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The formulation of a sound policy for environmental protection and toxic substances control requires knowledge of the presence and concentration of environmental contaminants. For this reason monitoring programs have been set up in the Netherlands for water, drinking water, and air pollution. The Netherlands system for air pollution, monitoring of the substances SO2, NOχ, CO, O3 is now fully automated. Some examples will be given to show the acquisition and management and interpretation of air pollution measurements.

Various smaller projects, supported by the Department of Health and Environmental Protection include measurement of indoor air‐contaminants, contaminants in soil and hazardous waste sites, and contaminants in biotic samples such as for instance PCB's in eels and seals and mussels. Moreover a Coordinating Committee regularly collects measurements from various sources in the Netherlands regarding pesticide residues and contaminants in food.

For cost‐effective monitoring the accuracy of the measurements must be chosen with regard to the biological effect concentration of the pollutant. The necessity of proper control measurements to establish background levels and the necessity of ring‐tests to increase interlaboratory reproducibility is discussed. In cost‐effective monitoring the minimum number of measurements, which are necessary to check the effect of environmental protection measures, must be defined through proper sampling.  相似文献   
阐述了浙江省温州市九山外河污染治理技术的集成应用及治理成效。九山外河的综合整治工程采用了外源调水、底泥生态疏浚、河岸带阻控、人工曝气复氧和生态浮岛等多项技术,整治后的九山外河水体黑臭治理初见成效,水质由原来的劣Ⅴ类水逐步改善为Ⅴ类或Ⅳ类水,水体生境和生物多样性都有了一定的提高;将治理后对河流的实际感受与预期期望进行比较,69.2%的居民认为河流治理工程得分在60分以上,对河流治理总体比较满意。最后,对九山外河治理后管理存在的问题进行了分析并提出了建议与对策。  相似文献   
现代流域管理体系研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
现代流域管理体系是由流域目标管理体系、流域治理技术体系、流域监测预警体系、流域法律与政策保障体系和流域行政管理体系五部分组成. 对流域目标管理体系的概念、组成和功能进行了深入剖析,分析了水体健康目标、污染控制目标、生态保护目标和资源利用目标的基本内涵,明确了流域目标管理体系在现代流域管理中的核心地位和科学意义;阐述了流域治理技术体系的基本内容,分析了工业污染控制、生活污水控制、农业面源控制和生态修复等要求,指出为确保流域生态环境得以改善,必需构建实用的、科学的流域治理技术体系;明确了流域监测预警体系在现代流域管理体系中的“感知”作用,指出完整的监测预警体系应具备提供及时、准确、完整的监测数据的能力,健全的网络监测能力,良好的评估功能,以及完善的预警和应急能力;强调了法律与政策保障体系是实现现代流域管理的必要措施,着重指出加强流域立法、完善管理制度和制订适合的经济政策,不仅可以保障流域管理目标、治理技术和监测预警体系的顺利运行,而且为流域污染治理提供政策和经济上的支持;最后分析了目前流域管理中流域行政管理的“多龙治水”问题,指出流域区划管理和地区间协调管理的必要性和紧迫性. 我国流域管理仍在起步阶段,流域治理技术水平不高,监测预警能力有待提高,流域管理相关立法不够完善,因此必须从流域管理目标、流域治理和监测预警入手加强经济投入,鼓励技术创新,构建完善流域法律与政策保障体系,最终实现跨区域、协调的现代化流域管理.   相似文献   
机动车排放控制措施的有效实施对改善城市大气环境质量具有重要意义. 以北京市为例,利用情景预测法评估2011—2020年各项控制措施对城市机动车常规污染物(CO、NOx、HC、PM10)的削减效果.建立Gompertz模型并估算动态车龄分布以预测机动车保有量,运用排放因子法估算6种机动车排放控制情景的污染物削减量. 结果表明:与基准情景相比,轻型客车保有量调控情景对CO、HC和PM10的削减效果较显著,在2020年可分别削减7.81%、9.88%和5.78%;排放标准更新情景对4种污染物均能有效削减,尤其是对NOx和PM10,可分别削减21.19%和24.67%;而淘汰高排放机动车情景的短期削减效果显著,但中、长期效果较差;新能源车推广情景因受到经济、技术条件的限制,削减效果较弱;综合情景考虑了以上所有的削减控制措施并达到最大的削减效果,2020年对CO、NOx、HC和PM10的削减率分别达到29.45%、42.54%、28.04%和41.30%,与基准年(2010年)相比,分别削减约2.81×105、0.63×104、3.77×104和0.17×104t.   相似文献   
中国汞污染的来源、成因及控制技术路径分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
汞是一种能长期存在于环境且具有全球迁移性的污染物.汞污染防治是一个复杂的系统工程,涉及多部门、多领域、多行业,国家需要在政策、管理和技术等方面采取综合的战略措施推进汞污染防治.本文基于汞污染的环境和社会影响,分析了中国汞污染的来源、成因并评估了中国汞管理体系,结合中国参加全球汞公约谈判的特定背景,识别出汞污染防控的优先行业,包括汞的无意排放优先控制行业:燃煤、有色金属冶炼、汞矿开采和含汞废物处理;汞的有意使用优先控制行业:电石法聚氯乙烯生产,医疗产品、荧光灯和电池生产.本文也进一步提出了汞污染控制技术路径,包括构建汞风险管理和识别平台、完善汞管理体系、加强环境技术研发、推进绿色转型、保护环境和公众健康等.  相似文献   
Metallurgical production is the largest polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) emission source in China. However, PCDD/F monitoring and research are rarely conducted on primary metallurgical production. In this study, a demonstration primary copper smelter in China was selected to investigate PCDD/F characteristics and control. Samples were collected from major PCDD/F release points in the smelter process (fly ashes and waste water sludge). Specific analysis of PCDD/F congeners was carried out using a high resolution gas chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry method. The results showed that PCDD/Fs might be unintentionally produced in the primary copper smelter processes, with sample concentrations of 180–6110 pg/g dry wt; highly chlorinated PCDD/F homologues were predominant. The toxicity of all the samples was calculated to be 120 pg WHO TEQ/g, fly ashes from the refining process furnaces air pollution control device and sludge were hazardous waste with higher PCDD/F toxicity. Both precursor formation and de novo synthesis were found to contribute to PCDD/F formation in the smelter process. PCDD/F characteristics and formation were compared with reported secondary copper smelters. Life-cycle control of PCDD/F was proposed for retrofitting of this smelter and for similar plants in China's primary copper production sector, including control at the PCDD/F formation, removal and disposal stages.  相似文献   
Desertification is the spread of desert-like conditions in arid and semi-arid conditions. It is a result of pressure from both climatic and human factors. Desertification in the Sudan has been accelerating at a faster rate over the last two decades, leading to marginalization and the loss of arable land. The main factors contributing to desertification include drought, population growth, the spread of extensive agriculture, deforestation, rapid urbanization, the erosion of local political power, the lack of economic institutions and the absence of social institutions which have tended to reduce the capacity of the local people to cope with the resource degradation problem. Initiatives to arrest the desert encroachment must include improved cultivation methods, proper grazing management, reforestation and integration of livestock and crop production systems, coupled with good linkages to light processing industries.

This paper identifies the causal factors of desert encroachment, assesses its impact on the environment and humanity and concludes by recommending specific strategies to control the desert encroachment problem.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a twenty-five year campaign against the relocation of the Komatsu-Tenmangu shrine as a result of the enlargement of the Kakehashi river. The Komatsu-Tenmangu shrine is an important cultural property of Japan, and was constructed by Toshitsune Maeda, the third dynasty of the Kaga clan in 1657. It is suggested that the primary reason why it took so long to settle this issue is a flaw in our social system for managing public works. It is concluded that preservation of cultural property is not always contrary to land development, and that the proposed procedures or something like them must be put into practice for the real expansion of our culture.  相似文献   
为了解决城市周边小企业挥发性有机物空气污染问题,研发了一种新型多蓄热室旋转换向蓄热式有机废气焚烧炉,对现有焚烧炉内不合理的流通截面积分配比例进行了改进,并在北京市郊某工厂建设了处理能力为3 000 m3/h的应用示范装置。通过对焚烧炉出口残留VOC和焚烧炉能量消耗数据的分析和计算,揭示了影响焚烧炉示范装置VOC处理效果和燃料消耗量的因素。应用情况表明:新型蓄热式有机废气焚烧炉对VOC的处理效率可达95%,同时比常规热力焚烧炉节能70%以上。  相似文献   
白蚁肠道共生微生物多样性及其防治方法研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白蚁是破坏性极大的世界性害虫.结合课题组多年来开展的科研工作,综述了白蚁肠道中内生菌分离和白蚁防治方法的研究现状.已从白蚁肠道内分离出原生动物、细菌、真菌和螺旋体等多种生物.白蚁肠道中存在的微生物对白蚁消化木质纤维素类食物有着重要的作用.白蚁防治方法主要为物理方法、化学方法和生物学方法.生物防治白蚁方法具有高效、低毒、无残留、无污染、价廉的特性.介绍了以从抗白蚁树木分离到的内生菌生物发酵合成的代谢产物作为杀白蚁生物药剂的生物防治方法,该方法优势明显,有可能成为未来白蚁防治剂研究的方向,为白蚁防治提供重要途径,具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   
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