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Disturbance of flora from utility construction tends to generate new plant growth. This growth changes productivity, diversity, and stability. Although the enhancement of vegetation may balance out the biomass destroyed by the original disturbance, it often adversely affects the quality of the vegetation. Percentage composition of the dominant long-lived perennials combined with quantitative measures are used to assess longterm effects of utility corridor construction. Differential effects of enhancement of vegetation are found along road edges, enhancement under wires of powerlines, and over trenches dug for pipelines. Areas under powerline pylons seem to receive the greatest damage and also show the most variable recovery of vegetation. Significant recovery rates are noticeable where the time span between year of construction has allowed for considerable regrowth of the older corridor. Recovery rates depend on soil type, landform, and other physical features of the disturbed sites. Drastic disturbance in one area or transect site may impede vegetation recovery, whereas slight disturbance might enhance vegetation in another, tending to offset the effect of the drastic disturbance. Disturbed areas and control areas may appear to have similar vegetation covers, biomasses, and densities, but these similarities often vanish when one examines qualitative aspects, such as proportion of long-lived species and presence of characteristic dominants.  相似文献   
景观生态学与荒漠生态环境监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对景观生态的阐述,在讨论荒漠生态环境监测的概念、对象、内容、方法和目的的基础上,分析了景观生态学成为荒漠生态环境监测理论和实践的基础的可能性和必要性,指出景观生态学在荒漠生态环境监测中的应用大有可为。  相似文献   
Life cycle assessment-based environmental product declarations (EPDs) require the inclusion of biodiversity impacts across the entire supply chain. The objective of this study is to test the applicability of a Scandinavian biodiversity assessment tool, developed specifically for use with EPD applications, in an African desert environment, linking the industry types power generation and mining. For this purpose, a GIS-based spatial analysis tool—the biotope method—was adapted to a framework approach which allowed the selection of more suitable, site-specific biodiversity indicators. The biotope method provides a step-by-step process of defining system boundaries, mapping biotopes, categorizing biotopes based on site-specific indicators, and evaluating change in biotope status “before” and “after” the impact. The development of site-specific indicators was piloted in this study and determined by the affected ecosystem and the status of knowledge on biodiversity in this geographic area. Thus plants were used as indicators for biodiversity, and red-list status and endemism constituted the prime criteria for conservation value of plants. This in turn represented the key criterion for classifying biotopes. The tested biodiversity assessment tool has potential for application in different environments and operational settings but leaves room for improvement by including secondary impacts in the assessment and using a wider range of taxa for indicators of biodiversity.  相似文献   
As woody plants encroach into grasslands, grass biomass, density and cover decline as wood plant biomass, density and cover increase. There is also a shift in location of the biomass from mostly belowground in the grasslands to aboveground in the woodlands. In addition, species richness and diversity change as herbaceous species are replaced by woody species. This is not a new phenomenon, but has been going on continually as the climate of the Planet has changed. However, in the past 160 years the changes have been unparalleled. The process is encroachment not invasion because woody species that have been increasing in density are native species and have been present in these communities for thousands of years. These indigenous or native woody species have increased in density, cover and biomass because of changes in one or more abiotic or biotic factors or conditions. Woody species that have increased in density and cover are not the cause of the encroachment, but the result of changes of other factors. Globally, the orbit of the Earth is becoming more circular and less elliptical, causing moderation of the climate. Additional global climate changing factors including elevated levels of CO2 and parallel increases in temperature are background factors and probably not the principal causes directing the current wave of encroachment. There is probably not a single reason for encroachment, but a combination of factors that are difficult to disentangle. The prime cause of the current and recent encroachment appears to be high and constant levels of grass herbivory by domestic animals. This herbivory reduces fine fuel with a concomitant reduction in fire frequency or in some cases a complete elimination of fire from these communities. Conditions would now favor the woody plants over the grasses. Reduced grass competition, woody plant seed dispersal and changes in animal populations seem to modify the rate of encroachment rather than being the cause. High concentrations of atmospheric CO2 are not required to explain current woody plant encroachment. Changes in these grassland communities will continue into the future but the specifics are difficult to predict. Density, cover and species composition will fluctuate and will probably continue to change. Increased levels of anthropogenic soil nitrogen suggest replacement of many legumes by other woody species. Modification and perhaps reversal of the changes in these former grassland communities will be an arduous, continuing and perhaps impossible management task.  相似文献   
利用多旋翼无人机于2021年7月30—31日对塔克拉玛干沙漠的塔中(飞行高度0~2000 m)、民丰地区(飞行高度0~1000 m)不同粒径 颗粒物浓度、气温、相对湿度和风速进行垂直观测,结合多地面站点、再分析资料、后向轨迹模型和卫星遥感数据,对沙尘污染过程中的影响 因素、颗粒物垂直分布特征及污染成因进行了分析.结果表明:①近地面低气温、高相对湿度、高风速的气象条件有利于沙尘污染事件的发生,通过无人机探测数据发现高相对湿度有利于颗粒物吸湿增长,气温和风速的上升能够加强大气对流运动,有利于污染物的输送.②在沙尘污染期间,塔中地区PM1、PM2.5和PM10的浓度分别为0.8~45.7、1.0~267.0和1.0~588.7 μg·m-3;民丰地区PM1、PM2.5和PM10的浓度分别为21.5~126.9、39.6~263.6和48.5~520.6 μg·m-3.③在沙尘污染期间,塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地颗粒物组成以粗颗粒物为主,南缘则以细颗粒物为主.民丰地区PM1/PM2.5比值(0.48~0.55)和PM2.5/PM10比值(0.55~0.83)在同时刻均高于塔中地区(PM1/PM2.5为0.18~0.33, PM2.5/PM10为0.33~0.51).④天气形势和后向轨迹表明,此次污染主要由西风环流导致,气团分别从北面翻越天山和东面绕道进入塔克拉玛干沙漠,携带了塔克拉玛干沙漠东部地区沙尘颗粒和新疆北部人为污染物.⑤CALIPSO卫星数据表明,此次污染中气溶胶存在于海拔1~8 km之间,主要集中在低层(消光系数在 海拔1.0~2.2 km左右最大).气溶胶类型为沙尘气溶胶、污染沙尘气溶胶和烟雾气溶胶,其中,沙尘气溶胶占主要部分.  相似文献   
巴丹吉林沙漠高大沙山区沙层含水量与水分来源探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了查明巴丹吉林沙漠高大沙山区沙层含水量、水分来源等问题,于2009年5月大沙山区进行了15个5 m深钻孔的采样研究。结果表明,巴丹吉林沙漠高大沙山区干沙层分布深度比降水较多地区干沙层分布深度大,湿沙层含水量比降水多的地区低,指示该区的湿沙层含水量一般小于2%是当地气候条件下的正常现象。该区沙层水分主要以薄膜水的形式存在,并具有向下运移的特点,表明完全有可能成为湖水和地下水的来源之一。高大沙山区沙层含水量空间差异明显,洼地含水量最高与平地含水量较高,是大气降水向地下入渗的渠道。高大沙山区厚度小的干沙层的存在表明该区沙层水分受蒸发作用影响深度小,这能够有力促进大气降水通过入渗转化为地下水,这是在极端干旱气候条件下大气降水有可能入渗到达地下水位并成为湖水来源的主要原因。该区水分具有正平衡的显示,这是沙层水分入渗快和受蒸发作用影响深度小造成的,属于沙层水理性质决定的水分正平衡。  相似文献   
甘家湖荒漠梭梭林自然保护区管理问题的初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
结合西北实际对甘家湖梭梭林自然保护区的现状及管理进行了初步分析,并提出应如何加强管理的对策和建议。  相似文献   
腾格里沙漠东南部近地层沙尘水平通量和降尘   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沙漠是近地层沙尘物质的重要来源之一,沙漠地区近地层水平输送的沙尘物质随高度的变化特征和不同高度处的沉降量直接影响着沙尘的输送过程. 选择腾格里沙漠东南缘流动沙丘区的风沙科学观测场为研究区,利用沙尘水平通量采集器和降尘测量器对近地层约50 m的不同高度水平运动的沙尘和降尘进行了近2年的观测,对沙漠地区近地层水平运动的沙尘随高度变化特征及不同高度的降尘量进行了讨论. 结果表明:沙尘的水平通量和降尘量均随高度的增加而减小,二者与高度均可表示为指数函数的关系; 同时,沙尘水平通量与降尘量之间存在正相关关系,二者可用线性函数相互转换.   相似文献   
采用美国环境保护局推荐的公式,分析了塔克拉玛干沙漠1960~2008年PM50和PM30起尘速率的变化趋势及影响因子. 结果表明,1960~2008年, 塔克拉玛干沙漠PM50和PM30起尘速率及沙尘暴频率均呈显著减小趋势, 粉尘粒径越细, 起尘速率减幅越大;塔克拉玛干沙漠21世纪初的风沙活动比上世纪60年代减小了65.01%~85.14%;年均风速的减少和年降水量的增加对PM50起尘速率减少的贡献率分别为37.8%和62.2%, 年均风速和起沙风频率的减少及年降水量的增加对PM30起尘速率减少的贡献率分别为9.1%、33.2%和57.7%, 年均风速和起沙风频率的减少对沙尘暴频率减少的贡献率分别为41.3%和58.7%;大风沙尘天气可能使大气中粗、细颗粒物总量均有所增加, 但细颗粒物增加更明显.  相似文献   
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