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污染治理中的微波诱导催化技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
归纳了微波诱导催化技术在大气羡染控制、水污染控制、固体废弃物处理与处置等污染治理中的应用状况及应用实例,阐述了微波诱导催化技术的基本原理,提出了微波诱导催化技术在实践应用环节中存在的问题及解决措施,展望了微波诱导催化技术在污染治理领域中的应用前景。  相似文献   
石油化工装置污染源分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对石油化工行业三大典型工艺,即炼油、乙烯和化纤的污染源产生情况及特性进行分析,找出不同装置废气、废水、固体废物等污染源产生的特点和共性,以利于石油化工项目的环境影响评价工作中污染源产生情况的准确分析和评价。  相似文献   
突发性环境污染事故具有不确定性,因此要求应急监测准备工作常备不懈;应急监测准备和响应贯穿于事前、事发、事后几个阶段,包括日常准备、应急监测、结果发布、跟踪监测、经验总结等主要环节。  相似文献   
本文论述了辽宁省特有污染因子硼、钼的污染现状及加强排污监管的必要性;提出了制定硼、钼排污收费标准对完善排污收费标准和强化环境监管具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Analysis tools that combine large spatial and temporal scales are necessary for efficient management of wildlife species, such as the burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia). We assessed the ability of Ripley’s K-function analysis integrated into a geographic information system (GIS) to determine changes in burrowing owl nest clustering over two years at NASA Ames Research Center. Specifically, we used these tools to detect changes in spatial and temporal nest clustering before, during, and after conducting management by mowing to maintain low vegetation height at nest burrows. We found that the scale and timing of owl nest clustering matched the scale and timing of our conservation management actions over a short time frame. While this study could not determine a causal link between mowing and nest clustering, we did find that Ripley’s K and GIS were effective in detecting owl nest clustering and show promise for future conservation uses.  相似文献   
杜浩  郑汝海 《四川环境》2007,26(6):58-62
为分析飞机噪声对机场内部人员的影响,在某军用机场场区内选取九个主要建筑物作为研究对象,对其进行现场噪声测量,在实测数据的基础上,采用多项指标进行机场内部噪声环境评价和分析。结果表明:机场工作人员一直暴露在高噪声环境中,而且各类噪声事件均对其工作和身体健康产生影响,内场营区的声环境质量比外场工作区稍好,但离标准声环境仍有较大距离。最后结合军用机场的特点提出一些有针对性的防治措施。  相似文献   
针对南充市区土壤重金属污染片区的分类结果,为了判断其有效性,应用多类Fisher判别法,建立了南充市区土壤重金属污染评价的Fisher模型。通过检验,模型具有显著的判别效果,因而该模型可被用于判断环境评价分类结果的有效性。  相似文献   
In this study treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) was investigated using aerobic oxidation based on an activated sludge process. The effects of sludge volume index, scum index and mixed liquor suspended solids during the acclimatizing phase and biomass build-up phase were investigated in order to ascertain the reactor stability. The efficiency of the activated sludge process was evaluated by treating anaerobically digested and diluted raw POME obtained from Golden Hope Plantations, Malaysia. The treatment of POME was carried out at a fixed biomass concentration of 3900+/-200mg/L, whereas the corresponding sludge volume index was found to be around 105+/-5mL/g. The initial studies on the efficiency of the activated sludge reactor were carried out using diluted raw POME for varying the hydraulic retention time, viz: 18, 24, 30 and 36h and influent COD concentration, viz: 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000mg/L, respectively. The results showed that at the end of 36h of hydraulic retention time for the above said influent COD, the COD removal efficiencies were found to be 83%, 72%, 64%, 54% and 42% whereas at 24h hydraulic retention time they were 57%, 45%, 38%, 30% and 27%, respectively. The effectiveness of aerobic oxidation was also compared between anaerobically digested and diluted raw POME having corresponding CODs of 3908 and 3925mg/L, for varying hydraulic retention time, viz: 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60h. The dissolved oxygen concentration and pH in the activated sludge reactor were found to be 1.8-2.2mg/L and 7-8.5, respectively. The scum index was found to rise from 0.5% to 1.9% during the acclimatizing phase and biomass build-up phase.  相似文献   
Our research focuses on the linkage between land use planning policy and the spatial pattern of exposure to air toxics emissions. Our objective is to develop a modeling framework for assessment of the community health risk implications of land use policy. The modeling framework is not intended to be a regulatory tool for small-scale land use decisions, but a long-range planning tool to assess the community health risk implications of alternative land use scenarios at a regional or subregional scale. This paper describes the development and application of an air toxic source model for generating aggregate emission factors for industrial and commercial zoning districts as a function of permitted uses. To address the uncertainty of estimating air toxics emission rates for planned general land use or zoning districts, the source model uses an emissions probability mass function that weights each incremental permitted land use activity by the likelihood of occurrence. We thus reduce the uncertainty involved in planning for development with no prior knowledge of the specific industries that may locate within the land use district. These air toxics emission factors can then be used to estimate pollutant atmospheric mass flux from land use zoning districts, which can then be input to air dispersion and human health risk assessment models to simulate the spatial pattern of air toxics exposure risk. The model database was constructed using the California Air Toxics Inventory, 1997 US Economic Census, and land assessment records from several California counties. The database contains information on more than 200 air toxics at the 2-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) level. We present a case study to illustrate application of the model. LUAIRTOX, the interactive spreadsheet model that applies our methodology to the California data, is available at http://www2.bren.ucsb.edu/~mwillis/LUAIRTOX.htm.  相似文献   
The integrated project "AquaTerra" with the full title "integrated modeling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change" is among the first environmental projects within the sixth Framework Program of the European Union. Commencing in June 2004, it brought together a multidisciplinary team of 45 partner organizations from 12 EU countries, Romania, Switzerland, Serbia and Montenegro. AquaTerra is an ambitious project with the primary objective of laying the foundations for a better understanding of the behavior of environmental pollutants and their fluxes in the soil-sediment-water system with respect to climate and land use changes. The project performs research as well as modeling on river-sediment-soil-groundwater systems through quantification of deposition, sorption and turnover rates and the development of numerical models to reveal fluxes and trends in soil and sediment functioning. Scales ranging from the laboratory to river basins are addressed with the potential to provide improved river basin management, enhanced soil and groundwater monitoring as well as the early identification and forecasting of impacts on water quantity and quality. Study areas are the catchments of the Ebro, Meuse, Elbe and Danube Rivers and the Brévilles Spring. Here we outline the general structure of the project and the activities conducted within eleven existing sub-projects of AquaTerra.  相似文献   
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