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我国典型流域镉水质基准研究 总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7
对《我国淡水水生生物镉基准研究》一文推算的国家镉基准进行了修正,采用“重新计算法”推算了我国典型流域的镉生物基准,并以辽河上游的大伙房水库为试点,利用“水效应比值法”推算了区域镉基准. 结果表明:我国国家镉急性和慢性基准分别修正为1.81和0.21 μg/L;珠江流域、长江流域、太湖流域和辽河流域的镉急性基准分别为3.60,3.61,3.19和2.95 μg/L;镉慢性基准分别为1.39,0.06,0.04和0.04 μg/L;大伙房水库镉急性和慢性基准分别为2.72和0.05 μg/L. 流域及区域的镉急性基准值全部大于国家急性基准值,但大部分镉慢性基准都严于国家慢性基准. 相似文献
本文介绍了阳西县饮用水源地陂底水库的水质现状及污染来源,描述了水库的管理现状,并提出了处理对策。 相似文献
Geochemical processes of mercury in Wujiangdu and Dongfeng reservoirs, Guizhou, China 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Xinbin Feng Hongmei Jiang Guangle Qiu Haiyu Yan Guanghui Li Zhonggen Li 《Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)》2009,157(11):2970-2984
The geochemical processes of mercury in Dongfeng (DF) and Wujiangdu (WJD) reservoirs, which were constructed in 1992 and 1979, respectively in Wujiang River, which is the upper branch of Yangtze River were investigated. One sampling site was chosen upriver of 1 km from the dam for each reservoir. Three sampling campaigns were conducted at these sampling sites in December 2003, April 2004 and July 2004, respectively. The distributions of different mercury species in the water column, sediment, and sediment pore water were studied. We found that the sediment is the net source of both inorganic and MeHg to the water column for both reservoirs. The MeHg diffusion fluxes in WJD reservoir at all sampling campaigns were significantly higher than those in DF reservoir. Our study demonstrated that the high primary productivity in the reservoir produced elevated organic matter content that would favor the methylmercury production in sediment. 相似文献
于2013年5月至10月对密云水库上游河流中大型底栖无脊椎动物(以下简称底栖动物)进行了采样调查。结果表明,采集到的底栖动物隶属于4门10纲16目45科,其中以节肢动物种类最多,占总数的80%,且水生昆虫占总数的67%,出现频率最高的是节肢动物门蜉蝣目蜉蝣科的昆虫,出现频率达87%;从分布来看,白河流域采集到的底栖动物种类最多、密度最高,而潮河流域采集到的底栖动物生物量最大;以底栖动物为指示生物的水质评价结果显示,密云水库上游河流中50%采样点的水质为Ⅰ级(清洁),其余50%为Ⅱ级(轻微污染),水质整体较好,与现场生境调查和水质监测的结果相吻合。 相似文献
This study focuses on the verification of test interpretations for different state analyses of diffusion experiments. Part 1 of this study identified that steady, quasi-steady and equilibrium state analyses for the through- and in-diffusion tests with solution reservoirs are generally feasible where the tracer is not highly sorptive. In Part 2 we investigate parameter identifiability in transient-state analysis of reservoir concentration variation using a numerical approach. For increased generality, the analytical models, objective functions and Jacobian matrix necessary for inverse analysis of transient-state data are reformulated using unified dimensionless parameters. In these dimensionless forms, the number of unknown parameters is reduced and a single dimensionless parameter represents the sorption property. The dimensionless objective functions are evaluated for individual test methods and parameter identifiability is discussed in relation to the sorption property. The effects of multiple minima and measurement error on parameter identifiability are also investigated. The main findings are that inverse problems for inlet and outlet reservoir concentration analyses are generally unstable and well-posed, respectively. Where the tracer is sorptive, the inverse problem for the inlet reservoir concentration analysis may have multiple minima. When insufficient measurement data is collected, multiple solutions may result and this should be taken into consideration when inversely analyzing data including that of inlet reservoir concentration. Verification of test interpretation by cross-checking different state analyses is feasible where the tracer is not highly sorptive. In an actual experiment, test interpretation validity is demonstrated through consistency between theory and practice for different state analyses. 相似文献
为有效控制流域水质污染,保证饮用水水源的水质安全,通过采集和测定流域内土壤、植物以及河流断面水体悬浮颗粒有机质(POM)在枯水期和丰水期的碳、氮稳定同位素值和C/N比值,对石头口门水库汇水流域水体POM的来源进行研究.结果表明,水体中POM主要来源于土壤有机质,其贡献为69.2%,藻类等大型水生生物和浮游植物的贡献分别为23.1%和7.7%.流域水体中POM的来源存在时空差异.丰水期,浮游植物和藻类等大型水生植物的贡献均为15.4%,而枯水期后者的贡献提高到了30.8%.水体POM主要来源于双阳河和饮马河下游的土壤有机质,说明该区域土壤侵蚀较重,易发生非点源污染;岔路河和饮马河上游支流小黄河,水体POM以浮游植物的贡献占主导,其贡献分别为86.3%和94.8%,这些区域侵蚀较弱,非点源污染发生的风险小;大中型水库区域的POM主要由藻类等大型水生植物贡献,表明悬浮颗粒物在进入水库后可能发生了明显沉积. 相似文献
三峡库区含沙量大,库区蓄水后,泥沙沉降对水环境的影响不容忽视。为了探讨含沙水体对藻类生长的影响,丰富和深化富营养化的研究内容和相关理论,在适宜硅藻生长的光照、水温、营养盐等条件下,通过泥沙对不同初始浓度硅藻的生长影响试验研究。结果表明:适量的泥沙含量对硅藻生长有利。含沙量分别为0.0和0.2kg/m^3的两种初始硅藻浓度水样中,叶绿素a浓度峰值都远远高于试验初始硅藻叶绿素a量,明显高于该组其它4个含沙水样。 相似文献
大坝拦截对河流水溶解组分化学组成的影响分析——以夏季乌江渡水库为例 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
以乌江渡水库为主要研究对象,揭示了大坝拦截条件下的夏季水化学特征:阴离子以HCO-3,SO2-4为主,阳离子以Ca2+,Mg2+为主,其余离子含量低于10%,说明了碳酸盐岩的风化对水体化学组成起到了主要控制作用,蒸发盐岩石的风化对水体化学组成影响较小。水库水体存在温度分层现象,形成了不同层位的水体有着不同的水化学组成,即水化学分层。水化学的分层形成了溶解组分在水库垂直深度上的规律分布,比如受藻类的影响,Si和叶绿素随深度成相反的变化特征;HCO-3受光合作用和有机质降解的影响,30 m 以上随着水深的增加而递增,30 m 以下呈现相反趋势;水库泄水方式明显改变了水化学各种参数和离子在水体中的分配。乌江水库两主要支流(息烽河和偏岩河)分别对乌江渡坝前水体中的Ca2+,SO2-4,HCO-3,Mg2+和K+,Na+,Cl-有贡献。网箱养鱼、生活污水、农业施肥、酸性矿山废水以及酸雨沉降都会对水体造成不同程度的污染。 相似文献
S. M. Shafigullina 《Russian Journal of Ecology》2009,40(3):218-226
Interannual changes in geobiont and chortobiont abundance on the islands of Kuibyshev Reservoir are largely determined by flood conditions, because the seasonal average abundance of many taxa is negatively correlated to the water level in May and June. Floods influence the abundance of these animals both directly and indirectly, through biocenotic connections and some aspects of behavior. Long-term positive trends are observed in the abundance of many species. The hypothesis is proposed that this increase in the abundance of geobionts and chortobionts is a consequence of adaptation processes in these communities, which are stimulated by the flood regime of the reservoir. 相似文献
三峡库区主要森林植被类型土壤有机碳贮量研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
根据全国森林资源清查资料,按主要优势树种和分布面积将三峡库区主要森林植被划分为马尾松针叶林、栎类混交林、灌木林等11种主要森林植被类型。基于196个土壤剖面数据,分析了11种主要森林植被类型下土壤有机碳含量、碳密度大小和分配特征。研究发现,三峡库区主要森林植被类型下土壤有机碳含量和碳密度均存在较大差异,二者总体上都随土层加深而降低。11种主要森林植被类型中以杉木针叶林土壤有机碳密度最大,达16.0 kg/m2,温性松林下土壤碳密度最小,仅为7.9 kg/m2。不同植被类型下土壤有机碳贮量在土层中的分配比例也不同,以灌木林和柏木林土壤碳贮量在土层间的差异最大。11种主要森林植被类型土壤平均厚度为56.3~98.5 cm,其中杉木针叶林土壤最厚,达98.5 cm,灌丛土壤最薄,平均厚度仅56.3 cm。三峡库区11种主要森林植被类型总面积为3 313 251 hm2,土壤总有机碳贮量为 366.36 t,其中0~10、10~20、20~40和>40 cm土层分别占22.90%、18.36%、28.33%和30.41%。 相似文献