铜矿的开发进行了效益评估,并提出了可持续开发对策.  相似文献   
开发和建设西南能源基地的战略意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开发和建设西南能源基地在我国能源工业发展和布局中占有重要的地位。西南地区的煤炭集中分布在川、滇、黔接壤地区,保有储量占全国的 8.9%,位居第二。而水能蕴藏量2.9亿多kW,占全国的42%,可开发利用量1.9亿多kW,占全国的51%,年发电量1.03万亿度,占全国的54%,加上西藏,水能蕴藏年发电量约占全国的70%。煤炭工业在全国已有较大发展,已初步建成以山西为中心的煤炭基地,六盘水煤炭基地,两淮煤炭基地等等。石油天然气工业发展较快,核电工业正在起步和发展。但是水能资源的开发利用和蕴藏量相比,还很不相称。全国水能资源利用率只有4-5%,西南地区按发电量计算,仅占水电可开发总量的1.3%。因此,在当前我国能源供应十分紧张的情况下,开发西南能源基地的水能资源和煤炭资源,有着十分重大的战略意义。  相似文献   
河台金矿形成机制的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对河台金矿测定了形成时的物理化学条件,T=200~280℃,P=573.3×10°Pa,fo_2=10~(-37)—10~(-39),成矿溶液具有Na~+>K~+>Ca~(2+),HCO_3~->Cl~_>F~->ΣS,CO_2>CH_4的特点,从早期到晚期,成矿溶液中的Au与Na~+、K~+、F~-、Cl~-等呈同步增长。在高压釜中不同温度压力下以不同浓度的NaHCO_3、HCl为介质对含金建造进行了淋滤试验;模拟了成矿时的温度压力条件,成功地用硫化物还原出溶液中的金,揭示出硫化物、溶液与还原金的定量关系,并阐述了成矿物质、成矿溶液的来源以及金在成矿溶液中的迁移形式和沉淀机制。  相似文献   
The direct contact membrane distillation applied for fluoride removal from brackish groundwater was investigated.The self-prepared polyvinylidene fluoride membrane exhibited high rejection of inorganic salt solutes.The maximum permeate flux 35.6 kg/(m2 ·hr) was obtained with the feed solution at 80°C and the cold distillate water at 20°C.The feed concentration had no significant impact on the permeate flux and the rejection in fluoride.The precipitation of CaCO3 would clog the hollow fiber inlets and foul the membrane surface with increasing concentration factor when natural groundwater was used directly as the feed,which resulted in a rapid decline in the module efficiency.This phenomenon was diminished by acidification of the feed.The experimental results showed that the permeate flux and the quality of obtained distillate kept stable before concentration factor reached 5.0 with the acidified groundwater as feed.The membrane module efficiency began to decline gradually when the feed continued to be concentrated,which can be mainly attributed to the formation of CaF2 deposits on the membrane surface.In addition,a 300 hr continuous fluoride removal experiment of acidified groundwater was carried out with concentration factor at 4.0,the permeate flux kept stable and the permeate fluoride was not detected.  相似文献   
江西省大湖塘石门寺矿区超大型钨矿的发现及找矿意义   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
江西省武宁县大湖塘石门寺超大型钨矿的成功勘查是我国地质找矿工作的重大发现。矿化类型划分为细脉浸染型、隐爆角砾岩型和石英大脉型。前者占总储量的74%,该类型以晋宁晚期黑云母花岗闪长岩为容矿围岩,以燕山中期酸性深成至浅成花岗岩为成矿母岩。矿体厚大且产状平缓,大致平行于黑云母花岗闪长岩与似斑状黑云母花岗岩株顶部的接触面分布,以外接触带为主(Ⅰ1矿体),水平投影面积1.50km2,单工程最大厚度389.33m,平均厚度143.67m,平均品位0.193%,厚度变化系数63.7%,品位变化系数115.8%。工业矿物主要为白钨矿、黑钨矿、黄铜矿、辉钼矿。矿石组构类型主要有结晶结构、交代结构、细脉状构造、浸染状构造,常见近矿围岩蚀变为黑鳞云母化、云英岩化、绿泥石化,成因类型属岩浆期后高中温热液矿床,工业类型可划归为细脉浸染型白钨矿。石门寺矿区以黑云母花岗闪长岩为容矿围岩的细脉浸染状白钨的发现,改变了以往只专注评价石英大脉型黑钨矿的找矿思路,为矿区及九岭矿集区实现钨多金属找矿突破指明了新的方向。  相似文献   
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