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An electronically-controlled sampling system, characterised by its organ pipe design, has been developed for sampling air sequentially, at different heights within the breathing zone. Data are automatically logged at the different receptor levels, for the determination of the average vertical concentration profile of gaseous pollutants. The system has been coupled to a carbon dioxide monitor and used in a brief study of the spatial and temporal variation of indoor carbon dioxide concentration. The system can easily be extended for different heights or modified for use with other types of gas monitor. The results of a trial run, which was carried out in a coffee room, are presented and applications of the Organ Pipe Sequential Sampling (OPSS) system are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper deals with research aimed at developing a method for ergonomic analysis of the driver’s workplace in an electric locomotive. It presents the structure of the diagnosis and its assumptions, and includes a re-evaluation of the questionnaire-expert method in ergonomic research. The article presents research data on weights and evaluations including their standard deviations for particular priority features. Ergonomic levels of the studied operator’s cabin in locomotives are compared.  相似文献   
Using the results of psychophysical and biomechanical experiments, NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) Recommended Weight Limit (RWL), the Lifting Index (LI), the form of the asymmetry multiplier, and the criterion for compression force were investigated. Analysis of the results indicated a significant difference between the NIOSH RWL and the reported Maximum Acceptable Weight of Lift (MAWL). Contrary to the NIOSH lifting equation, the form of the asymmetry multiplier was found to be non-linear. The overall average of peak compression force on the L5/S1 was 3685 N. Fifty-eight percent of all compression forces reported in the biomechanical experiment were found to exceed the suggested 3400 N set by NIOSH guidelines. These results support previous research findings on the validity of NIOSH guidelines.  相似文献   
Objectives. The present study was designed to investigate the simultaneous effects of physical, psychosocial and other work-related risk factors on the work ability index (WAI) score among industrial workers. Methods. This study used a cross-sectional design with a questionnaire survey. A total of 280 workers were included in the study. Data were collected using three questionnaires including the Persian version of the WAI, the Persian version of the job content questionnaire and an author-developed measure (to assess work-related factors, health-related factors and socio-demographic characteristics). Results. The majority of the participants were young, but they had poor WAI scores (mean 37.3?±?6.4) and 44.3% of them had poor or moderate work ability. Occupational accidents and injuries were found to be the strongest predictors of WAI scores. Additionally, there was a strong association between WAI scores and supervisor support, skill discretion, occupational training, sleep quality, work nature and educational level. Conclusions. Intervention programs should focus on improving supervisor support, sleep quality, job skills and knowledge and on decreasing physical and mental work demands. Additionally, implementing a comprehensive occupational health and ergonomics program for controlling and reducing hazardous working environments and occupational injury rates should be considered.  相似文献   
The key objective of this paper is the presentation of a new risk assessment tool for underground coal mines based on a simplified semi-quantitative estimation and assessment method.In order to determine the risk of explosion of any work process or activity in underground coal mines it is necessary to assess the risk. The proposed method is based on a Risk Index obtained as a product of three factors: frequency of each individual scenario Pucm, associated severity consequences Cucm and exposure time to explosive atmospheres Eucm. The influence of exposure time is usually not taken into account up to now. Moreover, the exposure to explosive atmospheres may affect factors of hazardous event probability as much as its consequences. There are many definitions of exposure to explosive atmospheres but in the case of underground coal mines the exposure is defined as frequency risk of firedamp and coal dust. The risk estimation and risk assessment are based on the developed of a risk matrix.The proposed methodology allows not only the estimation of the explosion risk but also gives an approach to decide if the proposal investment is well-justified or not in order to improve safety.  相似文献   
如何预防由飞行员自身原因所导致的航空事故,一直是全球航空系统乃至全球性公共安全重大课题。通过对飞行员综合素质,即飞行员的认知能力、人格特征以及心理健康状况的研究,分析整理出了影响飞行员飞行安全的关键素质,基于这些素质指标,构建出飞行员风险评价模型,为航空安全系统性、区域性保障提供参考。  相似文献   
基于服役期铁路长大隧道健康状况劣化影响因素分析,结合隧道衬砌结构特点和健康状况监测实际,采用智能传感、信息融合、故障诊断技术,构建集监测、诊断、评估于一体的长大隧道健康状况远程监测诊断装备系统。研究系统的软硬件设施及其布设技术,建立长大隧道健康状况综合评估体系,给出健康诊断量化评估标准。以国内某铁路长大隧道为例,对其健康状况实施远程监测与诊断分析。结果表明,该条服役隧道健康问题的主要影响因素为隧道衬砌漏水、隧道衬砌裂缝、隧道衬砌变形、隧道衬砌剥落等病害,尤以隧道衬砌变形最为严重,健康等级为4级。  相似文献   
根据在役装置安全评价的两类目的,分析现有在役化工装置安全评价模式中存在的不足;提出在役化工装置安全评价的一个新思路和新模式;给出了基于新模式的安全评价程序,并对该评价程序各个步骤及采用的评价方法组合进行了较为详细的讨论,其关键是建立评价指标体系。该评价模式既能查找出装置中存在的具体安全隐患,也能给出装置总的安全评价结论。同时指出,安全评价指标体系的建立和完善应成为安全管理的一项标准化、基础性工作。该评价模式的思路不仅适用于在役化工装置的安全评价,也适用于其他系统安全现状评价,是对进一步完善当前安全现状评价工作的一个有益尝试。  相似文献   
BP神经网络技术在交通工具火灾预警中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
通过对交通工具火灾成因机理以及现有典型交通工具火灾实例的分析研究,建立了预警评价指标体系。根据非线性理论和模式识别原理以及交通工具火灾的特点,采用基于BP神经网络的智能灾害诊断方法,对交通工具火灾发生的可能性和危险性进行评估和预测。研究表明:BP神经网络方法是解决非线性系统问题的一种有效方法,与传统的预警方法相比,该方法具有速度快、效率高、可信度好、自学能力强等特点。采用BP网络进行交通工具火灾预警时,只需输入影响交通工具火灾发生的相关指标因素,网络便可在较短的时间内得出可靠的预警结果。  相似文献   
利用溶胶凝胶法制备TiO2光催化剂,使用磷酸氢二钠、十水合四硼酸钠和氢氧化镁等制备了阻燃体系料,复合后制成ZJR涂料。利用热分析仪分析纳米TiO2和阻燃体系复合的防火涂料的温度与热失率关系,并得到热重与微商热重曲线。550~650℃之间,失重率约为11%,ZJR涂料在400~600℃有较好的阻燃效果。该涂料对污染气体的光催化降解研究结果表明:光照60 m in后,对二氧化硫的降解率为90.40%,紫外光照40 m in后,甲醛气体降解率为68.98%。进一步添加聚乙二醇和银离子使涂料改性,使涂料光催化甲醛的活性分别提高了11%和14%,效果显著。  相似文献   
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