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深圳地狭人多,特区人口密度高达7310人/平方公里,是中国人口密度最大的城市之一。随着社会经济的高速发展,汽车拥有量的急剧增加,汽车排气污染已成为深圳市最主要的大气污染问题。文章分析了深圳市汽车排气污染的状况及其对城市空气质量的影响,简要介绍了近年来深圳市在控制汽车排气污染方面所做的工作。  相似文献   
双甘膦废水中含有高浓度总磷、有机磷、甲醛、氰化物、氨氮、COD,运用三效蒸发+强氧化+两级化学除磷+UASB+兼氧+好氧组合处理双甘膦废水。研究结果表明双甘膦废水排放满足《污水综合排放标准》(G88978—1996)二级排放标准。  相似文献   
This paper focuses on ecodesign and its application in the footwear industry aiming to identify how the ecodesign can be applied to the redesign of a shoe component in order to minimize the environmental impact and simultaneously reduce costs of production and assembling. The factors that influence the use of ecodesign, the benefits and the difficulties were also investigated. A longitudinal case study was developed in a company that produces shoe stiffeners. The process of ecodesign implementation and the practices of ecodesign considered during the product redesign were analyzed. A cost reduction of about 10% was observed (in relation to the use of natural fibers and polymers in its composition-31% of biomass and 69% of fossil material). Toxic materials were completely eliminated and a reduction of energy consumption was also noticed (during the injection process). The main contributions of this study are: ecodesign constructs to be further researched the conjoint analysis of technological ability and market potential in a redesign project, and the requirements to gain managerial support for a redesign project.  相似文献   
废弃酸碱精制实现变压器油清洁生产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用糠醛精制代替酸碱精制实现变压器油清洁生产,每年减少废渣排放5454t,减少加工损失5454t,取得了良好的环保效益和经济效益。  相似文献   
Size segragated samples were collected during high polluted winter haze days in 2006 in Beijing, China. Twenty nine elements and 9 water soluble ions were determined. Heavy metals of Zn, Pb, Mn, Cu, As, Cr, Ni, V and Cd were deeply studied considering their toxic effect on human being. Among these heavy metals, the levels of Mn, As and Cd exceeded the reference values of National Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-2012) and guidelines of World Health Organization. By estimation, high percentage of atmospheric heavy metals in PM2.5 indicates it is an effective way to control atmospheric heavy metals by PM2.5 controlling. Pb, Cd, and Zn show mostly in accumulation mode, V, Mn and Cu exist mostly in both coarse and accumulation modes, and Ni and Cr exist in all of the three modes. Considering the health effect, the breakthrough rates of atmospheric heavy metals into pulmonary alveoli are: Pb (62.1%) 〉 As (58.1%) 〉 Cd (57.9%) 〉 Zn (57.7%) 〉 Cu (55.8%) 〉 Ni (53.5%) 〉 Cr (52.2%) 〉 Mn (49.2%) 〉 V (43.5%). Positive matrix factorization method was applied for source apportionment of studied heavy metals combined with some marker elements and ions such as K, As, SO42- etc., and four factors (dust, vehicle, aged and transportation, unknown) are identified and the size distribution contribution of them to atmospheric heavy metals are discussed.  相似文献   
汞、镉、铅和砷是自然界中毒性较强的金属,镉和砷已确定为致癌物,汞和铅为可能致癌物。人类活动过程的排放是汞、镉、铅和砷的主要污染来源,由这些金属污染物暴露导致的人类疾病已经引起了公众的广泛关注。研究汞、镉、铅和砷在环境中实际暴露水平,尤其是汞、镉、铅和砷复合暴露对人体健康和生态环境影响及毒性效应的机理极为重要。根据暴露途径、暴露剂量和暴露时间,汞、镉、铅和砷具有不同的代谢途径,产生不同的毒性效应,具有不同的毒性效应机理。在总结现有汞、镉、铅、砷单一和混合暴露的健康损害及毒性效应的基础上,回顾、归纳汞、镉、铅和砷诱导产生毒性效应的机理,讨论基因组、转录组、蛋白质组和代谢组学等技术在汞、镉、铅和砷单一、混合毒性效应及机理研究中的应用并探讨 来的研究方向。  相似文献   
环境权与自然资源权的关系及其合并问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从环境权与自然资源权的标的-环境与自然资源-的对比分析入手,对环境权与自然资源权的联系与区别进行了探讨,证明了环境权与自然资源权是两个相对独立而不是绝对独立的部门法权。  相似文献   
张建  张鹏 《环境保护科学》2008,34(2):99-102
沈阳市政府从2005年开始到2007年11月末,通过沈阳恒信国有资产经营有限公司融资平台从国家开发银行融入贷款资金近295.17亿元用于老工业基地改造。据统计,共有139亿元开发银行贷款用于沈阳市“沈阳西部污水治理工程(西部细河改造)”等环保工程、环境治理等项目,占全市开行贷款总数的47%。项目的实施改善了我市的生产和生活环境,对提高沈阳市的城市品位,完善城市功能起到了积极的促进作用。但由于部分项目前期准备工作不充分、管理主体缺位、二级平台不健全、配套资金筹措不及时等原因,影响了项目进展和资金有效使用,为提高沈阳政府融资信誉,有关部门应通过建立我市开行贷款项目的储备制度、加强二级平台建设、多渠道筹集配套资金、建立有效的防范债务风险的机制等项措施,努力防范和化解财政风险。  相似文献   
一株溶藻菌株的分离鉴定及溶藻特性   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
从某湖泊中分离出一株具有溶藻作用的菌株W4,并且研究了该菌株溶解铜绿微囊藻的作用效果、作用方式以及铜绿微囊藻与溶藻菌株所处生长期对溶藻效果的影响,并对溶藻菌株进行了生理生化鉴定.结果表明,该菌株对铜绿微囊藻具有很好的去除效果,加入特定量的菌株培养液,8d后铜绿微囊藻的去除率可达99.5%.该菌株通过间接作用方式溶解铜绿微囊藻,并且该菌株分泌的抑藻活性物质为非蛋白质类物质.菌株W4对铜绿微囊藻的溶解作用受藻细胞所处生长期的影响,但不受该菌株所处生长期的影响.根据形态特征及生理生化试验初步鉴定W4菌株为链霉菌属.  相似文献   
生物与环境之间构成了一个开放的自我控制的生态系统,即是一个耗散结构系统.通过物质、能量以及信息的流动构成了系统在功能上的统一性和时间的多样性.生态系统最大的特点是自我调节,自维持其稳态.生物发展进化的过程中,外界环境因子成为生物进化的主要因素和特定的目的物,生物必要朝着这目的物,通过负反馈,不断进行自我调节,以缩小与环境压力之间的差距,当这个差距为零时生物就适应了新的环境.生物就是通过一次又一次的负反馈从环境中获得适应性.众所周知,微生物对于异常环境的适应和抗性能力是任何其它生物所莫及的.探索自…  相似文献   
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