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巢湖流域不同土地利用类型地表径流污染特征研究 总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29
巢湖是我国五大淡水湖之一,目前正面临着严重的环境污染与水体富营养化问题。通过对巢湖流域塘西地区大豆地,水稻田,菜地,山芋地,小麦地,集镇街道,山坡地,饲养场地,农村道路,湖滩芦苇地,荒地等11种土地利用类型地表径流污染现状的详细调查与分析,建立了巢湖流域不同土地利用类型地表径流污染研究的一般程序与方法。 相似文献
北京市某城市污水厂在传统的A 2/O工艺基础上特别增设多级A/O(MAO)工艺强化脱氮除磷效果。以该污水厂各工艺单元出水为研究对象,通过对水质常规理化指标、紫外吸收光谱及其相关参数分析,并结合多元数据统计学手段,分析该工艺对城市污水中污染物的去除效果,特别是溶解性有机物(DOM)的去除。经MAO工艺强化后CODCr、DOC、TN、TP和N$H^{+}_{4}$-N的去除率分别为95.14%、89.70%、94.53%、97.26%和99.74%,达到GB 18918—2002《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》一级A标准;增设MAO工艺后,提高了对DOM的去除率,DOM分子量和团聚化程度显著提高,化合物的稳定性增强。对污水再生过程处理单元水质化学指标与紫外光谱参数的相关性分析表明,芳香环上取代基类型以脂肪链为主时对脱氮除磷促进作用更加明显。 相似文献
保护集镇饮用水河流是当前水污染防治工作的重点。本文通过现状分析,针对城乡结合部河流以面源为主的特点,找出影响饮用水河流水质的主要污染源及污水排放特征.用系统分析方法,将集镇的经济、人口、环境统计资料作为环境管理模型的主要输入信息,经计算机仿真,得出保护水源水质应采取的对策与治理方案。 相似文献
农业面源污染是水体中COD、氮、磷等指标的主要来源。它包括农药化肥施用、畜禽养殖和农村生活污水排放。对农业源水污染物进行削减是实现污染物总量控制的重要手段。通过详细总结国内外现有农业源水污染物削减技术方法,分析对比其优缺点和实用性,筛选出适用于不同农业污染来源的污水处理技术。结果表明,畜禽养殖废水的适宜处理技术有厌氧/缺氧/好氧(A/A/O)、序批式活性污泥法(SBR)、膜生物反应器(MBR)、升流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)、厌氧沼气池;农地施肥污水的适宜处理技术有SBR、MBR、UASB;农村生活污水的适宜处理技术有厌氧沼气池、生物滴滤池、人工湿地、稳定塘。 相似文献
A receptor modeling approach has been applied to identify and apportion sources of airborne particulate matter in Thessaloniki, Greece. The absolute principal component analysis source apportionment technique used, provided quantitative information regarding both source particle characteristics and impacts. The analysis identified four major sources of heavy metals within total suspended particles (TSP) in the centre of the city: oil burning, pyrometallurgical non‐ferrous metal processes, motor vehicles and soil resuspension. Their contributions to TSP estimated by regression on absolute principal component scores (APCS) were 12%, 8%, 5% and 4%, respectively. A similar analysis conducted for a sampling site close to the industrial area identified five major sources: oil burning, industrial Cr source, soil resuspension, pyrometallurgical non‐ferrous metal processes and motor vehicles with contributions 20%, 15%, 9%, 8% and 4%, respectively. 相似文献
Effluents collected from tanneries in Sialkot showed considerably higher levels of heavy metals. Sodium (12 660.91 mg/L) among macronutrients and Cr (592.20 mg/L) among heavy metals were found in the highest concentrations. Effluent parameters, i.e. biological oxygen demand (BOD; 12.40), chemical oxygen demand (COD; 16.53), Cd (5.90), Cr (592.20) and Fe (18.59) were the respective times higher than Pakistan National Environmental Quality Standards and their continuous unchecked discharge into agricultural soils poses a potential risk. Mean concentrations (mg/L) of Cr (592.20), Ni (2.66), Mn (1.16), Fe (37.17), Zn (0.90), Cd (0.59) and Pb (1.18) in this study exceeded levels recorded to date from different tanning hubs in Pakistan. Factor analysis/principal components analysis (FA/PCA) for the effluent parameters resulted in six varimax factors, i.e. VF1 (salinity, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, chloride, phosphate, BOD and COD; including characteristic tannery effluent features), VF2 (pH, Cr and alkalinity; tanning operations), VF3 (Cd and Pb; dyeing processes), VF4 (Mn and Fe; finishing operations), VF5 (Ni; retaining processes) and VF6 (hardness, Ca and Cu; bating processes). Cluster analysis performed on metal data resulted in three clusters confirming metal–metal relations obtained either from FA/PCA or a correlation matrix. The results of this study are useful for heavy metal source apportionment, assessment of risk to peripheral soils and the future management of environments around tanneries. 相似文献
城市化对北京霾日数影响统计分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来,随着超大城市/城市群大气灰霾等复合污染加剧,引起人们对区域生态环境与及公共健康问题越来越多的关注。应用北京地区1980—2012年气候资料及同期城市发展统计指标,统计分析了城、郊区间霾日数的变化特征,并在此基础上探讨了北京城市化及局地气候差异对霾日数的影响。分析表明:北京城区霾日数要明显多于郊区,在2007年以前城、郊区站点均有相似的波动增长趋势,但城区站霾日数增加速率(约21 d/10 a)要远大于郊区站(约7.2 d/10 a);北京各地霾日数与主要城市发展指数之间的相关系数均超过0.001显著性水平,随着城市化而迅速增加的能源消耗和机动车尾气排放是导致北京地区灰霾天气逐渐增多的主要污染源,污染源的不均匀分布是导致城、郊霾日数差异的主要因素。分析还发现,城市化导致的区域气候差异对局地灰霾亦有较明显的影响。伴随着城市化的快速发展,城、郊区气候差异逐渐变大,城市下垫面粗糙度增加导致近地面层风速减小。大城市热岛效应背景下,更容易出现较厚的逆温层,这将阻碍空气垂直方向的对流输送。此外,城区气温持续上升,相对湿度下降,平均风速减小,小风频率增加,也会阻碍空气的水平流通,使得城市排放颗粒污染物的扩散难以扩散,有利于霾日增加。这表明北京地区城市气候效应对区域生态环境具有不可忽视的影响。 相似文献
Pengfei DU Zhiyi LI Jinliang HUANG 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》2013,7(5):735-745
Drinking water sources are highly valued by authorities for safeguarding the life of a city. Models are widely applied as important and effective tools in the management of water sources. However, it is difficult to apply models in water source management because water managers are often not equipped with the professional knowledge and operational skills necessary for making use of the models. This paper introduces a drinking water source simulation and prediction system that consists of a watershed model, a hydrological model and a water quality model. This system provides methods and technical guidance for the conventional management of water sources and emergency water event response. In this study, the sub-models of the system were developed based on the data of the Jiangdong Reservoir in Xiamen, and the model validation was based on local monitoring data. The hydrological model and water quality model were integrated by computer programming, and the watershed model was indirectly integrated into the system through a network platform. Furthermore, three applications for Jiangdong Reservoir water protection utilizing the system were introduced in this paper, including a conventional simulation, an emergency simulation, and an emergency measures evaluation. 相似文献
针对快速城镇化区域产业快速发展、人口高度密集与排水设施建设滞后间的突出矛盾,以苏州官渎里区域的典型重污染河道——官渎花园内河为研究对象,在分析区域排污特征的基础上,系统总结点污染源、面污染源和内污染源在该类区域的具体表现形式和影响因素,对各类污染物入河量进行调查测算.根据测算结果,官渎花园内河的CODcr、NH3-N、TN和TP年入河量分别为222.54、11.16、16.63和2.56t·a-1.对各污染源贡献率的分析结果表明,工业污染和生活污染为主要污染源,其次为降雨径流污染.在上述测算分析的基础上,结合苏南快速城镇化区域发展特点,提出了若干河道污染控制的对策与建议. 相似文献
Jiping Jiang Feng Han Yi Zheng Nannan Wang Yixing Yuan 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》2018,12(5):6
Identifying source information after river chemical spill occurrences is critical for emergency responses. However, the inverse uncertainty characteristics of this kind of pollution source inversion problem have not yet been clearly elucidated. To fill this gap, stochastic analysis approaches, including a regional sensitivity analysis method, identifiability plot and perturbation methods, were employed to conduct an empirical investigation on generic inverse uncertainty characteristics under a well-accepted uncertainty analysis framework. Case studies based on field tracer experiments and synthetic numerical tracer experiments revealed several new rules. For example, the release load can be most easily inverted, and the source location is responsible for the largest uncertainty among the source parameters. The diffusion and convection processes are more sensitive than the dilution and pollutant attenuation processes to the optimization of objective functions in terms of structural uncertainty. The differences among the different objective functions are smaller for instantaneous release than for continuous release cases. Small monitoring errors affect the inversion results only slightly, which can be ignored in practice. Interestingly, the estimated values of the release location and time negatively deviate from the real values, and the extent is positively correlated with the relative size of the mixing zone to the objective river reach. These new findings improve decision making in emergency responses to sudden water pollution and guide the monitoring network design.