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Submerged membrane bioreactors(SMBR) are widely used in wastewater treatment. The permeability of a membrane declines rapidly because of the formation of a cake layer on the membrane surface. In this paper, a multiple staining protocol was conducted to probe the four major foulants in the cake layer formed on a filtration membrane. Fluorescent images of the foulants were obtained using a confocal laser scanning microscope(CLSM). The three dimensional structure of the cake layer was reconstructed, and the internal flow was calculated using computational fluid dynamics(CFD). Simulation results agreed well with the experimental data on the permeability of the cake layer during filtration and showed better accuracy than the calculation by Kozeny–Carman method. β-D-Glucopyranose polysaccharides and proteins are the two main foulants with relatively large volume fractions, while α-D-glucopyranose polysaccharides and nucleic acids have relatively large specific surface areas. The fast growth of β-D-glucopyranose polysaccharides in the volume fraction is mainly responsible for the increase in cake volume fraction and the decrease in permeability. The specific area, or the aggregation/dispersion of foulants, is less important to its permeability compared to its volume fraction.  相似文献   
The present work presents a study of the biological treatment of fish processing wastewa at salt concentration of 55 g/L. Wastewater was treated by both continuous stirred-ta reactor(CSTR) and membrane bioreactor(MBR) during 50 and 100 days, respectively. Th biological processes involved salt-tolerant bacteria from natural hypersaline environme at different organic loading rates(OLRs). The phylogenetic analysis of the correspond excised DGGE bands has demonstrated that the taxonomic affiliation of the most domin species includes Halomonadaceae and Flavobacteriaceae families of the Proteobacteria(Gamm proteobacteria class) and the Bacteroidetes phyla, respectively. The results of MBR w better than those of CSTR in the removal of total organic carbon with efficiencies from 97 to 98.6%. Nevertheless, salinity with increasing OLR aggravates fouling that requires m cleaning for a membrane in MBR while leads to deterioration of sludge settleability a effluent quality in CSTR.  相似文献   
为研究膜面流速和混凝预处理对微滤过程膜污染的综合影响,用旋流式膜混凝反应器进行了不同流量、入口管径、混凝剂投加量下的除浊试验。结果表明,直接微滤时,高膜面流速加剧了初期膜的孔堵污染,但抑制了滤饼层的累积,适于长期运行;在质量浓度为0~18 mg/L范围内增大聚合氯化铝(PAC)投加量可显著抑制膜过滤阻力的增长;以速度梯度(G)表征絮体状态,由于絮体尺寸和错流的综合作用,投加混凝剂后,G在20~70 s-1范围内,414.64 s-1时微滤膜污染较轻。  相似文献   
生化需氧量(BOD5)作为环境监测重要参数之一,是一项重要的反应有机污染的指标。 BOD5分析过程一个复杂的生化过程,受到许多客观环境因素的影响,如样品温度、环境温度、搅拌速度,仪器校正等。采用膜电极法测定BOD5时,综合考虑,做好质量控制,可获得满意的测定结果。  相似文献   
利用二室阳离子膜电解装置,以亚硫酸钠和亚硫酸氢钠溶液模拟钠碱烟气脱硫吸收富液,进行吸收液再生规律的研究。实验考察了流体流速和槽压对膜电解过程的影响,明确了其相关规律,确定了较佳操作参数。研究结果证明:增大槽压和流体流速有利于脱硫富液的电解再生,而且钠离子浓度越低电解再生越容易。同时,实验中注意到电解过程中溶液伴渗对电流效率和钠离子迁移率有较大的影响。  相似文献   
膜污染问题是影响膜生物反应器发展的一项关键技术。文章对膜污染中凝胶层的产生机理进行了研究与分析,认为凝胶层形成首先是由有机物在膜表面的吸附开始.在膜面浓差极化、生物污染及膜孔堵塞影响的共同作用下,使凝胶层迅速增厚,从而导致膜的严重污染;文章还对膜污染的控制进行了研究分析。  相似文献   
氨氮测定中采用蒸馏法处理样品时加碱中和的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肖福东 《云南环境科学》2003,22(Z1):179-180
采用纳氏试剂测定氨氮时,加入不同量的NaOH溶液对纳氏反应影响较大,经过多次实验,认为加入5ml25%NaOH中和10ml硼酸最合适.  相似文献   
持久性有机污染物(POPs)及其归趋研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
介绍了持久性有机污染物的定义、特性和来源 ,研究了它们的全球归趋并探讨了机理。提出了应加强国际合作来研究持久性有机污染物并指出了应重点研究的方向  相似文献   
膜生物反应器(MBR)污泥膨胀控制对策的应用实例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了以洗浴废水为主要原水的中水回用工程中控制污泥膨胀的情况。经过分析认为,原水中氮、磷等营养物质平衡遭到破坏是导致污染高粘性膨胀的主要原因,并采取了投加混凝剂和营养物质、排泥以及增加水力停留时间等措施,从而有效控制污泥膨胀。  相似文献   
氨氮是引起水体富营养化的主要因素之一,甲醇引起水体缺氧而发黑、发臭.甲胺废水中含有大量的氨氮和甲醇,因此回收氨氮和甲醇不仅对水体有重大意义,而且可以实现资源再利用.文章介绍了氨氮和甲醇回收的技术方法,在此基础上提出沉淀-蒸馏法作为氨氮和甲醇的回收工艺,探讨了沉淀-蒸馏法应用于甲胺废水回收时工艺条件选择和影响.由于沉淀法...  相似文献   
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