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Freshwater mussels are one of the most endangered animal groups globally, making them a high conservation priority. Conservationists increasingly employ translocation or captive breeding procedures to support ailing populations, and the ecosystem engineering capabilities of mussels are being increasingly harnessed in bioremediation projects. However, there is little consideration of the risk of pathogen transmission when moving mussels from hatcheries or wild donor populations into new habitats. This is of significant concern as recent developments suggest parasites and diseases are highly prevalent and have contributed to several mass population-level die-offs. Here, we explicitly highlight the risks of pathogen spread in mussel translocations, explore how these risks are mediated, and provide recommendations for both research and action to avoid the inadvertent spread of virulent pathogens when conserving vulnerable mussel populations. While targeted at freshwater conservationists, this perspective has relevance for considering translocation-mediated disease and parasite spread in any study system.  相似文献   
浙江某热电厂运行的传统双碱法脱硫工艺出现了塔体结垢、脱硫渣得不到正常分离、脱硫效率低下、运行成本高等问题。本文主要分析与研究双碱法脱硫工艺的技术革新过程,并阐述经过技术革新后,新双碱法工艺的运行情况;真正实现了脱硫效率的大幅度提升;脱硫渣中石膏含量的提升;系统抗风险能力的提升。  相似文献   
单一与复合胁迫下油菜对镉、铅的吸收效应   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
以干旱区绿洲灰漠土为供试土壤,油菜(Brassica campestris L.)为供试植物,通过盆栽试验研究了Cd/Pb单一和复合胁迫下其在油菜体内的吸收和富集特征,并解析了油菜条件下Cd、Pb的交互作用.结果表明,Cd/Pb单一和复合胁迫下油菜体内Cd、Pb的含量均随着其胁迫浓度的增大而增大,但复合胁迫下油菜对Cd、Pb的吸收互为拮抗作用(Cd最大胁迫浓度<7mg.kg-1,Pb最大胁迫浓度<1 500 mg.kg-1);Cd单一胁迫下油菜对其富集能力和其在油菜体内的迁移能力均随着其胁迫浓度的增加呈现先增大后减小的趋势,Pb单一胁迫下油菜对其富集能力和其在油菜体内的迁移能力则均随着其胁迫浓度的增加而持续减小;复合胁迫降低了油菜对Cd、Pb的富集能力和Pb在油菜体内的迁移能力,但提高了Cd在油菜体内的迁移能力;油菜对Cd的吸收能力和其在油菜体内的迁移能力均远远大于Pb;油菜对重金属Cd、Pb的吸收和迁移模式均符合二次方程.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Translocations are important tools in the field of conservation. Despite increased use over the last few decades, the appropriateness of translocations for amphibians and reptiles has been debated widely over the past 20 years. To provide a comprehensive evaluation of the suitability of amphibians and reptiles for translocation, we reviewed the results of amphibian and reptile translocation projects published between 1991 and 2006. The success rate of amphibian and reptile translocations reported over this period was twice that reported in an earlier review in 1991. Success and failure rates were independent of the taxonomic class (Amphibia or Reptilia) released. Reptile translocations driven by human–wildlife conflict mitigation had a higher failure rate than those motivated by conservation, and more recent projects of reptile translocations had unknown outcomes. The outcomes of amphibian translocations were significantly related to the number of animals released, with projects releasing over 1000 individuals being most successful. The most common reported causes of translocation failure were homing and migration of introduced individuals out of release sites and poor habitat. The increased success of amphibian and reptile translocations reviewed in this study compared with the 1991 review is encouraging for future conservation projects. Nevertheless, more preparation, monitoring, reporting of results, and experimental testing of techniques and reintroduction questions need to occur to improve translocations of amphibians and reptiles as a whole.  相似文献   
Evolution of the internal solitary waves (ISWs) in the northern South China Sea (SCS) has recently attracted the attention of many oceanographers in Taiwan and the United States. These ISWs are believed to have been induced by a branch of the Kuroshio current over Luzon Strait, which propagates westward over two ridges in the Luzon Strait between Taiwan and the Philippines, and further onto the continental margin with a shelf-slope in the SCS. This paper presents some preliminary results for the evolution of a depression ISW across two triangular obstacles using numerical modelling and laboratory experiments. The experimental results confirm that the intervals and relative height between the two obstacles are important factors in the interaction of an ISW with the obstacles. However, in the case of the movement of an ISW of depression-type across the Luzon Strait, the effect of the two ridges on the characteristics of the ISW might be less significant than that from the shelf-slope, due to the variations in relative water depth. Results from numerical experiments also show that the amplitude of an ISW can be augmented once the wave commences its contact with a shelf-slope, where an internal hydraulic jump and wave breaking with vortex motion are evident in the laboratory experiments. Eventually, an ISW of depression-type could become an elevation-type at the edge of the continental shelf landwards beyond the turning point, where the upper layer is larger than the bottom layer in a stratified water column.  相似文献   
镉对不同生态型水稻的毒性及其在水稻体内迁移转运   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用溶液培养方法研究镉(Cd)对两种不同生态型水稻的毒性影响以及Cd在水稻体内的转运.结果表明,粳稻品种杨辐粳7号比籼稻品种K优818对Cd毒害反应更敏感.两种生态型水稻品种的根系对Cd的吸收积累差异比较大,在10 μmol·L-1 Cd浓度下生长3~14 d,杨辐粳7号根系中Cd浓度比K优818高44.5% ~ 99.5%,当Cd处理时间达到14 d时,K优818茎叶中Cd积累量为杨辐粳7号的1.6倍(P<0.05).K优818的Cd转运系数显著(P<0.05)高于杨辐粳7号,是杨辐粳7号的1.3 ~2.3倍,且随着Cd处理时间的延长K优818的Cd转运系数呈上升趋势,而杨辐粳7号的Cd转运  相似文献   
Abstract:  Captive breeding of animals is widely used to manage endangered species, frequently with the ambition of future reintroduction into the wild. Because this conservation measure is very expensive, we need to optimize decisions, such as when to capture wild animals or release captive-bred individuals into the wild. It is unlikely that one particular strategy will always work best; instead, we expect the best decision to depend on the number of individuals in the wild and in captivity. We constructed a first-order Markov-chain population model for two populations, one captive and one wild, and we used stochastic dynamic programming to identify optimal state-dependent strategies. The model recommends unique sequences of optimal management actions over several years. A robust rule of thumb for species that can increase faster in captivity than in the wild is to capture the entire wild population whenever the wild population is below a threshold size of 20 females. This rule applies even if the wild population is growing and under a broad range of different parameter values. Once a captive population is established, it should be maintained as a safety net and animals should be released only if the captive population is close to its carrying capacity. We illustrate the utility of this model by applying it to the Arabian oryx ( Oryx leucoryx ). The threshold for capturing the entire Arabian oryx population in the wild is 36 females, and captive-bred individuals should not be released before the captive facilities are at least 85% full.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Successful nonlethal management of livestock predation is important for conserving rare or endangered carnivores. In the northwestern United States, wolves ( Canis lupus ) have been translocated away from livestock to mitigate conflicts while promoting wolf restoration. We assessed predation on livestock, pack establishment, survival, and homing behavior of 88 translocated wolves with radiotelemetry to determine the effectiveness of translocation in our region and consider how it may be improved. More than one-quarter of translocated wolves preyed on livestock after release. Most translocated wolves (67%) never established or joined a pack, although eight new packs resulted from translocations. Translocated wolves had lower annual survival (0.60) than other radio-collared wolves (0.73), with government removal the primary source of mortality. In northwestern Montana, where most wolves have settled in human-populated areas with livestock, survival of translocated wolves was lowest (0.41) and more wolves proportionally failed to establish packs (83%) after release. Annual survival of translocated wolves was highest in central Idaho (0.71) and more wolves proportionally established packs (44%) there than in the other two recovery areas. Translocated wolves showed a strong homing tendency; most of those that failed to home still showed directional movement toward capture sites. Wolves that successfully returned to capture sites were more likely to be adults, hard (immediately) rather than soft (temporarily held in enclosure) released, and translocated shorter distances than other wolves that did not return home. Success of translocations varied and was most affected by the area in which wolves were released. We suggest managers translocating wolves or other large carnivores consider soft releasing individuals (in family groups, if social) when feasible because this may decrease homing behavior and increase release-site fidelity.  相似文献   
磷与四价硒的共存对小白菜磷、硒吸收及转运的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用土培盆栽试验和化学分析相结合的方法,研究了不同浓度磷酸盐与四价硒共存对小白菜生长、磷和硒吸收及转运的影响,旨在为安全有效地进行补硒和硒污染土壤的植物修复提供理论依据.结果表明,在供试硒浓度范围内(≤5.0 mg·kg-1),施磷均显著促进了小白菜的生长,表现为地上、地下部生物量的增大(p<0.01).与单施磷相比,硒与磷共存能抑制小白菜根系生长,且抑制其对磷的吸收.磷对小白菜硒吸收的影响与硒、磷浓度有关,表现为促进作用和抑制作用并存,当硒浓度较高时(≥2.5 mg·kg-1),与无磷对照相比施磷可促进小白菜根系对硒的吸收;但高磷处理却导致小白菜地下部硒浓度较低磷处理显著下降.小白菜对磷酸盐的选择性吸收要强于亚硒酸盐,且高浓度磷能抑制硒由小白菜地下部向地上部的转运.故在进行补硒或硒污染土壤修复时,应特别注意合理施磷,以免过量施磷对作物硒吸收和转运的影响.  相似文献   
Uptake, translocation and debromination of three polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), BDE-28, -47 and -99, in maize were studied in a hydroponic experiment. Roots took up most of the PBDEs in the culture solutions and more highly brominated PBDEs had a stronger uptake capability. PBDEs were detected in the stems and leaves of maize after exposure but rarely detected in the blank control plants. Furthermore, PBDE concentrations decreased from roots to stems and then to leaves, and a very clear decreasing gradient was found in segments upwards along the stem. These altogether provide substantiating evidence for the acropetal translocation of PBDEs in maize. More highly brominated PBDEs were translocated with more difficulty. Radial translocation of PBDEs from nodes to sheath inside maize was also observed. Both acropetal and radial translocations were enhanced at higher transpiration rates, suggesting that PBDE transport was probably driven by the transpiration stream. Debromination of PBDEs occurred in all parts of the maize, and debromination patterns of different parent PBDEs and in different parts of a plant were similar but with some differences. This study for the first time provides direct evidence for the acropetal translocation of PBDEs within plants, elucidates the process of PBDE transport and clarifies the debromination products of PBDEs in maize.  相似文献   
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