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农村生活垃圾管理初探——青树坪镇垃圾污染现状调查分析报告 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
陈恺立 《中国环境管理干部学院学报》2011,21(3):35-37,42
对湖南省双峰县青树坪镇周边4个村的生活垃圾的产量、成份、特征、污染现状等进行了调查。发现农村生活垃圾得不到及时有效的处理,垃圾中的有毒有害物质进入到土壤、河流中,最终造成农产品减产和品质下降,同时也对农村居民的健康构成威胁。在村设置垃圾收集点,由乡镇负责到各点收集并运送到县垃圾处理厂统一处理的处理模式可以解决此问题。 相似文献
Plastics have become an indispensable ingredient of human life. They are non-biodegradable polymers of mostly containing carbon, hydrogen, and few other elements such as chlorine, nitrogen etc. Rapid growth of the world population led to increased demand of commodity plastics. High density poly ethylene is one of the largest used commodity plastics due to its vast applications in many fields. Due to its non bio degradability and low life, HDPE contributes significantly to the problem of Municipal Waste Management. To avert environment pollution of HDPE wastes, they must be recycled and recovered. On the other hand, steady depletion of fossil fuel and increased energy demand, motivated the researchers and technologists to search and develop different energy sources. Waste to energy has been a significant way to utilize the waste sustainably, simultaneously add to meet the energy demand. Plastics being petrochemical origin have inherently high calorific value. Thus they can be converted back to useful energy. Many researches have been carried out to convert the waste plastics into liquid fuel by thermal and catalytic pyrolysis and this has led to establishment of a number of successful firms converting waste plastics to liquid fuels. This paper reviews the production and consumption HDPE, different methods of recycling of plastic with special reference to chemical degradation of HDPE to fuel. This also focuses on different factors that affect these degradations, the kinetics and mechanism of this reaction. 相似文献
为研究危险废物填埋场环境下防渗系统HDPE膜(高密度聚乙烯膜)材料老化规律及其对渗滤液产生、渗漏和区域地下水环境的影响,通过HDPE膜缺陷现场检测及室内老化性能测试,获取了HDPE膜初始缺陷特征参数(漏洞密度)和缺陷演化特征参数(老化起始时间和半衰期),并以上述参数作为输入,综合运用HELP模型(填埋场水文过程评估模型)与Landsim模型(填埋场地下水污染风险模拟模型)对HDPE膜老化条件下的渗滤液产生、渗漏和地下水污染过程进行模拟预测.结果表明:①现场条件下HDPE膜在第2年开始老化,第8年达到半衰期.②HDPE膜老化导致漏洞数量和渗透系数增加,进而导致渗滤液渗漏量增加,地下水污染风险逐渐增加.短期(0~5 a)内,地下水超标概率为0,污染风险较小;中期(5~10 a)内,距离填埋场200 m内污染超标概率污染≥ 80%,污染风险较大,但400 m外的污染概率为0,污染风险较小;就长期(>10 a)而言,距离填埋场1 000 m处,污染超标概率达100%,地下水污染风险极大.填埋场现场条件下,防渗材料劣化及老化过程较实验室条件更为迅速,导致渗滤液长期渗漏、地下水污染风险加剧,因此建议加强填埋场设计和运行中HDPE膜抗老化研究,保障危险废物填埋场长期安全运行. 相似文献
为了使餐厨垃圾水解成为优良的营养素来源,采用对淀粉和蛋白质具有不同分解偏好的2种菌种来水解餐厨垃圾,研究了不同接种顺序和餐厨垃圾初始固含率展对水解效果的影响。结果表明,不同的接种顺序对发酵48 h后的还原糖产量及96 h后的游离氨基氮产量有着显著的影响,其中先接种螺旋巴克斯霉(Backusella circina)后接种黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)的处理还原糖和游离氨基氮的产量最优。初始固含率为2.5%时,真菌产淀粉酶和蛋白酶的效果最佳,分别为382.4和212.3 U·mL-1。餐厨垃圾初始固含率在1.25%~10%的范围内,还原糖、游离氨基氮产量与餐厨垃圾初始固含率呈线性增加的关系:初始固含率每增加1%能多产生还原糖1.14 g,游离氨基氮11.38 mg。 相似文献
In order to recover the nutrient resource from restaurant garbage, a complete trial with 2 factors on 5 levels of experiments was carried out. The temperature and heating time are the main factors influencing on hydrothermal process (HP) by which improves the degradability and digestibility of the restaurant garbage favorably to make animal feeds or fertilizer. The results showed the variation of protein, saccharide, and oil in the garbage. It showed that protein dissolved and liquefied during hydrothermal process, which made organic nitrogen in solid phase transfer to liquid phase. After heating at 180℃ for 60min, organic nitrogen in liquid phase began to transform into ammonia. It also showed that hydrothermal process could promote the dextrinization, dissolution of the starch and its hydrolysis to reducing sugar, due to that starch in the restaurant garbage decreases and reducing sugar increases. When the temperature reached 140℃, the reducing sugar started to decrease due to chemical reactions. The cellulose was stable at 100-180℃. The floatable oil increased markedly in the hydrothermal process. The suitable condition for de-oil was observed at 160℃ heating for 80 min. Furthermore, the extraction of grease from the solid phase accords with first-order reaction dynamic model. 相似文献
含油率对餐厨垃圾干式厌氧发酵的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
餐厨垃圾含油率高,且随着地域的变化有显著差别,含油率的高低对餐厨垃圾厌氧消化产气有一定影响.在中温(35℃)和高温(55℃)条件下,研究了不同含油率(0、2%、4%、6%、8%、10%)对餐厨垃圾干式厌氧发酵过程中日产气量、累计产气量、总固体(TS)、挥发性固体(VS)及甲烷产量的影响.结果表明:在中温和高温条件下,当含油率为6%时,200 g餐厨垃圾的累计产气量达最大值,分别为1391.6 m L和2165.9 m L.此时,TS和VS的去除率也最高,中温时去除率分别为29.4%(TS)和33.9%(VS),高温时去除率分别为33.2%(TS)和38.0%(VS).在餐厨垃圾干式厌氧发酵过程中,甲烷的产量占可燃气的体积分数逐渐升高.在中温厌氧发酵条件下,含油率为10%的餐厨垃圾发酵进行到26 d时,甲烷的体积分数最高,为80.5%.在高温干式厌氧发酵条件下,含油率为10%的餐厨垃圾发酵进行到23 d时,甲烷的体积分数最高,为84.2%. 相似文献
中国的垃圾填埋场目前多采用高密度聚乙烯膜(HDPE)进行覆盖,已建成的填埋场均存在不同程度覆盖膜破损现象。采用填埋气泄漏可视化检测技术对中国东部某大型生活垃圾填埋场开展覆盖膜完整性检测,揭示了覆盖膜破损特征及破损成因,明确了破损点泄漏量,评估了其温室效应影响,梳理了国内外填埋场覆盖层监管相关管理规定和措施。结果表明:尖锐物体应力损伤导致的破损是填埋场覆盖膜破损的主要类型,粗放施工、监管机制不足、维护管理不到位是造成填埋场覆盖膜破损的主要原因。破损点的甲烷泄漏量约为817.2 m3/d,约合每年向大气环境释放温室气体超过4 900 t CO2-eq。完善填埋场污染控制标准和技术规范、加强填埋场覆盖膜完整性的监管,是控制填埋场温室气体排放和推进固废处置设施碳减排的重要举措。 相似文献