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介绍了常州焦化厂酚氰废水的来源、水量及实质,采用A/O生物膜处理生产工艺流程,指出目前生产过程中存在的问题及经验教训。  相似文献   
利用畜禽废水驯化矿化垃圾,并将其与原生矿化垃圾和粘土对比,分析了土壤理化性质、含水率、温度等对CH4氧化能力和N2O释放的影响.研究表明:驯化矿化垃圾对CH4的氧化能力(15.48 μmol·g-·h-1)明显高于原生矿化垃圾和所选粘土土样;材料的粒径尺寸、有机质、氨氮硝化率及硝态氮生成率均与CH4氧化能力有着显著的正相关性;驯化矿化垃圾在加入蒸馏水后释放大量的N2O,产生N2O的量是原生矿化垃圾的2倍,并且比粘土高一个数量级.由于驯化矿化垃圾对环境的适应能力强,CH4氧化能力高,进而能够减少温室气体排放,可作为一种较为理想的填埋场覆土材料.  相似文献   
本文以无机氨氮废水为进水,乙酸钠为有机碳源,研究颗粒污泥CANON反应器中不同C/N水质条件下,反应器内的脱氮性能和N_2O释放情况,为探索合适的C/N比在高效脱氮的同时实现N_2O释放减量化提供理论依据.结果表明,C/N在0~2. 0范围内,随C/N的提高,TN去除率和去除负荷基本呈现逐渐升高的趋势,C/N=0时TN在7h内去除量为56. 50mg·L~(-1),去除率达到49. 00%,C/N=2. 0时,TN在7h内去除量最高为71. 42 mg·L~(-1),TN去除率最高为59. 52%,但是其中CANON对于脱氮的贡献逐渐下降,反硝化作用对于系统脱氮的贡献逐渐上升.当C/N=2. 0时,ΔNO_3~--N/ΔTN=0. 086,CANON对于系统脱氮的贡献仅为51. 48%,反硝化对系统脱氮的贡献为48. 52%. C/N在0~2. 0范围内,N_2O释放量和释放比例随进水C/N增加而降低,C/N=0时,N_2O释放量和释放比例最高,分别为3. 60 mg和2. 13%; C/N=2. 0时N_2O释放量和释放比例最低且分别为1. 61 mg和0. 75%.  相似文献   
农业管理措施对N2O排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合国内外文献资料 ,介绍了目前N2 O排放的研究现状 ,详细分析了种植方式、作物类型、肥料施用、水分管理、耕翻等农业管理措施对土壤N2 O排放的影响 ,并对今后的研究重点进行了讨论。  相似文献   
大气中N2O的GC—ECD方法和环境浓度及来源   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文讨论了大气中N_2O的GC-ECD测定方法.对影响色谱分离效能的动力学因素(操作变置):载气流速、检测器和分离柱的温度进行了选择研究.方法有高的灵敏度和好的选择性,检测极限达到2.48×10~(-11)g·ml~(-1).由于采用了两个样品连续进样的程序,使样品的分析时间节省了约30%.本法不仅适用测量大气中N_2O,也能同时测量CO_2.应用本法对北京大学周围地区和河北省的一些典型环境中N_2O的浓度进行了测量,结果表明:(1)北京大学校园地区(采暖期)浓度均值为349ppbv(s·d=3ppbv,n=40),(2)有机堆肥场均值高达362ppbv(s·d=7ppbv,n=4),(3)稻田的均值为352ppbv(s·d=10ppbv,n=10),(4)林-农生态系统均值为345ppbv(s·d=18ppbv,n=192).比较这些数据可看出,有机堆肥是N_2O较强的排放源,稻田和燃烧过程也是大气N_2O的源.  相似文献   
养殖塘作为重要的温室气体排放源,水体中温室气体浓度的变化不仅是准确量化温室气体排放量的基础,还是明确其影响因素的重要依据.基于顶空平衡-气相色谱仪法对长三角一处典型的小型养殖塘水体中CH4、CO2和N2 O浓度的时空变化特征以及影响因素进行了分析.结果表明,除春季外,在水温影响下,CH4和N2 O浓度在午间或午后出现高值;受水温和水生植物光合作用影响,CO2浓度的高值出现在晨间光合作用较弱的时候.养殖塘水体中CH4和CO2浓度呈现秋季最高、冬季最低的季节变化特征,c(CH4)在秋季和冬季的均值分别为176.34 nmol·L-1和32.75 nmol·L-1,主要受气温、水温和溶解氧(DO)影响;c(CO2)秋季和冬季的均值分别为134.37 μmol·L-1和23.10 μmol·L-1,主要受水生植物光合作用和pH影响;c(N2 O)在夏季最高,冬季最低,均值分别为97.05 nmol·L-1和19.41 nmol·L-1,主要受气温和水温影响.在空间上,垂直方向上,夏季养殖塘c(CH4)随水深的加深而降低,表层与底层、中间层的浓度差值为71.28 nmol·L-1和42.80 nmol·L-1,秋季随水深的加深而升高,底层与表层的浓度差值为163.94 nmol·L-1.c(CO2)在夏季和秋季都表现为随着水深的加深而升高,其底层与表层的浓度差值分别为18.69 μmol·L-1和29.90 μmol·L-1.N2 O浓度在垂直方向上无明显变化规律.水平方向上,夏季饲料及春季鸡粪投放的区域会出现CH4、CO2和N2 O浓度的高值,春季和夏季CH4浓度约为其他区域的1.34~1.98倍和1.95~2.42倍,春季N2 O浓度和夏季CO2浓度约为其他区域的1.13~1.26倍和1.39~1.74倍.  相似文献   
A field lysimeter/mini plot experiment was established in a silt loam soil near Lincoln, New Zealand, to investigate the effectiveness of urea fertilizer in fine particle application (FPA), with or without the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT - “Agrotain”), in decreasing nitrogen (N) losses and improving N uptake efficiency. The five treatments were: control (no N) and 15N-labelled urea, with or without NBPT, applied to lysimeters or mini plots (unlabelled urea), either in granular form to the soil surface or in FPA form (through a spray) at a rate equivalent to 100 kg N ha−1. Gaseous emissions of ammonia (NH3) and nitrous oxide (N2O), nitrate (NO3) leaching, herbage dry-matter (DM) production, N-response efficiency, total N uptake and total recovery of applied 15N in the plant and soil varied with urea application method and with addition of NBPT. Urea with NBPT, applied in granular or FPA form, was more effective than in application without NBPT: N2O emissions were reduced by 7-12%, NH3 emissions by 65-69% and NO3 leaching losses by 36-55% compared with granular urea. Urea alone and with NBPT, applied in FPA form increased herbage DM production by 27% and 38%, respectively. The N response efficiency increased from 10 kg DM kg−1 of applied N with granular urea to 19 kg DM kg−1 with FPA urea and to 23 kg DM kg−1 with FPA urea plus NBPT. Urea applied in FPA form resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) higher 15N recovery in the shoots compared with granular treatments and this was improved further when urea in FPA form was applied with NBPT. These results suggest that applying urea with NBPT in FPA form has potential as a management tool in mitigating N losses, improving N-response efficiency and increasing herbage DM production in intensive grassland systems.  相似文献   
通过测定液体与废白土粉末之间的接触角及液体与蜡之间的液液界面张力,对水基表面活性剂乳液的溶剂及配方进行了优选,得到最俊的水基表面活性剂乳液的组成为:质量分数0.2%的十二烷基苯磺酸钠十体积分数为2.5%的乙醇十体积分数为25%的混合烃(正己烷十苯,等体积)+体积分数为72.5%的水,实验证明,用该水基表面活性剂乳液处理废白土,蜡的回收率可达80%,同时不破坏白土的颗粒结构。  相似文献   
The soil in a drained fjord area, reclaimed for arable farming, produced N2O mainly at 75–105 cm depth, just above the ground water level. Surface emissions of N2O were measured from discrete small areas by closed and open-flow chamber methods, using gas chromatographic analysis and over larger areas by integrative methods: flux gradient (analysis by FTIR), conditional sampling (analysis by TDLAS), and eddy covariance (analysis by TDLAS). The mean emission of N2O as determined by chamber procedures during a 9-day campaign was 162–202 μg N2ONm−2h−1 from a wheat stubble and 328–467 μg N2ONm−2 h−1 from a carrot field. The integrative approaches gave N2O emissions of 149–495 μg N2ONm−2 h−1, i.e. a range similar to those determined with the chamber methods. Wind direction affected the comparison of chamber and integrative methods because of patchiness of the N2O emission over the area. When a uniform area with a single type of vegetation had a dominant effect on the N2O gradient at the sampling mast, the temporal variation in N2O emission determined by the flux gradient/FTIR method and chamber methods was very similar, with differences of only 18% or less in mean N2O emission, well below the variation encountered with the chamber methods themselves. A detailed comparison of FTIR gradient and chamber data taking into account the precise emission footprint showed good agreement. It is concluded that there was no bias between the different approaches used to measure the N2O emission and that the precision of the measurements was determined by the spatial variability of the N2O emission at the site and the variability inherent in the individual techniques. These results confirm that measurements of N2O emissions from different ecosystems obtained by the different methods can be meaningfully compared.  相似文献   
本文将CODCr测定的重铬酸钾褪色法运用于本监测中心的日常样品测定中,并且与《GB11914—89水质化学需氧量》方法进行了同时测定,结果相同,另外还推算出了消除硫酸铬干扰产生的曲线校值系数,应用此系数的倒数乘褪色方程的斜率得出新方程,将双波长测定改为单波长测定,两种方程计算结果一致。  相似文献   
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