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建立了同时测定水中54种挥发性有机物(VOCs)的吹扫捕集-气相色谱-质谱联用法,并对吹扫捕集条件进行了优化。优化后的方法,54种VOCs在0.50~40.00μg/L质量浓度范围内线性良好,相关系数R2均0.995 6,检出限为0.021~0.105μg/L,加标回收率为76.4%~110.8%,相对标准偏差为2.33%~15.8%。该法操作简单,消耗费用低,分析速度快,具有良好的灵敏度、回收率和重现性,能够满足生活饮用水中54种VOCs的同时测定。 相似文献
固相萃取-LC-MS法检测水中痕量雌激素 总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10
研究了乙腈 /水、乙腈 /甲醇 /水、甲醇 /水三种不同流动相的条件下 ,LC MS分析雌酮 ,雌二醇 ,雌三醇 ,炔雌醇四种对象物质的灵敏度 ,发现流动相对灵敏度影响较大 ,不同流动相的对象物质的仪器检出限分别为 :330— 75 0ng·l- 1 ,1 0 0— 30 0ng·l- 1 ,5 0— 1 0 0ng·l- 1 .用固相萃取 LC MS检测杭州地区河水 ,在 8个采样点中 ,有 7个检测出了炔雌醇 ,其浓度范围在 1 1 7— 3 35ng·l- 1 之间 ,一个采样点检测出雌二醇 ,其浓度为 0 32ng·l- 1 . 相似文献
自来水处理工艺对溶解相中全氟化合物残留的影响 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
为探究自来水原水到出厂水各处理环节对自来水中全氟化合物(perfluorinated compounds,PFCs)残留的影响,了解原水中PFCs的季节性变化规律,应用WAX固相萃取分离富集与高效液相色谱-质谱联用相结合的方法,分析了深圳市某自来水厂一年间原水、出厂水及絮凝池、沉降池、砂滤池、臭氧+活性炭池出水溶解相中13种PFCs的残留水平.结果表明,原水和出厂水中ΣPFCs残留呈春夏高而秋冬低的趋势,检出的PFCs呈中短链(C≤10)长链(C≥11)的分布,而全氟辛烷磺酸是PFCs最典型残留种态.在原水经过的5个处理环节中,臭氧+活性炭、沉降和砂滤具有PFCs去除效应,然而絮凝和液氯消毒却分别使短链(C≤6)和中链(10≥C≥7)PFCs显著上升,导致出厂水中ΣPFCs浓度较原水增加了10%~44%.但出厂水中PFCs残留远低于其限值,尚不足以影响人体健康. 相似文献
GC-MS检测济南市东部空气中气相与颗粒物上有机污染物 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
用GDX-101吸附剂和玻璃纤维滤膜(GF)同时采集气相和颗粒物上有机污染物,样品经提取分离后用GC-MS进行定性分析.结果表明,颗粒物上有机污染物的种类和含量都高于气相,工业区空气中有机污染较生活区严重,仍以燃煤、燃油污染为主. 相似文献
Minru Liu Yunkai Tan Kejing Fang Changya Chen Zhihua Tang Xiaoming Liu Zhen Yu 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2021,33(1):80-89
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) derived from various composts can promote significant changes of soil properties. However, little is known about the DOM compositions and their similarities and differences at the molecular level. In this study, the molecular compositions of DOM derived from kitchen waste compost (KWC), green waste compost (GWC), manure waste compost (MWC), and sewage sludge compost (SSC) were characterized by electrospray ionization coupled with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FT-ICR MS). The molecular formulas were classified into four subcategories: CHO, CHON, CHOS, and CHONS. The KWC, MWC, and SSC DOM represented the highest fraction (35.8%-47.4%) of CHON subcategory, while the GWC DOM represented the highest fraction (68.4%) of CHO subcategory. The GWC DOM was recognized as the nitrogen- and sulfur-deficient compounds that were less saturated, more aromatic, and more oxidized compared with other samples. Further analysis of the oxygen, nitrogen-containing (N-containing), and sulfur-containing (S-containing) functional groups in the four subcategories revealed higher organic molecular complexity. Comparison of the similarities and differences of the four samples revealed 22.8% ubiquitous formulas and 17.4%, 11.1%, 10.7%, and 6.3% unique formulas of GWC, KWC, SSC, and MWC DOM, respectively, suggesting a large proportion of ubiquitous DOM as well as unique, source-specific molecular signatures. The findings presented herein provide new insight into the molecular characterization of DOM derived from various composts and demonstrated the potential role of these different compounds for agricultural utilization. 相似文献
柱前衍生-EI源串联四极杆气质联用测定地表水中的丙烯酰胺 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
建立了地表水中痕量丙烯酰胺的柱前衍生-EI源串联四极杆气质联用测定方法。丙烯酰胺的双键经溴化衍生成2,3-二溴丙酰胺,加入硫酸钠盐析,乙酸乙酯萃取,浓缩取1μl进样,由串联四极杆气相色谱质谱联用仪测定。通过MRM(150→70.0/107.0)多反应监测实现定性和外标法定量分析。与其他方法相比,该方法具有定性准确、灵敏度高的特点。方法检出限为0.03μg/L,线性范围在0.030~40μg/L;相关系数r=0.9998;六次测定值RSD在14.3%;回收率在89%~196%之间,结果满意。 相似文献