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Petrie et al. (1991) demonstrated a correlation between the degree of elaboration of peacocks' trains and their mating success, and also showed that this correlation occurred because females preferred to mate with the male that had the most elaborate train of those sampled on the lek. Although these data suggest that female choice is responsible for non-random mating in this species, they do not conclusively show that train morphology is the cue that females respond to, because they do not rule out the possible influence of another unidentified variable which is correlated with train elaboration. This paper presents an experimental test of the importance of the peacock's train in determining male mating success. If the number or arrangement of eye-spots in the peacock's train influences mating success, then changing the number of eye-spots should change mating success. This prediction was tested in an experiment where the trains of male peafowl (Pavo cristatus) were manipulated by removing a number of eye-spots between mating seasons. Peacocks with eye-spots removed showed a significant decline in mating success between seasons compared with a control group. This result, together with the observational data, supports the hypothesis that the peacock's train has evolved, at least in part, as a result of female choice.  相似文献   
Theoretical models of parental care predict differential allocation in relation to the expected fitness of the offspring. As birds must allocate all the resources required for embryonic development in self-contained packages, maternal egg allocation takes a central role in avian life histories. It is predicted that mothers can influence offspring performance by varying the size or composition of their eggs. In this context, T cell-mediated immune response has been revealed as a valuable tool to evaluate fledgling fitness. However, little is known about its relationships to egg mass. I describe a negative association between egg mass and cellular immune response in Eurasian kestrel nestlings (Falco tinnunculus) throughout 3 years. To explore how environmental conditions could mediate this relationship, I experimentally supplied food to females before egg formation in the third study year. I found that this relationship turned to positive in food-supplied females without any effect on egg size. This result shows that environmental conditions before egg formation mediate the relationship between egg mass and future immune response of the nestlings. I suggest that females may be constrained in improving the future immune response of their offspring due to resource allocation trade-offs determined by their pre-laying condition.  相似文献   
Despite the vast literature on male courtship behaviour, little is known about the function and information content of female courtship behaviour. Female courtship behaviour may be important in many species, particularly where both sexes invest heavily in the offspring, and if such behaviours contain honest information regarding a females potential reproductive investment, they may be particularly important in male mate choice. Using observations of two female courtship behaviours (the rush and the twitch) from experimental pairings in the Banggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni), I addressed the question of whether these courtship behaviours contained information on female reproductive output (clutch weight) and egg maturity (proximity to spawning), traits commonly associated with male mate choice. I especially focused on the importance of these courtship behaviours in relation to other female characters, such as size and condition, using multiple regression. I found that one of these behaviours, the rush, was strongly associated with fecundity, whereas size, condition and the twitch were not. Further, I found that the twitch behaviour was associated with how close to actual spawning a female was. The results suggest that female courtship behaviour may convey highly important information in a mate choice context. I discuss the adaptive value of honest information in female courtship behaviour in light of these results.Communicated by K. Lindström  相似文献   
Sex-allocation theory predicts that females paired to attractive males should bias the brood sex ratio towards male offspring, as these would inherit the attractiveness of their father. We studied sex allocation based on male ornamentation in blue tits. Brood sex ratios varied with male UV coloration in an age-dependent manner. For juvenile males, the proportion of sons increased with increasing UV ornamentation, which is in agreement with previous findings from a Swedish population. However, the relationship between UV ornamentation and brood sex ratio was reversed for adult males, with females paired to less UV-ornamented adult males producing more sons. This pattern fits with the observation that, in our population, less UV-ornamented adult males sire the majority of extra-pair young. To test the causality of the association between brood sex ratio and male coloration, we experimentally manipulated crown colour largely within the natural range. We created two groups of males: one with higher and one with lower UV reflectance, UV(+) and UV(−), respectively. Contrary to our expectations, there was no significant treatment effect. However, in UV(−), but not UV(+) males, the proportion of sons was negatively correlated with male coloration before manipulation. This suggests that the UV(−) treatment caused males that were more UV ornamented to decline more in attractiveness, as shown in a similar experiment in Sweden. However, given that correlational patterns differ between these populations, similarities in experimental results should not be taken as evidence for consistent patterns of adaptive sex allocation in this species.  相似文献   
We examined the preference of Atlantic molly females (Poecilia mexicana) to associate with a well-fed or a starved male in simultaneous choice tests. Females from three different populations were tested in three treatments: (1) the females could choose on the basis of multiple cues from the males (visual plus non-visual); (2) only non-visual cues could be perceived in darkness, (3) only visual cues were presented. The three tested populations differ clearly in their ecology: one population occurs in a typical river habitat, the second one in a milky sulfur creek outside a cave, and the third population occurs in a cave habitat (cave molly). In the river-dwelling population, females never showed a preference. In the population from the sulfur creek, females preferred to associate with the well-nourished male when visual cues from the males were available. Only cave molly females exhibited a strong preference for well-nourished males in all treatments. A morphological comparison demonstrated that wild-caught males from river habitats are typically in a good nutritional state. In the sulfur creek, males showed signs of starvation. Cave molly males were in an even worse nutritional state. In the cave population, saturated males probably indicate high fitness, thereby driving the evolution of the preference for good male nutritional state.Communicated by K. Lindström  相似文献   
Determinants of male mating success in the red bishop (Euplectes orix)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We studied sexual selection in the red bishop, Euplectes orix, a colonial, polygynous weaverbird widely distributed over sub-Saharan Africa. Male reproductive success measured in terms of the number of nests accepted by females and the number of eggs and nestlings in all the nests on a male's territory varied considerably. The standardized variance (variance/mean2) in male reproductive success ranged from 0.505 to 1.737 in different years, indicating a high potential for sexual selection in this species. An analysis of genetic parentage for 432 nestlings by non-radioactive, multilocus DNA fingerprinting confirmed that male reproductive success (number of young sired on the territory) in this species can be reliably estimated by the measures introduced above. In all 4 study years there was a strong positive correlation between male mating success and the total number of nests that males built in their territories. The number of nests built can be partitioned into the number of weeks a male held a territory and his nest-building performance. Both factors exert a significant positive effect on male mating success and in combination explained between 53.3 and 86.3% of the variation in male reproductive success. Male morphological characters were found to be of no importance. Males that established a territory in the following season built more nests and held their territories for longer than males that did not establish a territory in the following season, suggesting that these measures might be indicators of male condition and quality. Male nest-building performance (number of nests built per week) seems to be unrelated to male condition or quality. Received: 8 January 1999 / Received in revised form: 7 June 1999 / Accepted: 13 June 1999  相似文献   
For female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania, the most common mating pattern is opportunistic. In such opportunistic matings, females copulated promiscuously but not randomly. This study describes female mate choice during 1-year observation of six females who exhibited regular genital-swelling cycles. During the study period, 169 opportunistic matings and four restrictive matings were recorded over the course of 51 days. As female estrus progressed, mating frequency and the number of adult male mating partners increased, although the number of potential mating partners did not change. Criteria of female choice examined were the direction and consent/rejection of courtship, proximity maintenance, and female grooming. Adult-male courtships were successful more often than those of adolescent males. During the earlier phase of estrus, females copulated rather promiscuously with many males. But during the later phase of estrus when the likelihood of conception is expected to be highest, they copulated repeatedly with high-ranking adult males. There was a positive correlation between female grooming frequency and mating frequency when the likelihood of conception was greatest. Female chimpanzees are thought to choose high-ranking males as fathers of their offspring. Moreover, female chimpanzees may adopt one or both of two mating strategies, i.e., a many-male strategy and a best-male strategy. Received: 23 November 1998 / Received in revised form: 12 April 1999 / Accepted: 26 April 1999  相似文献   
Melanin-based ornaments are often involved in signaling aggression and dominance, and their role in sexual selection is increasingly recognized. We investigated the functions of a melanin-based plumage ornament (facial ‘mask’) in male Eurasian penduline tits Remiz pendulinus in the contexts of male–male aggression, mating success, and parental care. The penduline tit is a passerine bird with a unique mating system in which both sexes may mate with several mates in a breeding season, and one (or both) parent deserts the clutch. Our study revealed that mask size of males is more likely an honest signal used by females in their mate choice decisions than a trait involved in male–male competition. First, mask size increased with both age and body condition, indicating that the mask may signal male quality. Second, males with larger masks paired more quickly and had more mates over the breeding season than males with smaller masks. Third, we found no evidence that male mask size signals male–male aggression or dominance during competitive encounters. The increased mating success of large-masked males, however, did not translate into higher reproductive success, as nestling survival decreased with mask size. Therefore, we conclude that there is either no directional selection on male mask size or males with larger masks receive indirect, long-term benefits.  相似文献   
Male fifteen-spined sticklebacks (Spinachia spinachia) build their nests by wrapping epiphytic algae around macroalgae and securing them with secretional threads. In this study, I show that female fifteen-spined stickleback prefer males which have built their nests above the surrounding vegetation. High-located nests are safer, because they are less likely to attract egg-predators such as shore crabs (Carcinus maenas). Thus, I found that shore crabs more rapidly find eggs in nests built close to the bottom than in nests well above the it. Moreover, male-male competition could be an additional explanation as to why males build nests high up. Thus, my field results suggest that the closer the males were to a neighbour, the higher they built. Larger males were also found to have larger territories but male size did not correlate with the height of the nest above the surrounding vegetation. Females showed no preference for nest size, regardless of the presence of egg-predators. However, they tended to choose nests that had no egg-predators in the vicinity over nests with egg-predators close by. Female choosiness for certain nest characters may provide one explanation for the evolution of male care in this species. Received: 29 December / 1999 Revised: 18 April 2000 / Accepted: 28 May 2000  相似文献   
By removing males and controlling the rate of water flow past oviposition patches in an experimental area, we showed that female Calopteryx splendens xanthostoma preferred to oviposit in fast flowing water rather than slow flowing water. A series of manipulations revealed the fitness benefits to females for this preference: eggs placed in fast-flowing water developed significantly faster and showed significantly lower mortality than eggs placed in slow-flowing water. A major factor determining this difference was the deposition and growth of encrusting algae which prevented the successful hatching of eggs in slow-flowing water.  相似文献   
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