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为了解我国华东地区鳜肌肉重金属含量现状,采集华东地区(江西南昌,安徽池州、滁州,江苏南京、扬州,浙江建德等)10个采样点野生鳜和池塘主养、池塘套养鳜样本共60份,采用原子荧光光谱分析法(AFS)、石墨炉原子吸收法(GFAAS)测定鳜背部肌肉中铬(Cr)、镉(Cd)、无机砷(As)、汞(Hg)和铅(Pb)等5种重金属的含量,评估其食用安全性与健康风险。结果表明,肌肉中Cd、Cr、Pb、As和Hg的总检出率为98.67%,总超标率为11.67%;其中,Pb、Cd和As超标样,分别占总样本量的28.33%、15%和15%,超标浓度为(0.612±0.111)、(0.181±0.031)和(0.474±0.035) mg·kg~(-1),71.43%的超标样分布于野生鳜群体;Cr、Hg的检出含量均低于我国鱼类水产品重金属的最高限量标准(GB 2762—2017)。3种养殖方式的鳜肌肉中重金属含量分布具有相似的规律(Pb>As>Cr=Cd>Hg),野生鳜肌肉中重金属含量高于人工养殖鳜,池塘主养鳜与池塘套养鳜之间无明显差异。食用安全性评价结果显示,目前,华东地区鳜达到国家标准的限量要求,仅Pb、As含量稍高,分别占周可耐受摄入量(PTWI)的14.42%和21.54%。健康风险评价结果显示,所有鳜样均未超过国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大可接受水平(5×10~(-5)a~(-1))。野生鳜食用安全性低于人工养殖鳜,健康风险高于人工养殖鳜。上述研究结果为鳜水产品安全性评价与健康养殖提供了基础数据。  相似文献   
The promising spread of sustainable agriculture in Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite great successes in increasing food production, Asia still faces enormous food security challenges. Most commentators agree that there will have to be increases in food production from existing agricultural land, but many are pessimistic about the future, judging likelihood of success on the basis of past performance of 'modern' agricultural development. Sustainable agriculture, though, offers entirely new opportunities, by emphasising the productive values of natural, social and human capital, all assets that Asian countries either have in abundance or that can be regenerated at relatively low financial cost.
This paper sets out an assets-based model of agricultural systems, together with a typology of eight approaches for sustainable agriculture improvements. In the 16 projects/initiatives spread across eight countries that are analysed, some 2.86 million households have substantially improved total food production on 4.93 million hectares, resulting in greatly improved household food security. Proportional yield increases are greatest in rainfed systems, but irrigated systems have seen small cereal yield increases combined with added production from additional productive system components (such as fish in rice, vegetables on dykes). The additional positive impacts on natural, social and human capital are also helping to build the assets base so as to sustain these improvements in the future.
This analysis indicates that sustainable agriculture can deliver large increases in food production in Asia. But spreading these to much larger numbers of farm households will not be easy. It will require fundamental policy reform.  相似文献   
为了研究X80、EH36和45#钢在东海海域42个站位的初期腐蚀速率.通过动电位极化曲线法获取出海实测的X80、45#和EH36钢2019年9月在东海42个站位的初期腐蚀速率数据,并以地统计学方法对数据进行分析,探索研究区内3种钢材初期腐蚀速率的空间分布及其变异特征,绘制初期腐蚀速率预测图.对于每一种钢材初期腐蚀速率的空间分布,45#钢在西南部高,东北部低;EH36钢在东北部高,西南部低;而X80钢靠近长江口海域低,其他海域高.X80、45#、EH36钢在东海的平均初期腐蚀速率分别为0.42、0.49、0.17 mm/a,并且3种钢材在东海初期腐蚀速率分布的空间变异特征明显,空间自相关性强,X80、45#、EH36钢的块金值分别为0.0148、0.0044、0.0017,变程为1000~2000 km.  相似文献   
东亚地区沙尘气溶胶的源和汇   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从沙尘气溶胶的源地、输送及清除等几方面 ,讨论了沙尘天气发生的基本条件 ,即强风、大尺度环流形势和中尺度天气系统。论述了东亚沙尘气溶胶的源和汇及其输送过程 ,并初步探讨了沙尘气溶胶沉降入海及其对海洋生态系统的可能影响。东亚沙尘气溶胶的源地主要集中在新疆、甘肃和内蒙的沙漠地带 ,中国北部每年输入大气的沙尘气溶胶总量约为 43× 1 0 6 T。中国西北地区每年向海洋的黄沙输送量约为 1 0 6~ 1 0 7T,通过干、湿沉降入海的沙尘气溶胶对海洋的初级生产有促进作用或与藻类的爆发性繁殖有关 ,入海的气溶胶还含有多种污染成分 ,从而可能对海洋生物和生态系统产生损害。  相似文献   
基于全球大气环流模式CAM3.1对2002—2003年模拟的全球沙尘气溶胶分布及其变化的评估,通过去除东亚沙漠(局地源)的敏感性模拟试验来分析北非、阿拉伯和中亚地区沙漠区(外部源)的沙尘气溶胶跨亚欧大陆传输对东亚地区大气沙尘气溶胶的贡献.结果表明,受到大气沙尘气溶胶的跨亚欧大陆传输的影响,东亚以外沙尘源对青藏高原大气贡献率最大,对我国北方干旱半干旱地区大气贡献率最小,对中国南方地区和日韩及邻近的西北太平洋地区大气贡献率基本相当.东亚地区秋(冬)季大气受到东亚以外沙尘源的影响最弱(强).我国北方干旱半干旱地区近地层大气沙尘气溶胶的外源贡献率秋季最小(约5%),冬季最大(约30%).青藏高原冬季60%~80%的近地面大气沙尘气溶胶来自东亚以外的沙漠区,而在秋季则只有约20%~60%.外源对东亚大气沙尘气溶胶柱浓度和对近地面大气沙尘气溶胶的影响具有基本一致的季节特征,但对柱浓度的贡献率一般偏大10%~40%.沙尘气溶胶跨亚欧大陆传输对东亚地区的影响主要集中在2~6 km的自由对流层.随对流层高度的增加东亚各地区外源贡献率均增加.青藏高原地区以年平均对流层沙尘气溶胶外源贡献率62%~81%成为东亚地区最大的影响区域.  相似文献   
在规划环评中开展洪灾风险评价,应统筹考虑社会、经济的综合影响。就经济损失方面,需要根据洪灾风险评价的基本理论,结合规划区的实际情况,并基于AcView和MapInfo地理信息系统,合理确定洪水风险区、洪水淹没范围、损失率,进行风险损失和风险值计算,选择洪灾风险值较小的防洪规划方案。案例研究结果表明,博鳌规划区50 a一遇的防洪规划方案比20 a一遇的防洪规划方案的风险值要小近50%。因此,在博鳌规划区洪水设防上应按50 a一遇的标准设防为宜。  相似文献   
Simultaneous ground-based measurements of ozone and carbon monoxide were performed at Oki, Japan, from January 2001 to September 2002 in order to investigate the O(3) and CO characteristics and their distributions. The observations revealed that O(3) and CO concentrations were maximum in springtime and minimum in the summer. The monthly averaged concentrations of O(3) and CO were 60 and 234 ppb in spring and 23 and 106 ppb in summer, respectively. Based on direction, 5-day isentropic backward trajectory analysis was carried out to determine the transport path of air masses, preceding their arrival at Oki. Comparison between classified results from present work and results from the year 1994-1996 was carried out. The O(3) and CO concentration results of classified air masses in our analysis show similar concentration trends to previous findings; highest in the WNW/W, lowest in N/NE and medium levels in NW. Moreover, O(3) levels are higher and CO levels are lower in the present study in all categories.  相似文献   
海洋环境管理对于保护和保全海洋环境、推动海洋经济发展、构建生态文明具有重要意义。由于不同国家和地区的政治、经济、海洋战略和文化背景的差异,海洋环境管理的实施没有一个统一的标准模式,所解决的重点问题也不一样。这种多样性使得目前还没有一套通用的海洋环境管理评价体系。为此,本文以东北亚沿海各国为例,借鉴已有研究,从机构设置、法律体系和海洋环境状况三个方面出发,构建了包含定性和定量指标的海洋环境管理效果评价指标体系,在此基础上对东北亚沿海各国海洋环境管理效果进行定量评价与对比分析。结果表明,在机构设置和法律体系方面,日本领先于其他国家;在海洋环境管理方面,朝鲜较优;综合各方面后,日本表现最优,韩国、中国次之,朝鲜、俄罗斯较差。本研究提出的评价方法,可以较为客观地反映不同政治、经济和文化背景下国家在海洋环境管理方面的努力,可为我国审视自身不足、立足国情构建我国特色的海洋环境管理体制提供重要的方法指导和实践经验。  相似文献   
This article explores the special features of the rural–urban transformation in East Asia in the last 30 years within the broader context of the development strategies of Asian governments. Despite an ongoing commitment to the rhetoric of concern with rural development, food security and the alleviation of rural poverty, these policies have emphasised the important role of urbanisation as the prime process influencing economic growth. This is supported by the economic argument that the economies of scale, the creation of mass urban markets and the higher productivity that occur in urban places make them crucial to development. This paper argues that this approach creates a false dichotomy between rural and urban areas, whereas development should aim to increase the linkages between rural and urban areas aimed at producing societal transformations rather than separate rural and urban transitions. The paper then explores the empirical evidence of rural–urban transitions in East Asia with a more detailed case study of China, which is considered to be a crucial example because of the size of its population, the special conditions of market socialism and its institutional capacity to manage the rural–urban transformation. The final section focusses on the importance of developing spatial sensitivity to the management of the rural–urban transformation in the 21st century. Old divisions between rural and urban sectors must be replaced by planning that integrates urban and rural activities so that they adopt sustainable management strategies which utilise concepts of eco-systems in which rural and urban activities are linked, so as to create sustainable urban regions, cities and societies.
T. G. McGeeEmail:
基于TES反演的大气水汽及水汽中HDO数据,对亚洲大气水汽中δD在垂直和等压面上的分布特征进行了分析。在垂直方向上:多年平均显示δD值在对流层由低空向高空逐渐降低,最小值出现在80~100 hPa的对流层顶,进入平流层后则随高度升高而增加;约从500 hPa至对流层顶,等值线非常平直;在500 hPa以下的对流层中低层,等值线则存在着波动。在等压面上:δD值的多年平均纬向分布明显,表现出随纬度增加而减小;在低纬地区的同纬度,δD值由海洋向大陆递减。δD的季节差异则显示在中纬度地区的亚洲大陆,ΔδD为正值且自西向东正值的分布范围、大小均逐渐减小;在低纬和高纬地区,ΔδD值则均为负值;在同纬度地区,海洋上的ΔδD明显小于陆地。另外,发现平流层的等压面上,δD的多年平均、季节差异均表现出与对流层相反分布的特点  相似文献   
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