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红树林是海洋底栖生物的栖息产卵地和生物基因库,是阻挡陆源污染物入海的生物防线。塑料污染可对海洋生物造成机械伤害、毒理作用,威胁红树林生态系统的健康与稳定。通过野外踏勘和海上作业,在海南岛清澜港红树林海岸采集大塑料垃圾和海水、沉积物、底栖生物样品,采用目视鉴别和体视显微镜、显微傅里叶红外光谱仪鉴定分析研究区资源环境的塑料污染特征及来源。结果表明:大塑料垃圾主要来自于塑料袋和泡沫等生活与渔业垃圾;微塑料有碎片、纤维、线状、薄膜、颗粒和球形六种形态,多为大塑料经日晒和海水动力作用形成的碎片,人造纤维占比最高,为37.91%。研究可为红树林海岸塑料污染管控与综合治理提供决策依据,以实现红树林海岸资源环境有效保护。  相似文献   
以崇明岛为研究对象,通过与上海整体水平的比较,分析了岛域的社会经济状况和生态环境特点,并采用生态足迹模型分析了崇明岛的生态承载力及其对上海城市发展的生态支持作用。在此基础上,从内部机制和外部机制两个方面提出了对崇明岛生态保护进行生态补偿的对策措施。  相似文献   
基于海南岛北部海口湾、铺前湾、东寨港和木兰湾海域159站位表层沉积物地球化学测试分析,查明沉积物中重金属元素As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Pb和Zn分布特征.运用数理统计方法研究重金属来源并明确其分布主控因素,建立主控因素与重金属含量间定性或半定量关系.评价各重金属元素及其总体污染状况和潜在生态风险.结果表明,研究区海域沉积物重金属中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Pb和Zn含量平均值分别为8.40、0.06、32.50、8.32、0.02、18.77和35.87μg·g-1.Cr、Cu、Hg、Pb和Zn含量高值区主要分布于近岸河流入海口及港湾内部,As由南向北其含量逐渐增加,Cd主要聚集于海口湾内.沉积物中Cu、Zn、Hg、Pb、Cr和Cd主要来自陆源输入,包括人为污染和母岩风化产物运移两方面因素,As或有海外物质来源.沉积物中Cu、Zn、Hg、Pb和Cr含量分布主控因素为沉积物粒度,即沉积物粒度越细,其所吸附并积累重金属含量越高;As高含量主要受控于自然地质背景;Cd含量分布则反映了城市发展进程对地区污染差异性影响.所调查159站位表层沉积物中As、Cr分别有3站位和6站位属Ⅱ类海洋沉积物,污染程度中等,其余各站位及重金属元素含量均为Ⅰ类沉积物,污染程度低,单因子污染影响程度依次为AsCrPbZnCuCdHg.沉积物重金属总体为低程度污染,总体潜在生态风险低,研究区海域底质生态环境优良.各重金属元素潜在生态危害程度低,生态危害影响依次为AsHgCdPbCuCrZn,As是最主要的生态风险因子.  相似文献   
通过大气环流向海洋大气边界层传输的人为源和陆源物质,明显改变了海洋气溶胶中痕量金属的组成.但基于开阔海域岛屿连续观测研究海洋气溶胶中痕量金属元素组成及其来源的研究较少.2010年3—5月在我国台湾北部东海海域彭佳屿岛采集了60个TSP(总悬浮颗粒物)样品,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)分析了19种痕量金属(Al、Fe、Ti、Y、Mn、Ba、Sr、Co、Cr、V、Ni、Tl、Zn、Sn、Pb、As、Cd、Sb、Se)的质量浓度.基于TSP中Al浓度、气团后向轨迹分析和美国国家宇航局CALIPSO卫星星载激光雷达扫描图像,将采集的TSP分为非沙尘TSP(不受沙尘影响的TSP)和沙尘TSP(受沙尘影响的TSP).沙尘TSP中所有痕量金属的浓度都高于非沙尘TSP,表明沙尘对彭佳屿岛TSP中痕量金属有贡献.结合富集因子、相关性分析和PMF模型研究结果表明,彭佳屿岛春季非沙尘TSP中Al、Fe、Ti和Y主要来源于地壳矿物,Mn、Ba、Sr、Co和Cr同时受地壳矿物和人为源的影响;沙尘TSP中Al、Fe、Ti、Y、Mn、Ba、Sr、Co和Cr主要来源于地壳矿物.V和Ni在彭佳屿岛春季非沙尘TSP中主要来源于燃料油燃烧,而在沙尘TSP中同时受燃料油燃烧和地壳矿物的影响.非沙尘TSP和沙尘TSP中,Tl、Zn、As、Sn、Pb、Cd、Sb和Se的来源相似.Tl主要源于交通和煤燃烧,Zn、Sn、Pb、Cd和Sb同时来源于交通、煤和燃料油燃烧,As主要来源于煤燃烧,Se则主要来源于煤和燃料油燃烧.研究显示,人为源释放到大气中的Tl、Zn、As、Sn、Pb、Cd、Sb和Se可以通过大气环流长距离传输至开阔海域.   相似文献   
The ecosystem of munseom area (MA) in Jeju Island, one of the marine protected areas in South Korea, has been continuously threatened by lack of management and pollution of the surrounding sea area. As a result, the South Korean government is trying to implement the systematic management plan to conserve the marine ecosystem of the MA. This article tries to obtain information about the conservation value of the MA. To this end, this study examines household willingness to pay (WTP) for conserving the MA employing the contingent valuation (CV) approach. A total of 1000 South Korean households were involved in the CV survey using a dichotomous choice question. The mean yearly WTP for the conservation is estimated as KRW 1763 (USD 1.50) per household. The national value expanded from the sample to the population is worth KRW 34.0billion (USD 29.0 million) per year. The results imply that the conservation is supported by South Korean households.  相似文献   
The introduction of anthropogenic sounds into the marine environment can impact some marine mammals. Impacts can be greatly reduced if appropriate mitigation measures and monitoring are implemented. This paper concerns such measures undertaken by Exxon Neftegas Limited, as operator of the Sakhalin-1 Consortium, during the Odoptu 3-D seismic survey conducted during 17 August–9 September 2001. The key environmental issue was protection of the critically endangered western gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus), which feeds in summer and fall primarily in the Piltun feeding area off northeast Sakhalin Island. Existing mitigation and monitoring practices for seismic surveys in other jurisdictions were evaluated to identify best practices for reducing impacts on feeding activity by western gray whales. Two buffer zones were established to protect whales from physical injury or undue disturbance during feeding. A 1 km buffer protected all whales from exposure to levels of sound energy potentially capable of producing physical injury. A 4–5 km buffer was established to avoid displacing western gray whales from feeding areas. Trained Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs) on the seismic ship Nordic Explorer had the authority to shut down the air guns if whales were sighted within these buffers. Additional mitigation measures were also incorporated: Temporal mitigation was provided by rescheduling the program from June–August to August–September to avoid interference with spring arrival of migrating gray whales. The survey area was reduced by 19% to avoid certain waters <20 m deep where feeding whales concentrated and where seismic acquisition was a lower priority. The number of air guns and total volume of the air guns were reduced by about half (from 28 to 14 air guns and from 3,390 in3 to 1,640 in3) relative to initial plans. “Ramp-up” (=“soft-start”) procedures were implemented. Monitoring activities were conducted as needed to implement some mitigation measures, and to assess residual impacts. Aerial and vessel-based surveys determined the distribution of whales before, during and after the seismic survey. Daily aerial reconnaissance helped verify whale-free areas and select the sequence of seismic lines to be surveyed. A scout vessel with MMOs aboard was positioned 4 km shoreward of the active seismic vessel to provide better visual coverage of the 4–5 km buffer and to help define the inshore edge of the 4–5 km buffer. A second scout vessel remained near the seismic vessel. Shore-based observers determined whale numbers, distribution, and behavior during and after the seismic survey. Acoustic monitoring documented received sound levels near and in the main whale feeding area. Statistical analyses of aerial survey data indicated that about 5–10 gray whales moved away from waters near (inshore of) the seismic survey during seismic operations. They shifted into the core gray whale feeding area farther south, and the proportion of gray whales observed feeding did not change over the study period. Five shutdowns of the air guns were invoked for gray whales seen within or near the buffer. A previously unknown gray whale feeding area (the Offshore feeding area) was discovered south and offshore from the nearshore Piltun feeding area. The Offshore area has subsequently been shown to be used by feeding gray whales during several years when no anthropogenic activity occurred near the Piltun feeding area. Shore-based counts indicated that whales continued to feed inshore of the Odoptu block throughout the seismic survey, with no significant correlation between gray whale abundance and seismic activity. Average values of most behavioral parameters were similar to those without seismic surveys. Univariate analysis showed no correlation between seismic sound levels and any behavioral parameter. Multiple regression analyses indicated that, after allowance for environmental covariates, 5 of 11 behavioral parameters were statistically correlated with estimated seismic survey-related variables; 6 of 11 behavioral parameters were not statistically correlated with seismic survey-related variables. Behavioral parameters that were correlated with seismic variables were transient and within the range of variation attributable to environmental effects. Acoustic monitoring determined that the 4–5 km buffer zone, in conjunction with reduction of the air gun array to 14 guns and 1,640 in3, was effective in limiting sound exposure. Within the Piltun feeding area, these mitigation measures were designed to insure that western gray whales were not exposed to received levels exceeding the 163 dB re 1 μPa (rms) threshold. This was among the most complex and intensive mitigation programs ever conducted for any marine mammal. It provided valuable new information about underwater sounds and gray whale responses during a nearshore seismic program that will be useful in planning future work. Overall, the efforts in 2001 were successful in reducing impacts to levels tolerable by western gray whales. Research in 2002–2005 suggested no biologically significant or population-level impacts of the 2001 seismic survey. M. W. Newcomer is deceased.  相似文献   
海南岛吊罗山植物群落特征和物种多样性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据吊罗山自然保护区不同海拔6个植物群落的样方资料,分析了吊罗山植物群落结构特征和物种多样性,同时比较了吊罗山植物群落与邻近地区植物群落的组成特征。研究结果表明吊罗山低地雨林乔木层以蝴蝶树、青梅、高山榕、粘木、长脐红豆、海南柿、肉实树和海南木莲为主,灌木层以白颜树、白茶、柏拉木和九节为主;山地雨林以陆均松、鸡毛松、黄叶树、阿丁枫、扫把青冈和海南杨桐为优势种;山顶常绿矮林则以山地常绿阔叶林陆均松、琼崖柯、岭南青冈和油丹等种类的矮化为特征。植物群落Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数分析表明,吊罗山植物群落物种多样性在空间的变化基本上表现为随海拔梯度增加而降低,次生林物种多样性最低,山地雨林和山顶矮林物种均匀度指数最高,群落优势种明显。  相似文献   
2008年7月—2010年9月,对珠海淇澳岛红树林不同生境和不同植被群落的蟹类进行了调查,共采集到蟹类8科24种,其中相手蟹科Sesarmidae种类最多,为9种;弓蟹科Varunidae次之,为5种,沙蟹科Ocypodidae 4种。Jaccard区系相似性指数表明,林内泥滩与林外硬质泥滩蟹类区系为中等相似(J=0.523),林外硬质泥滩与高潮区光滩蟹类区系(J=0.071)及林内泥滩与高潮区光滩蟹类区系(J=0)都极不相似。林内泥滩蟹类中,谭氏泥蟹(Ilyoplax deschampsi)在数量上占绝对优势。无齿螳臂相手蟹(Chiromantes dehaani)、中华中相手蟹(Sesarmops sinensis)和弧边招潮蟹(Uca arcuata)等在红树林外道路两侧和堤坝较硬质泥滩数量较多,而林外高潮区光滩的蟹类都是耐干旱和奔跑能力较强的种类。天然秋茄(Kandelia candel)群落蟹类种类数和平均密度较人工引种的无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)群落的少,但平均生物量较无瓣海桑群落高。秋茄群落蟹类密度和生物量与土壤全氮、全磷、有机质等理化因子都呈不显著相关;无瓣海桑群落土壤速效磷与蟹类生物量呈极显著正相关,与蟹类密度呈显著正相关;全磷与蟹类密度呈显著负相关。红树林土壤类型和新生蟹类补充进种群是影响珠海淇澳岛红树林蟹类密度和生物量变化的主要原因。  相似文献   
海南岛西部农用地表层土壤重金属富集研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对海南岛西部农业用地表层土壤进行了7种重金属元素含量测定,重金属元素的富集指数计算和相关性分析。结果表明:海南岛西部农业用地表层土壤中重金属元素富集程度大小依次为As〉Pb〉Zn〉Cu〉Ni〉Cd〉Cr。各采样点Cr、Cd和Cu元素处于贫乏状态,As和Pb元素达到严重富集,可能与当地农业活动密切相关。相关性分析表明,研究区土壤表层中重金属As与Pb元素可能存在复合富集与复合污染,应引起高度重视。  相似文献   
This article uses sustainability as a lens through which to examine affordable housing policies in geographically-isolated island communities, with the intent of assessing the utility of using sustainable development as a guide to policy decision-making. Focusing on the case of Key West, Florida, the article points to the conflicts that must be reconciled to achieve true sustainability. The study applies criteria to identify policy solutions for the provision and retention of affordable housing in island communities, and at the same time provides an application of the sustainable development concept as a policy guide. Readers should send their comments on this paper to BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   
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