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敏感藻是指在急性毒性藻红外测试中对毒物响应的温差大、时间快、种类多、剂量低的特殊藻类.自然藻中是否存在敏感藻以及如何确定,是建立藻红外测试法的关键.为此,开展了敏感藻确定方法的探索性研究.试验用8种藻,重金属、有机毒物、农药各10种进行测试分析,结果表明:短线脆杆藻(Fragilaria brevistriata)对重金属、羊角月牙藻(Selenastrum capricornutum)对有机毒物、纤细裸藻(Euglena gracilis)对除草剂和杀虫剂、水华鱼腥藻(Anabaena flos-aquae)对杀菌剂的平均绝对温差分别为0.21℃、0.27℃、0.19~0.20℃、0.20℃,分别高出各自的总均温差0.07℃、0.15℃、0.07℃、0.08℃;4种藻的平均响应时间1.5~7.0min,较好响应药品的响应率≥80%;发光细菌对部分药品的灵敏度在0.07~50.0mg·L-1,而4种藻对相同药品的灵敏度在0.01~7.0mg·L-1.根据敏感藻定义和试验结果,确定短线脆杆藻、羊角月牙藻、纤细裸藻、水华鱼腥藻分别为重金属、有机毒物、除草剂和杀虫剂、杀菌剂的敏感藻.  相似文献   
应用多目标决策中的TOPSIS法(即逼近于理想解的排序方法)对湖南长沙等十城市的大气环境质量进行评价,并与欧几里德贴近度法和上海指数法相比较,认为该评价方法对比较多个城市(或多个监测点,下同)的大气环境质量的优劣,比欧几里德贴近度法和上海指数法均优越.  相似文献   
应用模糊综合指数法对伊犁河(伊宁段)水质的综合评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
模糊数学法对伊犁河(伊宁段)水质进行综合评价时,由于分别采用地面水环境质量标准中五类标准值的平均值及其中三个标准值,计算后的结果不一致,而模糊综合指数法避免了这类问题的出现,计算结果比较满意.从而表明,该法是对模糊数学法的进一步改进.  相似文献   
适宜的生态需水量是保障河道生态系统健康的重要因素,合理地计算生态需水量对河道生态系统评估具有现实意义。以鄂北地区典型浅丘河道——水河为例,基于Qp法(不同频率最枯月平均值法)、频率曲线法、最小月平均流量法、Tennant法及生物习性法5种方法的生态流量计算结果,探讨了各方法计算结果的合理性与适用性。结果表明:由于上下游河道水文条件差异性,上游断面采用生物习性法能较好地拟合河道水文节律变化和水质波动;同理,下游断面采用频率曲线法更加匹配下游河道水文、水质情况。因此,在河道上、下游断面分别采用生物习性法、频率曲线法计算得到适宜生态需水量为0.21 m^3/s、2.02 m^3/s。  相似文献   
建立营养物参照状态是河流水污染控制的关键问题之一。系统论述了参照状态的各种内涵,重点分析了国外建立河流营养物参照状态的各种方法及优缺点,并分析了其在中国的适用性。最后,提出了河流营养物参照状态的进一步研究的重点。参照状态根据允许人类活动影响的程度可有多种含义:最小干扰状态、历史状态、最少干扰状态和最佳可达成状态。其中,最少干扰状态和最佳可达成状态在现实管理中具有一定程度的可操作性。参照河流百分比法是建立营养物参照状态的首选方法,但中国水环境污染形势严峻,参照点变得越来越少。当参照点不存在时,一般河流百分比法是参照河流百分比法的替代方法,然而一般河流百分比法和参照河流百分比法的匹配性关系并不完全保持一致。由于栖息地退化等因素对生物完整性的影响程度可能比营养物浓度更大,生物响应法在实际应用中是非常困难的。流域模型法虽然有众多优点,但是数据要求较高,并且常用流域模型的机理与中国有较大差距,在中国应用的结果具有较大的不确定性。综合考虑中国水环境污染现状和数据要求,以多元线性回归模型为代表的简易模型方法在中国应有最大的适用性。然而,环境因素与营养物质间的关系往往都是非线性的,今后应着重研究建立河流营养物参照状态的多元非线性回归模型方法。此外,还应加强季风河流营养物参照状态的季节性差异与年际差异研究,并在全国层面上根据自然因素划分适当规模的生态区,分区确定各生态区的河流营养物参照状态。  相似文献   
针对填埋场室内模拟试验往往忽略降雨径流和初损的问题,提出运用SCS模型确定室内模拟试验日注水量的方法,并将计算结果应用于成都长安填埋场室内模拟试验中.结果表明,采用SCS模型计算所得的日入渗量进行注水的模拟柱渗滤液产量和水质变化能够更准确的模拟填埋场实际情况.  相似文献   
The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan provided estimates of population sizes for 448 landbird species using a multiplicative model. Input parameters in this calculation included the area of state × Bird Conservation Region polygons, area-specific mean Breeding Bird Survey counts circa 1995, and adjustment factors for the distance over which species may presumably be correctly counted, the assumed pairing of singing males with non-singing females, and variability in the propensity of birds to sing over the course of the survey day. I assessed the sensitivity of this population calculation to changes in the input parameters. I assessed both local and global sensitivity of the model to changes in the parameters with Monte Carlo one-at-a-time simulations and the Fourier amplitude sensitivity test (FAST). Monte Carlo simulations were an estimate of local model sensitivity whereas FAST estimated global model sensitivity, accommodating the potential shared variance between model parameters. Monte Carlo simulations suggested population estimates were 39% more sensitive to changes in the detection distance adjustment than to the other parameters; the other parameters were nearly equal in their contribution to model sensitivity. Conversely, FAST analysis determined that each of the input variables aside from the pair adjustment provided roughly equal contributions to variability in population estimates. The most efficient means for improving continental population estimates for birds surveyed by the Breeding Bird Survey will be through increased scrutiny of the species-specific distance detection and time-of-day adjustments and improved understanding in the spatial and temporal variability in the mean Breeding Bird Survey count.  相似文献   
Niche theory with hypotheses on shape and distribution of ecological response curves is used in the studies of resource sharing of competing plant species. Predictions based on theory should be applicable when, e.g., effects of competing species on the ecological tolerances are assessed or species’ diversity along a resource gradient is evaluated. We studied the ecological response curves of competing plant species along a resource gradient in boreal forests. The study was based on nation-wide soil and vegetation data collected from 455 sample plots on boreal forests in Finland. Species response curves along a soil fertility gradient (in terms of C/N ratio) were estimated using generalized additive models. Distribution of species optima and the relationship of niche width and skewness to the location of the optimum were analyzed with new bootstrap tests. The developed tests can account for the effects of truncation observed in the response curves of several species and for the uneven distribution of observations on the gradient.The estimated response curves of the major field layer species of boreal forests were not evenly distributed along soil C/N gradient. The density of optima peaked with relatively high nitrogen availability. Species with optima at low nitrogen availability had relatively broad realized niches. Niche width was negatively correlated with the density of optima. Species optima were packed and niches were narrow at high resource levels. This result suggests that a greater number of more specialized species can occur and interspecific competition decreases niche widths at high resource levels. Species were packed in the gradient where the C/N ratio was lower than 25, i.e., in conditions where nitrification can take place. This indicates that the majority of the vascular plants of boreal forests are favoured by the availability of NO3. Those few species thriving at high C/N ratios have broader realized niches.  相似文献   
从资源环境承载力、开发密度和发展潜力等系统因素出发,确定了区域主体功能区划的指标体系,提出了基于状态空间理论的省域主体功能区划分的综合方法。以湖南省14个地级市(州)为基本空间单元,运用该方法进行了主体功能区类型划分。结果表明:除依法设立的各类自然保护区散布在各地级市外,属于省级重点开发或优化开发的区域主要分布在东部和中部地区,限制开发区则集中在西部地区。应用状况空间分析方法进行主体功能区划,能较好地反映区域的整体承载状况,为优化区域空间结构与布局,统筹区域可持续发展提供战略决策依据,并为我国主体功能区划提供理论方法参考。  相似文献   
结合紫外分光光度法研究系列羟基卟啉与汞离子的显色反应,并优化其检测条件.在pH=7.5的条件下,以N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)作为溶剂,加入0.4 mL表面活性剂Tween-80,系列羟基卟啉与Hg2+发生配位反应,发现其最大吸收峰与卟啉环上(meso)位苯基对位上的羟基数目相关.热力学研究表明,单羟基卟啉化合物对Hg2+检测效果最好,形成1∶1配位化合物,检测限可达0.042μg.L-1,且在0—50 mg.L-1范围内符合比尔定律.  相似文献   
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