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巢湖湖滨带植被特征及其退化原因分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2009年和2010年对巢湖湖滨带植被进行了详细踏查,结果表明:(1)植被群落结构单一,多样性较差,大都集中分布于浅水、河口、滩地,受水质和水位影响显著;(2)挺水植物有5科6属6种,以芦苇(Phrag-mites australis)为优势种;(3)浮叶植物3科3属3种;以野菱(Trapa incisa)和荇菜(Nymphoides peltatum)为优势种;(4)漂浮植物2科2属2种;主要是凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes)和浮萍(Lemna minor);(5)沉水植物4科5属8种;以马来眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus)为优势种;(6)湿生和陆生植物27科76属101种;以禾本科为主,菊科、蓼科植物次之。调查结果与历史资料(1954年-2007年)对比,得出巢湖流域土地利用格局、江湖建闸等水利工程、围湖造田与堤坝建设等人为活动以及富营养化与蓝藻水华等综合因素严重破坏了巢湖湖滨带健康的生态系统,加剧了湖滨带植被的衰退。本研究可为巢湖湖滨带植被的恢复提供理论指导。  相似文献   
太湖春季水体中的胶体有机碳含量及影响因素分析   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
在太湖梅梁湾及贡湖湾2个不同生态类型的湖区采集表层水样,利用切向流超滤技术(CFF)分离出所采水样中的胶体有机碳(COC,1kD~1μm),并对其进行定量分析.结果表明,所采水样中的COC浓度为1.79~2.05mg/L,占总溶解有机碳(DOC)的8.11%~22.13%.与其它有关水体相比,太湖水体COC的含量比河流低,但比海洋、海湾及河口等水体高.太湖表层水体COC含量随风浪的增大而减少,其原因可能是风浪增大后表层水中浮游生物减少所致.两湖区COC含量目前尚无显著差异.  相似文献   
Water transfer is becoming a popular method for solving the problems of water quality deterioration and water level drawdown in lakes. However, the principle of choosing water sources for water transfer projects has mainly been based on the effects on water quality, which neglects the influence in the variation of phytoplankton community and the risk of algal blooms. In this study, algal growth potential (AGP) test was applied to predict changes in the phytoplankton community caused by water transfer projects. The feasibility of proposed water transfer sources (Baqing River and Jinsha River) was assessed through the changes in both water quality and phytoplankton community in Chenghai Lake, Southwest China. The results showed that the concentration of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in Chenghai Lake could be decreased to 0.52 mg/L and 0.02 mg/L respectively with the simulated water transfer source of Jinsha River. The algal cell density could be reduced by 60%, and the phytoplankton community would become relatively stable with the Jinsha River water transfer project, and the dominant species of Anabaena cylindrica evolved into Anabaenopsis arnoldii due to the species competition. However, the risk of algal blooms would be increased after the Baqing River water transfer project even with the improved water quality. Algae gained faster proliferation with the same dominant species in water transfer source. Therefore, water transfer projects should be assessed from not only the variation of water quality but also the risk of algal blooms.  相似文献   
Following a period of prolonged drought or intentional lake level drawdown, large littoral areas that once contained submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) are reinundated when lake levels rise. A complete assessment of the contribution made by decomposing SAV to the in-lake phosphorus (P) concentration is important in both the management of Lake Okeechobee and understanding basic P processes. The P contribution to the open waters of Lake Okeechobee from a rapid inundation of exposed SAV was calculated by four methods: cores of field-desiccated SAV, cores of lab-desiccated SAV in the presence and absence of sediments, in situ decomposition, and sequential macrophyte harvesting. P releases, given such an episodic event, were similar among the four methods, ranging from 116±48 to 384±528 mg/m2 in the absence of sediment. When SAV is in contact with sediment, which is the realistic field situation, the amount of P released was four times less (30±14 mg/m2) than in the absence of sediment. The calculated P releases would result in total P concentration increases in the lake from 2 to 15 μg/liter (upper 95% CI=2–25 μg/liter) in the absence of sediment; only 1 μg/liter increase was predicted when SAV released P in contact with sediment. Thus it is unlikely that a significant rise in total P concentrations in the limnetic zone of the lake would occur from the export of P released during the desiccation of SAV in the littoral-marsh zone during a drawdown.  相似文献   
大莲湖生态修复工程对水质影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
大莲湖是淀山湖水系中富营养化程度较为严重的湖泊,从2008年12月起,为了改善水质,重建大莲湖生态环境,采取了塑造地型、设计护坡、调整水系、配置植物、构建快速渗透系统等措施治理大莲湖,分析了生态工程完工后半年多来大莲湖水质变化状况;结果表明:经过生态修复后,其水质得到明显改善,COD、总氮和总磷分别比生态区外的鱼塘下降了68%、62%和74%;氨氮平均为0.27 mg/L,亚硝态氮平均0.02 mg/L,叶绿素a平均下降了72%。因此,将工程措施与生物净化方法有机结合在一起,并因地制宜地构建快速渗透系统是湖泊治理的一条有效途径,该修复工程的成功实施也为其他生态修复工程提供了技术支持。  相似文献   
乌梁素海湖泊湿地植物区甲烷排放规律   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
运用静态箱法,对内蒙古乌梁素海不同水位的芦苇群落(Phragmites australis)和龙须眼子菜群落(Potamogeton pectinatus)的甲烷排放通量进行2 a(2003~2004)野外观测.发现龙须眼子菜群落(沉水植物)甲烷平均排放速率为(3.44±1.60) mg·(m2·h)-1, 仅为芦苇群落(挺水植物)的平均排放速率的21.94%.高水位芦苇的排放速率要大于低水位芦苇群落.芦苇群落的甲烷排放具有明显的季节性和日变化规律,并且5 cm土壤温度和光合有效辐射分别是影响季节性和日变化的主要环境因子.根据观测数据和植物的分布面积,计算得出乌梁素海2003和2004年的甲烷排放量为1 024.6 t和1 156.7 t.  相似文献   
Temporal and spatial changes of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) in a shallow lake, Lake Chaohu, China, were investigated using monthly monitoring data from 2001 through 2011. The results showed that the annual mean concentration ranges of TN, TP, and Chl-a were 0.08-14.60 mg/L, 0.02-1.08 mg/L, and 0.10-465.90 μg/L, respectively. Our data showed that Lake Chaohu was highly eutrophic and that water quality showed no substantial improvement during 2001 through 2011. The mean concentrations of TP, TN and Chl-a in the western lake were significantly higher than in the eastern lake, which indicates a spatial distribution of the three water parameters. The annual mean ratio of TN:TP by weight ranged from 10 to 20, indicating that phosphorus was the limiting nutrient in this lake. A similar seasonality variation for TP and Chl-a was observed. Riverine TP and NH4+ loading from eight major tributaries were in the range of 1.56×104-5.47×104 and 0.19×104-0.51×104 tons/yr over 2002-2011, respectively, and exceeded the water environmental capability of the two nutrients in the lake by a factor of 3-6. Thus reduction of nutrient loading in the sub-watershed and tributaries would be essential for the restoration of Lake Chaohu.  相似文献   
为了探讨人类活动对水体重金属和毒性元素含量的影响,测量了污水泡8个样点的Mn、Fe、Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb等重金属和As、Se等毒性元素质量浓度。在综合考虑各种水质评价方法的基础上,采用灰色关联分析方法对水中重金属和毒性元素污染情况进行了评价。结果显示,水中重金属和毒性元素污染并不严重,8个采样点中有7个样点符合Ⅰ类水体标准,1个样点为Ⅱ类水体。其原因是污水泡附近没有工业区,排出的污水属生活污水,污染并非重金属和毒性元素造成。  相似文献   
洞庭湖区生态环境退化状况及其原因分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
姜加虎  黄群 《生态环境》2004,13(2):277-280
洞庭湖居湖南省东北隅,长江荆江段南岸。湖泊形状呈近似“U”字形,岳阳站水位33.50 m时(黄海基面),湖长143.00 km,最大湖宽30.00 km,平均湖宽17.01 km,湖泊面积2625 km2;最大水深23.5 m,平均水深6.39 m,蓄水量167?08 m3。因入湖泥沙长期淤积、高洲围垦、并垸合流等自然因素和人类活动的共同影响,自清代末期以来,湖泊形态演变剧烈,湖盆抬高,入湖河流三角洲快速发育,湖面南移而缩小;现湖体已明显演变为西洞庭湖、南洞庭湖和东洞庭湖首尾相接三个部分,具有“高水湖相,低水河相”的典型特征。洞庭湖区不但是我国受洪水威胁最严重的地区之一,而且生态退化和环境问题也十分突出,一直受到国家的高度重视。文章在大量调查的基础上,对洞庭湖及其湖区的生态环境退化状况、产生原因和可能带来的负面影响等方面进行了初步分析。  相似文献   
中国湖泊水环境基准的研究进展   总被引:28,自引:9,他引:28  
中国湖泊污染形势严峻、生态健康效应复杂,亟需适合中国区域特点的水环境基准作为加强污染控制、治理和管理的理论依据,但目前我国湖泊水环境基准的系统研究尚未开展,本文从水环境基准的意义、概念、研究历史、现状和发展趋势等几个方面对中国湖泊水环境基准研究进行了剖析回顾和展望:首先阐述了开展区域性水环境基准研究的迫切性和科学意义,揭示了"科学确定基准"的内涵;然后详细回顾了国内外湖泊水环境基准的研究历史、现状及存在的关键问题,提出了湖泊水环境基准的"三性"原则(科学性、基础性和区域性),指出环境暴露、效应识别和风险评估是基准研究的三个关键环节;最后提出中国湖泊水环境基准的研究方向和发展趋势,本文强调:阐明中国水环境的演变规律和特征,需要开展水环境污染过程和生态毒理效应研究;建立具有我国区域特点的湖泊水环境基准理论、技术和方法体系是面向国际科学前沿和解决中国环境管理重大科技需求的重要任务,它既可推动中国毒理学、生物学、生态学及环境与生物地球化学等学科的发展,又可为湖泊流域的环境管理和污染防治提供技术支撑,整体提升我国环境保护科学研究的水平和国际地位.  相似文献   
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