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Abstract:   Successful biodiversity management, including the selection and subsequent management of protected areas, depends in large measure on classifications showing land areas with similar ecosystem character. In contrast to widely used, qualitative land-classification techniques, we used a numerical classification of explicit spatial layers describing aspects of New Zealand's climate and landforms. We chose input variables for their strong functional links with major physiological processes of trees and high statistical correlations with geographic distributions of individual tree species as determined from previous studies. Higher-level divisions of the resulting classification were dominated by macroclimatic variation associated with change in both latitude and orographic protection provided by New Zealand's main mountain ranges, but variation in landform became more important at finer scales of classification. Classification units showed marked variation in the proportional extent of both indigenous vegetation cover and land set aside for conservation purposes. Indigenous ecosystem remnants of the highest priority for increased protection occurred in warm, lowland domains, particularly in drier environments, where both indigenous cover and protected areas are of minimal geographic extent. Such results underline the considerable potential of an environmental classification to provide a landscape context for systematic conservation management, particularly in environments where the natural ecosystem pattern has been severely modified by human activity.  相似文献   
Since 1990s, a systematic program to measure air toxics has been active in New York State with monitors located both in urban and rural areas. In this study we examined the spatial and temporal characteristics of benzene, a known human carcinogen that is emitted by many source categories. The analysis indicates that ambient concentration levels of benzene have decreased by as much as 60% over this period not only in the ozone non-attainment area of New York City that had the reformulated gas (RFG) requirements, but also over the rest of the state as well. Although the rate of decrease appears to have flattened out in recent years, the annual average concentration levels are found to be above the health risk threshold even at the remote location, Whiteface Mountain, suggesting the need for further reductions in benzene emissions.  相似文献   
秦阳  胡建林  孔海江 《环境科学》2024,45(2):626-634
基于2015~2019年南京细颗粒物(PM2.5)和臭氧(O3)逐小时浓度数据,通过T-mode主成分分析法对南京发生PM2.5和O3污染同时高浓度并存(双高污染)时的天气形势进行了分型,利用后向轨迹聚类分析法、潜在来源贡献法(PSCF)和浓度权重轨迹分析法(CWT)研究不同天气形势对南京双高污染的输送路径及潜在源区分布.结果表明,有利于南京地区双高污染的天气形势分别为弱的低压型(Type1)和高压中心型(Type2).天气形势会对后向轨迹的方位来源产生影响.Type1时,南京地区受到东北和西南两个低气压影响,气团的聚类轨迹主要来自东西两个方位,轨迹中ρ(PM2.5)和ρ(O3)平均值分别为83.48 μg·m-3和106.85 μg·m-3.Type2时,南京及其周边在高压中心边缘,气团聚类轨迹主要来自北方和东方,轨迹中ρ(PM2.5)和ρ(O3)平均值分别为94.47 μg·m-3和92.32 μg·m-3.同时两种类型后向轨迹绝大部分属于中短距离区域输送,说明周边临近省份的污染是影响南京地区双高污染主要原因之一.PSCF和CWT分析表明,两者高值区域基本保持一致.Type1和Type2两种类型中PM2.5和O3的最主要潜在源区均出现分布并不完全一致的情况,表明双高污染中的两种污染物并非来自同一地区.  相似文献   
为更好支撑北京市丰台区地下水资源开发利用、污染管控与防治工作,以丰台区永定河以东区域枯水期浅层地下水长序列监测数据为基础,综合运用数理统计、Gibbs图和离子比例分析等方法探究了丰台区地下水水化学演变规律、形成机制及污染来源,结果表明:①研究区现状地下水质量整体较差,地下水中各指标平均浓度自1976年至今呈先升高后降低趋势,Cl-、SO42-和总硬度(TH)污染范围总体呈扩大趋势,溶解性总固体(TDS)和硝酸盐氮(NO3-)污染范围以2005年为拐点呈先扩大后缩小趋势;②各年份地下水中优势阴、阳离子均为HCO3-和Ca2+,1976年和2021年地下水水化学类型数依次为8和17种,其主要水型依次为HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg·Na(40%)和HCO3·Cl·SO4-Ca·Na·Mg(23.88%),各年份区域范围内与沿地下水流向上地下水水化学类型均呈现复杂化趋势,地下水水文地球化学演变过程中水化学组分受人为活动影响显著;③地下水受岩石风化和蒸发结晶双重作用,且以蒸发作用为主,地下水阳离子交替作用较弱,碳酸盐矿物的溶解为Ca2+和Mg2+的主要来源;④离子比例分析得出,外源输入的NO3-和Cl-主要来源于农业活动、城市污水,且2005年前农业活动污染影响较大,与研究区历史上大量渗坑、渗井、工业和生活污水灌溉直排关系密切.  相似文献   
尹金珠  荆瑞英 《环境与发展》2020,(4):116-116,118
目前,土壤重金属污染已成为全球各国共同面临的棘手问题。土壤重金属污染具有隐蔽性、滞后性、积累性、持久性等特点,已严重危害到人类的健康。本文在全面了解国内外重金属污染土壤修复研究动态的基础上,对纳米多孔磁性螯合材料用于农田重金属污染土壤修复的新技术进行展望与探索研究,为国内这一领域的工作开展提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   
Recent targets for reduced amounts of waste to landfills in Sweden will result in a large increase in waste incineration with recovery of energy, used primarily for district heating. The aim of this study is to investigate what changes in the usage of other fuels and technologies for district heat production would be caused by this increase. A questionnaire was sent out to the largest district heating companies, and simulations in an energy systems model were carried out. The analysis shows that increased waste incineration reduces the demand for other fuels, especially biomass, for district heat production. The effects include reductions in operating hours as well as the avoidance or postponement of investments in new plants for district heat production. Increased waste incineration will also lead to a greater use of district heating in Sweden.  相似文献   
本文利用景观生态学的理论,采用最小累计阻力模型,评价深圳市福田区的景观生态安全格局.结果表明,福田区当前存在景观格局破碎、生态安全网络不完善、生态廊道孤立和生态流连接性差等问题.对此,本文提出优化生态节点、生态廊道和生态网络等措施,提出"一心、一轴、一环、三带、六区"的福田区生态安全格局规划,以满足城市发展的需要及保护城市生态系统的生态过程和基本服务功能.  相似文献   
介绍了我国、广东省、其他市出台的有关水源保护管理的一些政策,阐述了佛山市禅城区在沙口水厂水源保护工作体制、技术、资金等方面的一些创新做法。  相似文献   
根据2014年6月和12月在怀洪新河太湖新银鱼国家级水产种质资源保护区现场调查数据,对保护区生境及渔业群落进行了研究。保护区主要水质指标达到Ⅲ类标准,TN为制约因素。保护区共分布有水生维管束植物24种,其中沉水植物、挺水植物、漂浮植物和浮叶植物分别占41.67%、33.33%、16.67%和8.33%。现场调查共采集到鱼、虾类37种,包括鱼类33种、虾类4种,分别隶属于8目15科35属。群落结构以淡水定居性物种及杂食性物种占优,夏季优势种为日本沼虾、红鳍原鲌和刀鲚,冬季为鲫、鲢和鳙。夏季各种网具中采集的渔获物均重变幅为0.12~114.32 g,冬季为4.07~696.70 g。保护区成鱼(虾)资源密度为20.18万尾/km2和10 440.8 kg/km2,幼鱼资源密度为534.58万尾/km2和587.8 kg/km2。冬季资源密度显著低于夏季,数量及重量密度仅分别为夏季的6.94%和30.93%。基于渔获尾数的多样性特征值为:丰富度指数(R)3.812 0,信息指数(H’)1.496 0,优势度指数(D)0.409 9,均匀度指数(E)0.124 0。克氏原螯虾在保护区内广泛分布,对其危害性应加以重视。  相似文献   
废水的生物脱氮除磷新工艺的设想   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
结合废水生物脱氮除磷机理和影响因素,在对几种典型脱氮除磷工艺氮、磷去除率进行比较的基础上,解析了一些典型工艺除氮除磷不足之处。根据重庆城市污水水质实际情况和地形的特点,设想一种新的生物脱 氮除磷工艺,从而弥补传统工艺的不足。可望提高系统的脱氮和除磷效率,达到更好的脱氮除磷的目的,减少对水体的污染。  相似文献   
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