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Historically, Turkey has adopted a reactive approach to natural hazards which resulted in significant losses. However, following the 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake, a more proactive approach has been adopted. This study aims to explore the way this new approach operates on the ground. A multinational and multidisciplinary team conducted a field investigation following the 2011 Van Earthquake to identify lessons to inform healthcare emergency planning in Turkey and elsewhere. The team interviewed selected stakeholders including, healthcare emergency responders, search and rescue services, ambulance services, and health authority representatives, in addition to conducting a focus group. Data were analysed according to an open coding process and SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat) analysis. The findings suggest that the approach succeeded in developing a single vision by consolidating official efforts in a more structured way, mobilising many governmental and non-governmental organisations, securing significant amounts of resources including physical and human, and increasing the resilience and flexibility of infrastructure to expand its capacity. However, more attention is required to the development of stronger management procedures and acquisition of further resources.  相似文献   
Our research focuses on the linkage between land use planning policy and the spatial pattern of exposure to air toxics emissions. Our objective is to develop a modeling framework for assessment of the community health risk implications of land use policy. The modeling framework is not intended to be a regulatory tool for small-scale land use decisions, but a long-range planning tool to assess the community health risk implications of alternative land use scenarios at a regional or subregional scale. This paper describes the development and application of an air toxic source model for generating aggregate emission factors for industrial and commercial zoning districts as a function of permitted uses. To address the uncertainty of estimating air toxics emission rates for planned general land use or zoning districts, the source model uses an emissions probability mass function that weights each incremental permitted land use activity by the likelihood of occurrence. We thus reduce the uncertainty involved in planning for development with no prior knowledge of the specific industries that may locate within the land use district. These air toxics emission factors can then be used to estimate pollutant atmospheric mass flux from land use zoning districts, which can then be input to air dispersion and human health risk assessment models to simulate the spatial pattern of air toxics exposure risk. The model database was constructed using the California Air Toxics Inventory, 1997 US Economic Census, and land assessment records from several California counties. The database contains information on more than 200 air toxics at the 2-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) level. We present a case study to illustrate application of the model. LUAIRTOX, the interactive spreadsheet model that applies our methodology to the California data, is available at http://www2.bren.ucsb.edu/~mwillis/LUAIRTOX.htm.  相似文献   
Yellow starthistle (Centaurea solsitialis L.) is an invasive weed that creates problems for the management of Idaho's rangelands. A bioeconomic approach combined with an input-output economic model is used to estimate direct and secondary economic costs of the weed in relation to its interference with agricultural and non-agricultural benefits that rangelands provide. Direct economic costs of the infestations were estimated to be of 8.2 million '05 dollars per year, and secondary costs of 4.5 million '05 dollars per year, for a total of 12.7 million '05 dollars; agricultural related economic impacts accounted for 79% of this total cost, and non-agricultural for 21%.  相似文献   
长三角一体化高质量发展对于中国经济行稳致远有着不言而喻的重要意义。为了科学全面认识新时代长三角一体化高质量发展中存在的问题,厘清未来的发展出路,邀请来自不同领域的相关专家就长三角一体化高质量发展中的区域协调、产业协同、交通组织、城镇体系演变、跨区合作、要素配置、流域统筹、一体化路径、绿色低碳发展等研究前沿进行访谈。访谈结果表明:长三角作为我国经济发展最活跃、开放程度最高、创新能力最强的区域,其发展中仍然存在内部发展不平衡、区间交通割裂、行政壁垒尚存、流域生态协作不健全、产业协同发展不足、绿色经济体系较弱等突出问题。长三角在中国乃至世界发展格局中的战略地位,需要综合各学科各专业的理论知识,从不同视角持续关注长三角一体化高质量发展的重大科学命题。紧扣“一体化”和“高质量”,长三角一体化首先要创新机制缩小区域内部发展差异,强化综合交通一体化的基础支撑,更要突破行政边界的制约;其次要创新机制体制来保障生产要素的有效流动与配置,通过价值链、产业链、创新链的融合发展来夯实一体化;再次要促进土地要素向长三角集中使用,提高长三角地区土地承载能力,为长三角区域一体化高质量发展提供充足的土地要素保证;然后要优化人口就业空间结构,加强城际间环境污染联防联治,强化大江大河等重大流域的省际统筹与合作,共同提升长三角的生态系统服务功能,推动绿色一体化发展;最后更要贯彻五大新发展理念,通过科研突破与市场机制来实现低碳发展,在创新驱动引领下打造流空间世界级枢纽,以实现长三角区域一体化高质量发展的新局面。以上观点为长三角区域一体化高质量发展提供科学可行的理论和决策支持。  相似文献   
国土空间规划是现代国家实施国土空间治理的重要手段,是为实现特定战略意图而进行的理性设计,规划的编制实施理念会随时代的发展而变化。为了解生态文明时代国土空间规划理论与技术方法创新,特邀请本领域的五位知名专家就国土空间规划和治理的价值导向、目标追求、重点任务、实施路径和主要领域等开展访谈。专家认为:(1)国土空间规划需要用更高的整体利益原则去处理个体利益之间的失衡,在整体利益的指引下提升特定利益的最大化和保证其他利益的最起码满足。(2)国土空间规划和治理的目标不是单纯追求“地理的普遍繁荣”,而是需要重视追求“人民的普遍幸福”,营造宜居宜业的高品质国土空间。(3)国土空间规划需要统筹安全与发展,合理适度开发利用自然资源,推动实现人与自然和谐共生。(4)需要以核心都市圈为支点,主要城市群为平台,打造宜居城市、韧性城市、智慧城市,建立高质量的城市生态系统和安全系统,重塑中国经济地理格局。(5)城市,特别是大城市是国土空间规划和治理的重点地区,需要通过拓展对城市多元属性的认知、系统研判大城市空间治理的问题与成因,完善大城市治理的逻辑。通过专家访谈,可以看出国土空间规划本质上是对空间关系的重建与重构,需要协调人地关系,推动实现人与自然和谐共生;需要处理好多元主体的利益关系,实现社会和谐;还需要尊重山水林田湖草沙生命共同体、城市有机体等不同层级国土空间单元的运行规律,维护和修复各要素之间的联系和作用机制。  相似文献   
周敏  林凯旋  王勇 《自然资源学报》2022,37(8):1975-1987
国土空间规划传导应是覆盖规划编制、实施管理、监督反馈各个环节的全过程传导。基于国土空间治理体系和治理能力现代化的三个“需求面”,剖析传统空间规划传导的“不适应性”,并从全尺度、全过程、多向度的全链条治理逻辑出发,构建与新时期国土空间治理需求与规划体系相匹配的“三链协同”传导体系及“空间链”“时间链”“反馈链”传导路径。即覆盖“编制—实施—监督”多环节、全过程的国土空间治理闭环体系;纵向到底、事权清晰的全尺度空间传导链条,横向到边、面向实施的全过程时间传导链条以及多元共治、动态维护的多向度反馈传导链条;以期为国土空间规划传导实施提供理论与实践借鉴。  相似文献   
城市生态休闲绿地不同于城市绿地,主要包括其中的城市公园绿地和其他绿地。结合市民平时主要在居住地附近散步、节假日喜欢到郊区游憩的休闲活动特点,把生态休闲绿地分为日常短时休闲绿地和节假日长时休闲绿地。在城市生态休闲绿地建设中,应重点建设日常短时休闲绿地,配套开发节假日长时休闲绿地,完善城市公共绿地的休闲设施,增强城市公共绿地的大众性,提高专有绿地的开放性。  相似文献   
通过对秦皇岛市4种常见绿化植物的叶片滞尘量、单株滞尘能力及相关因素的研究,发现绿化植物单位叶面积的滞尘量最大可以相差2.5倍左右,树种叶片滞尘能力的大小排序为:国槐>悬铃木>金银木>连翘,单株滞尘能力的大小排序为:悬铃木>国槐>金银木>连翘;绿化植物的滞尘量与环境中粉尘含量成正比,树木滞尘能力还与叶片表面性状、叶面积指数及植物所处环境等因素有关。  相似文献   

A number of cities around the world are associated with very high levels of private motor car usage, and Auckland provides an example of one of these ‘hyperautomobile’ cities. There are many problems with this system of transportation and dependence on the private car, including environmental, social and city design dimensions. Though there is a clear aspiration to move towards reduced levels of car usage in the city's transport and spatial planning strategies, there are major difficulties in implementation terms. We develop and consider future scenarios to 2041 to reduce these levels of motorization, and subsequent transport CO2 emissions, with a much greater use of public transport, walking and cycling, urban planning, and low emission vehicles. The current implementability of such a ‘sustainable mobility’ future is however questioned in the current political and social context, and critically debated in terms of the available governance mechanisms and the limited attempts to shape the behaviour of the public. We conclude by calling for a reconsideration of the policy measures being considered, including the range and levels of application and investment; with a much wider framing of the transport planning remit, and carried out within a much stronger participatory framework for decision-making.  相似文献   
从国内外土地利用总体规划环境影响评价的技术方法研究出发,总结了各技术方法的优势和缺点。最后提出了完善土地利用总体规划环境影响技术方法的建议。  相似文献   
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