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The shallow‐water component of the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Model Package emphasizes the regions of the system inside the 2‐m depth contour. The model of these regions is unified with the system‐wide model but places emphasis on locally significant components and processes, notably submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), sediment resuspension, and their interaction with light attenuation (Ke). The SAV model is found to be most suited for computing the equilibrium distribution of perennial species. Addition of plant structure and propagation are recommended to improve representation of observed trends in SAV area. Two approaches are taken to examining shallow‐water Ke. The first compares observed and computed differences between deep‐ and shallow‐water Ke. No consistent difference in observations is noted. In the preponderance of regions examined, computed shallow‐water Ke exceeds computed deep‐water Ke. The second approach directly compares Ke measured in shallow water with modeled results. Model values are primarily lower than observed, in contrast to results in deep water where model values exceed observed. The shortfall in computed Ke mirrors a similar shortfall in computed suspended solids. Improved model representation of Ke requires process‐based investigations into suspended solids dynamics as well as increased model resolution in shallow‐water regions.  相似文献   
固定化细菌胞壁多糖吸附铜、锌和镍最佳包埋条件的确定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以聚乙烯醇和海藻酸钠为包埋刺,将细菌胞壁多糖进行包埋固定后,以吸附铜、锌和镍的能力为考察指标,从机械强度、传质性和耐酸性等方面综合考虑确定了固定化小球最佳配方。按照此最佳配方进行吸附能力验证实验,结果发现,该固定化小球对铜、锌和镍的吸附量分别达到0.9571mg/g、0.7843mg/g和0.4548mg/g,且机械强度、传质性和耐酸性都较好。  相似文献   
The inevitable need for freshwater to support the projected population growth along the ocean coast is an emerging issue of potential consequence to adjacent estuaries. A large and controversial water withdrawal/reservoir project in Virginia's coastal plain was the basis of science–management interactions that quantified the vulnerability of tidal freshwater nekton for a series of water withdrawal scenarios. Through progressive iterations of the regulatory review process, which in Virginia includes academic reviews of all aspects of projects proposed to affect the marine and estuarine environment, we developed a novel approach to modeling entrainment probabilities applicable to situations that lack a locally validated hydrodynamic model. The science/management interplay ultimately resulted in surface water allocation strategies that are balances to society and the affected natural environment. Model results showed that the probability of encounter (contact between an egg or larva and one or more units of the intake array) ranged from 1.71% under the conditions of a high river flow and low withdrawal rate to 99.99% under the conditions of a low river flow and high withdrawal rate. The collective body of scientific information was incorporated into regulatory conditions placed on water withdrawals that are designed to protect at least 95% of early life history stages within the intake array's zone of influence.  相似文献   
Mercury, a toxic metal known to have several deleterious affects on human health, has been one of the principal contaminants of concern in the Great Lakes basin. There are numerous anthropogenic sources of mercury to the Great Lakes area. Combustion of coal, smelting of non ferrous metals, and incineration of municipal and medical waste are major sources of mercury emissions in the region. In addition to North American anthropogenic emissions, global atmospheric emissions also significantly contribute to the deposition of mercury in the Great Lakes basin. Both the USA and Canada have agreed to reduce human exposure to mercury in the Great Lakes basin and have significantly curtailed mercury load to this region through individual and joint efforts. However, many important mercury sources, such as coal-fired power plants, still exist in the vicinity of the Great Lakes. More serious actions to drastically reduce mercury sources by employing alternative energy sources, restricting mercury trade and banning various mercury containing consumer products, such as dental amalgam are as essential as cleaning up the historical deposits of mercury in the basin. A strong political will and mass momentum are crucial for efficient mercury management. International cooperation is equally important. In the present paper, we have analyzed existing policies in respective jurisdictions to reduce mercury concentration in the Great Lakes environment. A brief review of the sources, occurrence in the Great Lakes, and the health effects of mercury is also included.  相似文献   
BioticcommunitiesofthemarineecosysteminMeizhouBay¥RenJiuchang;CaiXiaoming(CenterofEnvironmentalSciences,PekingUniversity,Beij...  相似文献   
近年来渤海湾赤潮监控区营养盐变化及其结构特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据2004~2006年进行的连续监测结果,分析、探讨了渤海湾赤潮监控区表层海水营养盐的污染现状、变化规律及其结构特征。结果表明:近年来,渤海湾赤潮监控区海域受到了DIP、DIN污染,水体处于严重的富营养化状态,且DIN的污染程度明显高于DIP;除个别项目外,渤海湾赤潮监控区以S4站营养盐含量最高,原因是S4站靠近河口,大量生活污水排放所致;在赤潮多发期,表层海水N、P、Si含量存在明显的月变化特征。6月份营养盐含量最低,8月份最高。年际变化表明:NH4-N的年际变化最为明显,表现为逐年递减的趋势,而SiO3-Si的年际变化最小。赤潮监控区DIN一直处于热力学平衡状态,NO3-N占DIN含量的57%~78%。近年来DIN/PO4-P和SiO3-Si/PO4-P逐年增加,而SiO3-Si/DIN则逐年降低。  相似文献   
微塑料(MPs)广泛存在于各种环境介质中,目前已经成为全球性环境问题.为了解海湾沙滩沉积物中微塑料的污染特征,揭示微塑料沉积规律及其影响因素,在厦门湾选择了5个典型沙滩,根据潮汐变化,同时在高潮线、中潮线和低潮线分层采集了0~10、10~20和20~30 cm的沉积物柱状样品,研究了沙滩沉积物中微塑料水平与垂直分布特征.结果表明,厦门湾沙滩45个沉积物样品中均检出微塑料,微塑料丰度范围为39~260 n ·kg-1,平均丰度为(114±26) n ·kg-1;微塑料形状主要为纤维状、碎片状、颗粒状和泡沫状,其中纤维状占比最大;主要成分为聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)、赛璐芬(cellophane)和聚乙烯(PE);微塑料的颜色包括透明、蓝色、黄色、黑色和白色等.从统计结果可以看出,微塑料的平均丰度因沙滩位置、潮间带位置和采样深度的不同呈一定的规律,并且波浪、潮汐、岸线形状、风、游客数量和海漂垃圾清洁等自然和人为多种因素均影响沙滩微塑料的丰度和分布.研究成果有助于了解沙滩沉积物中微塑料的污染特征及来源,为微塑料的陆海传输提供依据,对海漂垃圾及岸滩垃圾收集提供数据支撑.  相似文献   
利用FeO/CAM复合膜对大连湾已疏浚区与疏浚影响区海水水体中生物可利用磷(Bio-available phosphorus,BAP)浓度和水质指标进行调查,并通过实验室培养法、间隙水浓度梯度估算法和薄膜扩散梯度技术(Diffusivegradients in thin films technique,DGT)法分别测定沉积物-水界面间BAP交换通量.结果表明,由于受到调查海区附近正在进行的疏浚工程的影响,疏浚影响区水体中浊度和悬浮物含量平均值高于已疏浚区,且疏浚影响区水体中BAP的平均浓度(22.2μg L-1)高于已疏浚水体(19.5μg L-1);而疏浚影响区叶绿素a和溶解氧的浓度明显低于已疏浚区.沉积物-水界面间BAP交换通量研究结果显示,BAP主要由沉积物向上覆水中扩散,沉积物是BAP交换的源;间隙水浓度梯度估算法和DGT法测定的BAP交换通量相似,但远低于实验室培养法测定值;BAP在已疏浚区沉积物-水界面间的交换通量小于疏浚影响区,说明在一定时间内疏浚可以减弱沉积物内源磷的释放.  相似文献   
三峡水库香溪河库湾夏季水华期间浮游植物的初级生产力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用黑白瓶法调查了香溪河库湾夏季水华期间浮游植物的初级生产力,探讨了浮游植物初级生产力的分布格局、光照强度对初级生产力的影响以及香溪河库湾浮游植物群落的代谢类型。结果表明:河口、峡口、吴家湾和平邑口总初级生产力最大值分别为6.33、3.89、6.51和4.67 gO2/(m2.d);平邑口、吴家湾、峡口、河口0~5 m水柱日生产量分别为6.95、6.78、5.17和4.65 gO2/(m2.d)。除平邑口的最大生产力出现在水下0.5 m以外,其余3个样点的生产力垂直变化均表现为表层最高,随水深增加而逐渐降低。吴家湾、峡口、河口三位点总初级生产力和净初级生产力与相对应水层的平均光照强度呈显著正相关,而平邑口位点相关性不明显。香溪河库湾1 m水深以内的群落代谢率平均值为4.0,推测夏季水华期间该水体1 m水深以内的浮游植物群落为自养代谢类型。  相似文献   
加强区域大气污染联防联控、加快改善空气质量、早日对标世界先进水平是粤港澳大湾区生态环境建设的重要任务。本文总结了美国和加拿大的跨境大气污染防控合作体制机制建设方面的经验,基于粤港澳大湾区"一国两制三法域"特征下的区域大气污染协同防控需求和不足,从建立区域性权威管理机构和技术支撑机构,联合开展跨界科研、中长期政策制定和实施情况跟踪评估等方面提出深化粤港澳大湾区区域大气污染防控合作体制机制建设,进一步推进区域大气污染协同改善的策略建议,为粤港澳大湾区的大气污染防治提供借鉴。  相似文献   
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