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Citrus Sudden Death (CSD) is a disease that has affected sweet orange trees grafted on Rangpur lime in the south of Minas Gerais state and in the north of São Paulo state (Brazil). This is a worrying characteristic because the Rangpur lime responds to 85% of the Brazilian citrus rootstocks. This disease is believed to be caused by a virus transmitted by aphids (vector) of the citrus. In this work, we have adopted the Cellular Automata model (CA) to study the temporal evolution of the disease. We take into account the effect of the wind in the space covered by the aphid. To establish the relationship between the space covered by the aphid and the intensity of the wind, we have adopted the rule-based fuzzy system. Simulations were performed and compared to real data. Through the use of the mean absolute error (MAE) method, it was possible to verify a 70% of similarity between our model of data and the real one. 相似文献
Tal Svoray Shiri Bar-Yamin Gancharski Zalmen Henkin Mario Gutman 《Ecological modelling》2004,180(4):537-556
Herbaceous plant production plays a key role in determining the function of rangeland ecosystems in the semi-arid and Mediterranean regions. Therefore, assessment of herbaceous plant habitats is important for understanding the ecosystem functioning in these regions and for applied purposes, such as range management and land evaluation. This paper presents a model to assess herbaceous plant habitats in a basaltic stony environment in a Mediterranean region. The model is based on geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing and fuzzy logic, while four indirect variables, which represent major characteristics of herbaceous habitats, are modeled: rock cover fraction; wetness index (WI); soil depth; and slope orientation (aspect). A linear unmixing model was used to measure rock cover on a per pixel basis using a Landsat TM summer image. The wetness index and local aspect were determined from digital elevation data with 25 m × 25 m pixel resolution, while soil data were gathered in a field survey. The modeling approach adopted here is process-based and assumes that water availability plays a crucial role in determining herbaceous plant production in Mediterranean and semi-arid environments. The model rules are based on fuzzy logic and are written based on the hypothesized water requirements of the herbaceous vegetation. The results show that on a polygon basis there is positive agreement between the model proposed here and previous mapping of the herbaceous habitats carried out in the field using traditional methods. Intrapolygon tests show that the use of a continuous raster data model and fuzzy logic principles provide an added value to traditional mapping. Moreover, herbaceous biomass measurements at two time intervals—mid- and peak winter season—corresponded with the habitat assessment predictions achieved using a new scenario that is proposed in this research. This scenario suggests that rockiness increases herbaceous production on south-facing slopes, while in other slope aspects the rock cover has lower impact on herbaceous growth. Due to its simplicity, the model suggested here can be used by planners and managers, to adjust range activities over large areas. The process-based approach should allow adaptation of the model to other regions more effectively than models that were formulated on a purely empirical basis. The model could also be used to study the relationship between water availability and ecosystem productivity on a regional scale. 相似文献
人为泥石流灾害严重等级的定量模糊综合评判 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
根据神府-东胜矿区人为泥石流的调查分析,选择15个因素(含5个主控因素)作为其严重程度的评价因子,确定了四值逻辑(严、中、轻、否)评判的定量标准。应用模糊综合评判和分层定量模糊综合评判两种方法对该煤田65条泥石流沟的严重等级进行综合判别,准确性达93.1%,它为保护该地煤田建设和工农业生产提供了重要的科学依据。 相似文献
安全等级特征量及其计算方法 总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15
指出了目前用模糊评价法确定系统的安全等级所存在的问题和不足之处。分别运用模糊随机变量理论和模糊集理论而提出了安全等级模糊随机特征量和安全等级模糊特征量的概念及其计算方法。安全等级特征量及安全等级变量,均为安全等级取值论域上的模糊子集,而并非是一个确定的点。还给出了安全等级的绝对可能性和相对可能性的计算方法。实例表明,笔者所提出的安全等级特征量及可能性的计算方法是科学的、合理的 相似文献
模糊集值统计法在煤矿安全评价指标权值中的应用 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
应用模糊集值统计的理论 ,对煤矿安全评价中具有随机性和模糊性的指标进行数学分析 ,进一步改进了其权值的确定方法 ,使其更加符合实际情况 ,并对由此得出的权值进行了可靠性分析。通过实例表明 ,该方法克服了经典统计法的不足 ,提高了煤矿安全评价的实用性和科学性 相似文献
小城镇灾害易损性分析与评估 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
随着我国城镇化进程的加快 ,小城镇的防灾减灾问题逐步引起社会的关注 ,而小城镇易损度分析和评价是灾害危险性评价的重要组成部分 ,也是小城镇决策部门制定防灾减灾规划的重要依据 ;笔者在综合分析了小城镇的自然易损性、经济易损性及社会易损性的基础上 ,选取相应的灾害指标和社会经济指标 ,应用多级模糊综合评判方法 ,对小城镇的易损程度作出了评估 ,从而为小城镇制定相应防灾、减灾对策提供科学依据。 相似文献
空中交通管制中人的可靠性模糊综合评价研究 总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10
人是空中交通管制系统中最灵活、最具适应性和最有价值的因素 ,而其行为也是最易受到不利影响的。由于空中交通管制中产生的人为失误 ,往往会导致航空器空中危险接近 ,严重的后果甚至会酿成空难。笔者从人 -机 -环境系统工程的观点出发 ,提出了空中交通管制中人的可靠性评价的指标体系结构模型。从人自身因素、软件、硬件、环境等方面指出了影响空中交通管制中人的可靠性的心理、空中环境等 17个子因素。运用模糊数学的方法 ,建立空中交通管制中人的可靠性定量评价模型 ,并用实例进行了验证。研究表明 ,该方法应用于空中交通管制中人的可靠性评价是一种新的尝试 ,其评价结果可为各级领导机构提供航空安全管理的决策依据。 相似文献
基于BP网络的建筑安装施工现场安全综合评价的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对目前我国建筑安装施工现场安全评价技术的不成熟和欠科学性的现状 ,笔者分析和综合了目前安全评价技术 ,结合建筑业特点 ,提出了基于BP神经网络的建筑安装施工现场安全评价方法 ,并对该评价模型的原理、方法及算法进行了研究。首先 ,结合建筑安装施工现场安全生产的特点建立评价指标体系 ,随后 ,运用层次分析法确定指标及准则层的权重 ,并运用模糊综合评价法生成评价样本集 ,最后 ,利用样本集训练BP网络 ,待误差满足要求后 ,即可运用训练成功的BP神经网络进行安全评价。 相似文献
针对通用模糊聚类算法进行彩色图像分割存在对初值敏感,迭代过程耗时等问题,在HSI空间结合火焰图像分布特征,采用平均值法进行初值优选,构造抑制算子和抑制因数对火焰无关区域S和I分量进行有效抑制,采用直方图聚类后进行数据融合等方式,最终实现彩色火灾图像分割。实验表明,该算法提高了彩色火灾图像分割的准确性和收敛速度。 相似文献
把模糊计算理论和有色Petri网有机地结合起来 ,提出了一种模糊颜色Petri网诊断表决算法 ,把该算法应用于DVP的软件模型 ,使之具有故障容忍和表决的能力。笔者对以模糊颜色Petri网为核心的DVP软件模型表决算法进行了较为深入的探讨 ,该模型对提高软件系统的安全性和可靠性具有实际意义。 相似文献