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20世纪长江的3次巨洪   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
分析了形成20世纪长江3次巨洪的3个遥相关因子:(1)太阳黑子活动;(2)厄尔尼诺事件,(3)青藏高原南部大震。依据长江巨洪和遥相关因子的基本事实,讨论了长江发生巨洪的统计规律。指出当3个因子的出现时间互相重叠时,长江很可能发生巨洪,这对长江巨洪的超长期预测具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   
环境污染事故风险预测评估模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从环境风险到环境污染事故演变的一般规律入手,提出了环境污染事故风险预测评估模式,为环境污染事故风险评估、预防与应急响应提供科学手段。环境污染事故风险预测评估模式的提出,一方面丰富和发展了环境安全与应急响应理论;另一方面,对公共安全、企业安全管理与应急响应等工作具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
基于全程硝化反硝化的传统生物脱氮工艺在硝化过程中需要大量氧气供应,反硝化过程需要有机物作为碳源,存在能耗与药耗过大的问题.为了降低废水脱氮的成本,短程硝化(PN)—厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)组合工艺(PNA工艺)得到了高速发展.综述了PNA工艺的影响因素,重点介绍了4种基于PN与ANAMMOX原理开发的衍生PNA工艺...  相似文献   
1994年江淮伏旱及其影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张清 《灾害学》1998,13(2):58-62
利用江谁地区18个站点1951~1995年6~8月降水量资料,用Z指数建立了历年夏季旱涝序列,着重对1994年江淮伏旱及其对农业、水资源的影响进行了分析评述,获得了一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   
Impacts on industry of Europe's emerging chemicals policy REACh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For Europe, a new regime in chemicals regulation is about to start. After the proposal of the European Commission concerning the Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACh) passed its readings in the European Parliament and some differences with the European Council of Ministers were resolved, the regulation will come into force in June 2007. This paper is focused on the question how serious the cost burdens for industry induced by REACh will be, and whether the New European Member States (NMS) which joined the European Union in May 2004 will be able to cope with the regulation. This evaluation has been done by assessing the legislative, administrative and economic framework in New Member States and by analysing real business cases in companies. The empirical showcase business impact studies are at the same time of interest for companies of EU-15 states, other European countries who may implement the regulation, and even for exporters of raw materials and chemicals outside Europe, who will also have to comply with REACh if they market in the European Community. The results give no indications that REACh adoption will bring significant drawbacks to companies in the NMS. The emerging regulation will bring challenges for individual companies, especially for small and medium-sized ones, but for the European chemical industry as a whole, there is no question that it will be able to cope with REACh burdens without losing its global competitiveness.  相似文献   
柚树间种短期经济作物在提高柚园经济效益的同时,还可提高土壤的有机质和N、P、K养分质量分数,改善柚园小区气候,增加有机肥来源。间种物残余体作为绿肥,可显著地提高柚果产量和质量。  相似文献   
土壤矿物固定态铵研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要从土壤中粘土矿物组成、有机物质、土壤水分、Fe的氧化还原、钾素状况及土壤粘粒的不同层面电荷、净表面电荷、表面电荷均匀性等方面就土壤中固定态铵的固定机制及其对作物的有效性的影响进行了综述;并对近年来土壤中固定态铵的测定方法作一评述。  相似文献   
It is established that the activity of marmots (the genusMarmota) on the surface is timed to the daylight period. In the Arctic, under conditions of continuous illumination (the polar day), the diurnal rhythm of black-capped marmotsMarmota camtschatica bungei on the surface has a “daylight” pattern. The main external regulator of the diurnal rhythm is the altitude of the sun above the horizon. In the cold period, however, the effect of air temperature on animal activity becomes stronger.  相似文献   
聚苯乙烯基硫代磺酸钾树脂的合成及其与卤代烃的反应   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
吴萼  刘秀芬 《环境化学》1998,17(3):237-242
由聚苯乙烯基磺酰氯树脂与硫化氢钾反应制备聚苯乙烯基硫代磺酸钾树脂(I),树脂I与亲电的卤代烃反应,生成聚苯乙烯基硫代磺酸酯树脂(Ⅱ),树脂Ⅱ经过乙硫醇处理,使卤代烃结构部分以不对称二硫醚的形式游离下来,用GC/MS对其结构进行鉴定。从不对称二硫醚的结构可推导出原卤代烃的结构,所制备的聚苯乙烯基硫代磺酸钾树脂的转化效率为1.11mmol·g^-1。  相似文献   
建立良好有序的环保产业发展机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了环保产业范围的不确定性、分布性、广泛性、依赖性、公益性,及产业市场的风险性,提出了发展我国环保产业的基本思路和原则。  相似文献   
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