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Bioaerosols from wastewater treatment processes are a significant subgroup of atmospheric aerosols. In the present study,airborne microorganisms generated from a wastewater treatment station(WWTS) that uses an oxidation ditch process were diminished by ventilation.Conventional sampling and detection methods combined with cloning/sequencing techniques were applied to determine the groups,concentrations,size distributions,and species diversity of airborne microorganisms before and after ventilation. There were 3021 ± 537 CFU/m3 of airborne bacteria and 926 ± 132 CFU/m3 of airborne fungi present in the WWTS bioaerosol.Results showed that the ventilation reduced airborne microorganisms significantly compared to the air in the WWTS. Over 60% of airborne bacteria and airborne fungi could be reduced after4 hr of air exchange. The highest removal(92.1% for airborne bacteria and 89.1% for fungi) was achieved for 0.65–1.1 μm sized particles. The bioaerosol particles over 4.7 μm were also reduced effectively. Large particles tended to be lost by gravitational settling and small particles were generally carried away,which led to the relatively easy reduction of bioaerosol particles0.65–1.1 μm and over 4.7 μm in size. An obvious variation occurred in the structure of the bacterial communities when ventilation was applied to control the airborne microorganisms in enclosed spaces.  相似文献   
Recently production of hydrogen from water through the Cu–Cl thermochemical cycle is developed as a new technology. The main advantages of this technology over existing ones are higher efficiency, lower costs, lower environmental impact and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Considering these advantages, the usage of this technology in new industries such as nuclear and oil is increasingly developed. Due to hazards involved in hydrogen production, design and implementation of hydrogen plants require provisions for safety, reliability and risk assessment. However, very little research is done from safety point of view. This paper introduces fault semantic network (FSN) as a novel method for fault diagnosis and fault propagation analysis by using evolutionary techniques like genetic programming (GP) and neural networks (NN), to uncover process variables’ interactions. The effectiveness, feasibility and robustness of the proposed method are demonstrated on simulated data obtained from the simulation of hydrogen production process in Aspen HYSYS®. The proposed method has successfully achieved reasonable detection and prediction of non-linear interaction patterns among process variables.  相似文献   
贺松年  郭振远 《四川环境》2010,29(4):134-138
水质模型参数的确定是构建水质模型的基础。相对于传统优化方法,现代优化算法的优势日趋明显。本文在基于现代优化算法的水质模型参数确定研究背景下,介绍了具有代表性的遗传算法和模拟退火算法,并对该两种算法的应用现状进行综述,旨在推进该领域的进一步探索。  相似文献   
人工林经营过程密度最优控制研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在连续状态动态规划方法建立的人工林种群密度决策模型的基础上,首次提出应用遗传算法优化人工林林分经营过程的间伐时间和主伐时间的最优组合方案,并阐明其数学模型和具体方法。杉木人工林经营过程的密度最优控制方案优化实例表明,用遗传算法优化能收到良好效果。优化结果表明,杉木人工林经营过程中以间伐两次为最优,第一次在11~12年,第二次在15~18年,而主伐年龄以25年为最优。  相似文献   
To overcome the shortcomings of phosphorus-containing compounds (PCCs, not widely used) in fire suppression, the dry water powder containing phosphoric acid was analyzed for a new fire suppressant (SiO2-P). First, the fine conditions (solid-to-liquid ratio, stirring time and stirring speed) were determined to prepare the new powder. The particle size distributions and XPS of SiO2-P powder were analyzed. The TG tests were conducted to study the decomposition of powder, and there was a major decomposition peak. Second, the extinguishing time of SiO2-P powder was tested, which showed that the SiO2-P powder containing phosphorus species could significantly improve the fire suppression ability. In addition, the kinetic parameters of powder decomposition reaction were determined by genetic algorithm based on TG results. Last, based on the decomposition products and kinetic parameters, the burning velocity and mass fraction of free radicals of CH4/air flame with SiO2-P powder addition were studied theoretically. The results indicated that SiO2-P powder had great ability of reducing the burning velocity and scavenging free radicals. Furthermore, the suppression effects were analyzed, which indicated that the cooperation of H2O and P suppression effect dominated the suppression mechanism and resulted in the good suppression efficiency.  相似文献   
The thermal stability of organic peroxides (cumene hydroperoxide 80 wt% and dicumyl peroxide) was studied by means of calorimetric measurement (DSC, TA Q1000) in an isotherm mode and a dynamic mode. Analysis of power profiles released in the isothermal mode was combined with the analysis of the decomposed compounds by a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/MS) to determine the reaction mechanisms corresponding to each of the two reactions. In this work, a methodology for estimating kinetic parameters was based on the comparison of the power profile (dynamic mode) given by the model to that obtained experimentally by changing the parameters values. Parameter estimation is achieved using the mixed estimation method where a genetic algorithm is combined with a locally convergent method.  相似文献   
蚕豆根尖微核技术监测工业废水遗传毒性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用蚕豆根尖微核技术监测淮阴市冶金、化工、印染及制药行业废水的遗传毒性,结果表明淮明市部分工厂废水存在不同程度的遗传毒性。  相似文献   
We report the results of 23 prenatal diagnoses performed at the 11th or 12th week of gestation by the simultaneous analysis of chorionic villi (for direct or indirect enzymatic analysis) and cell-free amniotic fluid (for search of accumulated catabolites). For six cases of citrullinaemia, four cases of argininosuccinic aciduria, seven cases of propionic acidaemia, and six cases of methylrnalonic acidaemia, three discrepancies were observed between the two methods used. The amniotic fluid analysis for accumulated catabolites seems to be a safe method and should always be used in conjunction with the enzymatic assays performed for the prenatal diagnosis of these diseases.  相似文献   
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