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云南金沙江流域主要森林植被类型分布格局   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
云南金沙江流域具有复杂的地形地貌,从地貌格局及气候系统差异上,可将该区域的森林植被类型分异划分为3个区,即西部高山峡谷区、中部中山峡谷和滇中高原区、东部中山山原峡谷区,不同的区域决定不同的植被类型,而典型的植被类型具有指示特定区域的作用。通过分析,把云南金沙江流域不同区域的植被特点、类型进行了阐述。对于该区域的植被恢复,特别是植被类型,是遵照自然规律的原则,保证恢复效果的重要举措。同时,对不同区域森林植被类型及不同区域森林植被垂直差异的论述,阐明了云南金沙江流域不同区域的顶极和亚顶极植物群落,为人工按“近自然化”的原则恢复森林植被提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
建立生物、水力及温度耦合模型模拟预测水流状态以及温度对污水处理效果的影响.利用校验完成的生物场-水力场耦合模型(FCASM3-Hydro)以及生物场-水力场-温度场耦合模型(FCASM3-Hydro-Temp)对德清县狮山污水处理厂的AAO工艺系统进行模拟,分别考察反应池Pe准数值以及温度对污水处理效果的影响.由FCASM3一Hydro模拟厌氧池和好氧池不同Pe值条件下污染物质出水结果分析可知,好氧池中水力推流作用的强弱直接决定着污染物质的出水浓度值,厌氧池的水流作用对污染物质的浓度变化影响并不十分显著,FCASM3-Hydro-Temp对进水温度影响污染物质去除效果的模拟结果表明,低温对NH4+-N的处理明显不利,高温对PO43--P的处理不利,若系统进水温度在10~40℃范围内波动将不会对污水处理效果造成显著的影响.  相似文献   
The 21st century is referred to as a "century for cities"or "era for cities", and China has also speeded up its processof urbanization, which will bring massive influence to theeconomic development of the country and also to theworld. Joseph E. Stiglize, a winner of The Nobel Prize onEconomy, said that (the urbanization in China and thedevelopment of high technologies in the United Stateswill be two major subjects with a profound effect to thedevelopment of all mankind in the 21st century) …  相似文献   
微塑料作为一种新兴环境污染物,可能会对全球生态圈(水、土壤和空气)和人类健康造成潜在危害.本文综述了气载微塑料的分析方法、赋存特征、迁移规律及其毒性效应与机制等最新研究进展.当前气载微塑料定量表征主要依赖于体视显微镜检,而其定性分析则主要借助傅里叶红外光谱和拉曼光谱技术.气载微塑料遍及全球各大城市、海洋、甚至偏远山区.HYSPLIT4和沉降计算后推气流轨迹分析揭示了气载微塑料的迁移规律.气载微塑料对人体健康风险的影响研究表明,人类(尤其是儿童)能够吸入高丰度微塑料.今后研究应注重开发出适用于气载微塑料的精准、高效和低成本的分析仪器与方法,强化气载微塑料定量数据规范化,并从细胞、组织、器官等层面深入揭示气载微塑料及其复合污染物的毒性效应与机制.  相似文献   
Distance-based methods use point-to-point distances or random-location-to-point distances in a cloud of points to estimate characteristics of the point pattern. One such characteristics is the density of points. The difficulty with distance-based density estimators is that their distribution depends on the spatial pattern of points. In particular, the distribution of distances is untractable for usual clustered patterns, that are often observed in natural systems. Here, we propose a density estimator for clustered patterns, based on the random-location-to-pth-point distance X p . An approximate expression for the distribution function, F p , of X p was obtained by identifying the first two moments of the count of individuals in disks for a given point process with the first two moments of a negative binomial distribution. The approximate expression of F p was then used to derive a maximum-likelihood estimator of the intensity of the point process. The quality of the approximation of F p was assessed for homogeneous Poisson processes (for which the expression of F p is exact) and for Matérn processes. The intensity estimator based on Matérn processes was then used to estimate tree density in a tree savanna in Mali, and it compared favorably with six robust estimators found in the literature.  相似文献   
Extrapair paternity in birds has been the focus of an increasing number of studies over the last decades. Nevertheless, there is little knowledge about extrapair copulation (EPC) behavior. In this study, we investigate whether female bluethroats (Luscinia s. svecica) with no extrapair offspring (EPO) in their broods really have been sexually monogamous or if they have copulated with extrapair males. We used an experimental approach to prevent transfer of sperm from the social male during copulation by fitting a rubber tube around the cloaca of randomly chosen males. If the females mated to these males do not participate in EPCs, they will produce infertile eggs, whereas females that copulate with extrapair males will only produce EPO. We found that 87% (n=15) of the experimental pairs compared to only 36% (n=51) of unmanipulated pairs produced EPO. Our result therefore suggests that females having no EPO may still have copulated with extrapair males and that promiscuity may be an obligate sexual strategy among bluethroat females.Communicated by S. Pruett-Jones  相似文献   
群落中物种多度格局的研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
物种多度格局是群落结构的重要内容,但在目前的生态学研究中对其重视不够;多度格局研究早在30年代就开始,在过去的数十年中得到了重要发展;现已建立了多种多度格局模型,它们各有所长;多度格局与物种多样性指数结合,对群落结构研究更具意义;在多度格局研究中也有一些问题值得讨论。  相似文献   
The red bishop (Euplectes orix) is a highly polygynous and colonial weaverbird. Males construct several nests within their territories to which they try to attract females, and females are solely responsible for incubation and raising offspring. In this paper, we describe the characteristics of the red bishop’s mating system as a biological market and investigate the role of nests built by males as a traded commodity in a mating market. As timing of breeding in red bishops in arid and semi-arid zones depends on rainfall patterns which are often unpredictable, there are temporal changes in demand for and supply of nests within a breeding season, with breeding activities of males and females being highly synchronised. We found that males increased their nest-building speed with increased female breeding activity independently of rainfall, indicating that supply follows demand in this mating market. The supply of nests was always larger than the demand for nests. Construction costs for nests increased with demand for nests as indicated by shorter nest-building duration and shorter building delays between two consecutively built nests at times of high breeding activity. Males as a trading class are chosen according to the age of their nests offered, with young nests having a higher probability of being accepted by females. Furthermore, female choosiness with regard to nest age decreased when their own market value decreased, as predicted by biological market theory. The temporal changes of breeding activity together with the female preference for young and fresh nests require that males quickly adjust nest-building activity to varying female demand for new nests. However, males with a better adjustment of building speed to female breeding activity did not gain higher mating success.  相似文献   
The vegetative cover in semi-arid lands typically occurs as patches of individual species more or less separated from one another by bare ground. We have adapted two methods to quantify the spatial pattern of such cover from measurements across patches on transects.Transects were laid in several directions across digital maps of the land surface or across the land itself, and the distances between successive patch boundaries were measured. The distances were ranked in order, and their cumulative distributions were computed and modeled with gamma functions. The parameters of the model provided estimates of the mean distance across patches. The means for different directions were further tested for anisotropy. Transitions between classes on the transects estimate the probabilities with which the different species occur next to others (and to bare ground) and so describe the arrangement of the patches occupied by the different species.The methods were tested with data from mosaic patterns at three semi-arid sites dominated by the tussock grass Stipa tenacissima. The differences in the estimated mean boundary spacings from site to site accorded with prior qualitative assessment, as did the estimated anisotropy. The transition matrices and the estimated proportions of cover showed the dominance of the bare soil with which all the individual species are intimately associated. The transitions also suggest the presence of both positive and negative relations among the main species. Those between Stipa tenacissima and Brachypodium retusum seem to be facilitative, as do those between this grass and the shrub Anthyllis cytisoides. In contrast, Globularia alypum seems to inhibit the other species.We also estimated transition probabilities geostatistically by summing the indicator variograms of the individual species. Standard variogram models were then fitted to describe the ordered series of values, and these again produced results that accorded with visual impressions.  相似文献   
Metapopulation models assume that inter-patch dispersal dominantly depends on distance between patches and the dispersal capability of organisms in question. We used a spatially explicit, individual-based model to investigate the potential effect of patch constellation on the exchange of individuals between patches. We simulated migration of individuals from a start- into a target-patch with both patches having the same size and shape. Simulation experiments were carried out for four patch constellations and two different movement patterns. Our results demonstrate a substantial effect of patch constellation on the exchange of individuals. They also show that the magnitude and even the direction of this effect crucially depends on their movement pattern. We conclude that particularly for highly correlated movement patterns patch shape and constellation can not readily be ignored when modelling inter-patch dispersal between habitat-islands.  相似文献   
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