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Models of parasite-mediated sexual selection have thus far overlooked the potential effects of parasites of females on their hosts’ ability to choose mates. A set of models addressing this issue is developed, each building on the previous one to add complexity and realism to the framework. The selection coefficient for parasite immunity and brightness is estimated using the ratio of the fitness of susceptible males to the fitness of immune males. Parasite-induced reduction in female choosiness can substantially relax the selection for bright, immune males, especially when: (1) immunity to parasites is rare in the population, (2) parasites are not highly aggregated within the host population, (3) parasites are abundant, and (4) the effects of parasites on male brightness or female choosiness are severe. Parasite-induced variability in male brightness is most likely to occur in populations in which parasites are abundant and not aggregated; if females in those populations show a reduced preference for bright males, sexual selection for brightness (and parasite immunity) will still operate but exert a weaker selective pressure. Received: 4 November 1994/Accepted after revision: 9 September 1995  相似文献   
Female ornaments in species with conventional sex roles often indicate individual quality, but the evolutionary forces maintaining them are less clear. Sexual competition for breeding opportunities may represent an important role for female signals, especially in polygynous species, but there is little experimental evidence for this. The wing patch size (WPS) of female collared flycatchers indicates age and body condition and predicts social mating patterns. We challenged nest-building females with decoy females of varying WPS and found that the aggressive response of residents increased with decoy WPS, suggesting a role for this female ornament in territorial competition. Our results explain why female WPS predicts territorial distances when mated to a polygynous male and indicate that the role of WPS in female competitive interactions is similar to that in males of the same population.  相似文献   
Authors of socioecological models propose that food distribution affects female social relationships in that clumped food resources, such as fruit, result in strong dominance hierarchies and favor coalition formation with female relatives. A number of Old World monkey species have been used to test predictions of the socioecological models. However, arboreal forest-living Old World monkeys have been understudied in this regard, and it is legitimate to ask whether predominantly arboreal primates living in tropical forests exhibit similar or different patterns of behavior. Therefore, the goal of our study was to investigate female dominance relationships in relation to food in gray-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena). Since gray-cheeked mangabeys are largely frugivorous, we predicted that females would have linear dominance hierarchies and form coalitions. In addition, recent studies suggest that long food site residence time is another important factor in eliciting competitive interactions. Therefore, we also predicted that when foods had long site residence times, higher-ranking females would be able to spend longer at the resource than lower-ranking females. Analyses showed that coalitions were rare relative to some other Old World primate species, but females had linear dominance hierarchies. We found that, contrary to expectation, fruit was not associated with more agonism and did not involve long site residence times. However, bark, a food with a long site residence time and potentially high resource value, was associated with more agonism, and higher-ranking females were able to spend more time feeding on it than lower-ranking females. These results suggest that higher-ranking females may benefit from higher food and energy intake rates when food site residence times are long. These findings also add to accumulating evidence that food site residence time is a behavioral contributor to female dominance hierarchies in group-living species.  相似文献   
Males often face strong mating competition by neighboring males in their social environment. A recent study by Plath et al. (Anim Behav 75:21–29, 2008a) has demonstrated that the visual presence of a male competitor (i.e., an audience male) affects the expression of male mating preferences in a poeciliid fish (Poecilia mexicana) with a weaker expression of mating preferences when an audience male observed the focal male. This may be a tactic to reduce sperm competition, since surrounding males likely share intrinsic preferences for female traits or copy mate choice decisions. Here, we examined the hypothesis that a same-sex audience would affect female mate preferences less than male mating preferences. Our hypothesis was based on the assumptions that (1) competition for mates in a fashion that would be comparable in strength to sperm competition or overt male–male aggression is absent among Poecilia females, and (2) P. mexicana females typically form female-biased shoals, such that almost any female mate choice in nature occurs in front of a female audience. Poecilia females (P. mexicana, surface and cave form, and the closely related gynogenetic Poecilia formosa) were given a choice between a large and a small male, and the tests were repeated while a conspecific, a heterospecific, or no audience female (control) was presented. Females spent more time in the neutral zone and, thus, less time near the males during the second part of a trial when an audience was presented, but—consistent with predictions—females showed only slightly weaker expression of mate preferences during the second part of the tests. This decline was not specific to the treatment involving an audience and was significantly weaker than the effect seen in the male sex.  相似文献   
The female aggression hypothesis states that resident females may be able to prevent polygyny by behaving aggressively towards intruding females. A critical test of the hypothesis is to provide prospecting females with a choice between displaying mated males some of which have initial mates with artificially reduced levels of aggressiveness. Here we present a mate choice experiment on pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca. The species is a cavity nester, and resident females were prevented from behaving aggressively by enclosing them within their own nestboxes: narrowing the entrance hole so that they could not escape but could still let their head out and have some contact with their mate. This treament had only a minor influence on male behaviour. We studied whether the experimental males were better able to attract a new female than a control group of mated males. Four predictions from the female aggression hypothesis were supported. (1) Mating success of control males was positively related to the distance between their primary and secondary territory. (2) For experimental males, mating success was unrelated to interterritorial distance. (3) Experimental males had higher mating success than control males when the interterritorial distance was short but (4) not when it was long. Experimental males had much lower mating success than unmated males, as would be expected if prospecting females are able to discover male mating status from cues other than visits by primary females to their mates' secondary nest sites. Received: 5 January 1998 / Accepted after revision: 30 December 1998  相似文献   
Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) can indicate developmental instability in bilaterally symmetric organisms, and studies have shown that the degree of asymmetry in male secondary sexual characters influences female mate choice in a number of taxa. In male Schizocosa ocreata wolf spiders, conspicuous tufts of bristles on the forelegs are a critical component of visual courtship signals, which appear to play a role in female mate choice. Previous studies have shown that females exhibit reduced receptivity to males with regenerative asymmetry, a consequence of leg loss and regeneration that causes males to be grossly asymmetric with respect to this important signaling character. We provide data on the occurrence of FA in the tufts of S. ocreata, and examine further the influence of asymmetry on female mate choice. The distribution of tuft area asymmetry values from a sample of field-collected males was normal, with a mean value of zero, indicating true FA. For a subset of males measured directly after field collection and prior to feeding, tuft asymmetry was significantly negatively correlated with measures of body size (body length) and condition (abdomen volume/cephalothorax width). Receptivity responses of females to visual signals from live males of similar size varied with the degree of asymmetry in male tufts. Since FA covaries with male body size and condition, which may also influence behavioral vigor, we used video image manipulation to alter the degree of asymmetry in tufts of a courting male while holding size and condition constant. Asymmetry treatments represented values within the range of natural FA variation as well as more extreme values characteristic of regenerative asymmetry. With the confounding effects of male size, condition, and behavior held constant, female spiders exhibited reduced receptivity responses to all experimental asymmetric video images relative to a control video stimulus. There were no differences in the frequency of female receptivity among the various asymmetry treatments, suggesting that discrimination against asymmetry in conspecific male signal characters is not simply a rejection of extreme phenotypes. Results suggest that asymmetry in a key male secondary character used in visual signaling, independent of any concomitant behavioral or size factor, is an important criterion in mate choice. Received: 26 February 1998 / Accepted after revision: 12 September 1998  相似文献   
In rural Nigeria, food processing is mostly engaged in by women and children. Most of these processes are done using outdated technologies that make use of traditional woodstoves. This article presents the health and environmental implications of the rural female entrepreneurs involved in food processing and proffer means of bettering the lot of these women to handle these hazards. A partially structured questionnaire and focus group discussion was used to capture data from respondents. The study revealed that about 73 % of women involved in direct production of garri and palm oil processing could be at risk of early death or disability-adjusted life years from the mentioned diseases. The article concludes that the rural female entrepreneur needs to be better positioned to handle these hazards, for her health, that of her children, as well as for the environment.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that some female black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) solicit copulations from males that rank higher in winter flocks than their social mates, and extra-pair paternity in nests occurs commonly enough to be considered a potential female mating tactic. This study uses blood samples collected in 1992–1995 from 58 families of black-capped chickadees to test whether females with extra-pair offspring have chosen extra-pair sires higher in social rank than their mates. Paternity was assessed with multilocus DNA fingerprinting in 1992–1994 nests and with microsatellite and single-locus minisatellite DNA typing in 1995 nests. Seventeen of 58 nests (29.3%) contained young genetically mismatched with their social father. In 11 of 15 cases where the identity of the extra-pair male was known, the extra-pair male was dominant to the social father. Using data from 29 nests located in 1994 and 1995 for which we had the most data on relative ranks of males, high-ranking males had greater realized reproductive success than low-ranking males as a result of extra-pair fertilizations. There was no significant difference between the number of nests containing extra-pair young of females mated to low-ranked versus high-ranked males. Two nests in 1995 contained young either genetically mismatched with both social parents (intraspecific brood parasitism) or, in one nest, genetically mismatched with the social mother but not the social father (quasi-parasitism). The implications of female strategies acquiring genetic benefits through extra-pair copulations are discussed. Received: 7 July 1997 / Accepted after revision: 14 March 1998  相似文献   
In this study we examine male song output as a measure of nest site quality in blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla). Song rate, breeding success, predation on nests and reaction to playbacks were investigated in individual males. Habitat features determining nest site and song post quality in terms of vegetation cover were compared between successful nests and nests that had suffered predation. We then related song rate of unmated males to habitat factors in territories and nesting sites in order to examine a possible predictor function of blackcap song for habitat quality. Several habitat features are responsible for variation in nesting success. These features also correlate with song rate of unmated males. The study indicates a potential role of song rate in the advertisement of territory quality. Furthermore, the data suggest that females use song rates rather than territory quality in mating decisions. The information females may gain about male quality in relation to territory quality are also discussed.  相似文献   
Neither size nor breeding color correlated with spawning success of male orangethroat darters, Etheostoma spectabile (Pisces, Percidae), under natural field conditions. When females were presented experimentally with a simultaneous choice they spent no more time in proximity to large than small males, and were subsequently no more likely to spawn with large than with small males. Females also displayed no preference for bright versus dull males. Males and females did not differ significantly in size. Etheostoma spectabile may lack sexual size dimorphism as a result of the lack of female choice for size and the ineffectiveness of male attempts to monopolize females, or selection may be for increased size of females. Males are not dwarfs because of sperm competition. Contest competition among males appeared to be important in initiating spawnings but many males obtained spawnings by participating in ongoing spawning events. Etheostoma spectabile is an example of a sexually dimorphic species with no evident female preference for male size or color.  相似文献   
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