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黄河口治理是黄河治理的重要问题之一,黄河口治理观点有河口提动论、河口相对稳定论、固住河口论。本文分析了固住河口的必要性和可行性,提出了“三约束”理论,认为黄河口治理关键是固住河口。  相似文献   
/ Data from historical aerial photographs analyzed with a GIS show that river channel change on the Salt River in the Phoenix metropolitan area of central Arizona has been driven by large-scale regional flood events and local human activities. Mapping of functional surfaces such as low-flow channels, high-flow channels, islands, bars attached to channel banks, and engineered surfaces shows that during the period from 1935 to 1997, the relative areal coverage of these surfaces has changed. Flood events have caused general changes in sinuosity of the low-flow channel, but islands have remained remarkably consistent in location and size, while channel-side bars have waxed and waned. The most important determinant of local channel form and process is sand and gravel mining, which in some reaches occupies more than 70% of the active channel area. The general location of mining is closely related to the location of the moving urban fringe, which serves as a market for sand and gravel during construction. Quantitative spatial analysis of imagery supplemented by field mapping shows that for each location within the general channel area, it is possible to specify a probability of encountering a low-flow channel or other fluvial features. Maps showing the distribution of these probabilities of occurrence reveal the most probable location and configuration of the channel as it occurred in the past. Some reaches have the low-flow channel located persistently within a limited area as a result of bedrock or sinuosity controls, but other reaches dominated by flow separation or shallow gradient have almost no persistence in channel location from one flood to another.  相似文献   
都城的选址、建设和迁移发展必须以环境资源为基础。我国古代的国家都城在黄河中游反复迁移,以至最后东迁南迁。在这个过程中,环境变迁和灾害一直是重要的驱动因素之一。通过统计分析历史时期洪涝和干旱灾害,以及气候水文变化资料,结合古都所在地的环境资源条件分析讨论,揭示了黄河中游环境变化和灾害对都城迁移发展的影响。都城在长安与洛阳之间的反复迁移,以及后来的东移开封,和南移到长江下游平原,环境的变迁是重要的驱动力之一。  相似文献   
Abstract: Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) retention‐transport through a headwater catchment was synthesized from studies encompassing four distinct hydrologic zones of the Shingobee River Headwaters near the origin of the Mississippi River. The hydrologic zones included: (1) hillslope ground water (ridge to bankside riparian); (2) alluvial riparian ground water; (3) ground water discharged through subchannel sediments (hyporheic zone); and (4) channel surface water. During subsurface hillslope transport through Zone 1, DIN, primarily nitrate, decreased from ~3 mg‐N/l to <0.1 mg‐N/l. Ambient seasonal nitrate:chloride ratios in hillslope flow paths indicated both dilution and biotic processing caused nitrate loss. Biologically available organic carbon controlled biotic nitrate retention during hillslope transport. In the alluvial riparian zone (Zone 2) biologically available organic carbon controlled nitrate depletion although processing of both ambient and amended nitrate was faster during the summer than winter. In the hyporheic zone (Zone 3) and stream surface water (Zone 4) DIN retention was primarily controlled by temperature. Perfusion core studies using hyporheic sediment indicated sufficient organic carbon in bed sediments to retain ground water DIN via coupled nitrification‐denitrification. Numerical simulations of seasonal hyporheic sediment nitrification‐denitrification rates from perfusion cores adequately predicted surface water ammonium but not nitrate when compared to 5 years of monthly field data (1989‐93). Mass balance studies in stream surface water indicated proportionally higher summer than winter N retention. Watershed DIN retention was effective during summer under the current land use of intermittently grazed pasture. However, more intensive land use such as row crop agriculture would decrease nitrate retention efficiency and increase loads to surface water. Understanding DIN retention capacity throughout the system, including special channel features such as sloughs, wetlands and floodplains that provide surface water‐ground water connectivity, will be required to develop effective nitrate management strategies.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Thames Water is one of ten regional Water Authorities established in 1974 to manage all water services in England and Wales. This paper looks back at water reorganization and reviews the achievements and highlights of the last three years. Constitutionally, Water authorities are a combination of a nationalized industry and local authority. This has advantages and disadvantages. Freedom of action, particularly in financial matters, is constrained by Government and official agencies. A severe pollution of the upper Thames and the drought of 1976 tested Thames Water's ability to deal with emergencies. Thames Water does not have an operational monopoly. Private Water Companies supply one third of the water demand and local authorities manage nearly all the sewers. But Thames Water's control over planning and investment ensures that the river basin is managed in a coordinated fashion. Tariff structure changes have led the Authority to bill all its consumers direct. The Thames is a small but intensively used river and vigilance is needed to maintain water quality. Thames Water is proud of the restoration of the tidal Thames from a typical grossly polluted metropolitan estuary to its present excellent condition. The British Government intends to establish a national water industry strategic planning organization but at the same time they affirm that there can be no departure from the principle of integrated river basin management.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Simulation of a large stream-aquifer system in Nebraska has been accomplished for the period from 1975 to 2020 to determine effects of controls on ground water pumpage. Three scenarios tested consisted of average annual withdrawals of 15.2 ac-in/ac (FUTURE 1), 14.8 ac-in/ac (FUTURE 2), and 9.8 ac-in/ac (FUTURE 3). The highest quantity represents the historical tendency; while the 14.8 in. figure represents a slight reduction and also represents an equalization of irrigation application efficiencies throughout the area. The lowest figure represents a substantial increase in application efficiency. Comparisons between simulated ground water elevations indicate maximum savings of FUTURE 2 over FUTURE 1 of less than 8 ft. FUTURE 3 ft. FUTURE 3 levels are projected to be a maximum of approximately 13 ft. higher than FUTURE 1's. The relatively small savings from reductions in pumpage result primarily from recirculation effects. Differences between ground water contributions to stream flow are small for all scenarios. These contributions decrease with time and increasing pumpage amounts. Base flow rates at the end of the simulation are approximately 25 percent of those at the beginning.  相似文献   
Irreversible environmental changes are occurring along the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon as a result of regulation of the river flow by the Glen Canyon Dam. The questions of primary importance in managing this great natural resource are 1) in what manner and how rapidly are the physical and ecological adjustments taking place, and 2) is the increased use of the river for recreational boating contributing to the degradation? Human use along the Colorado River is limited, for the most part, to the relic, pre-dam fluvial deposits colloquially called “beaches.” With the new river regime these deposits are positioned well above the present high-water stage, 27,000 cubic feet/second (cfs), or 765 cubic meters/second (cms), so they are not replenished periodically as they were prior to construction of the dam in 1963. The dominant natural processes now are aeolian sand transport and mass wasting. The float-trip passengers use the river beaches for hiking, camping, and. lunch stops. At the most desirable sites thirty to forty people camp on the beaches each night over a four to five month season. Human impact includes incorporation of campsite litter, burial of chemically treated waste, and the direct stress associated with people walking on the vegetation and unstable sedimentary deposits. Results of our investigations indicate that the rate of degradation at the most heavily used sites exceeds the capacity of aeolian processes to reestablish natural landscapes. Therefore, careful management of float trjps is needed if these environments are to be maintained in a natural state rather than a “sand-box” state.  相似文献   
Relative to manufacturing, service activities are often considered by planners and officials to generate considerably less environmental pollution. This hypothesis is tested by means of an examination of the economic linkages of both manufacturing and service activities and of the resulting direct and indirect emissions of five air pollutants per dollar of output in the California statewide air basin and in four regional basins within the state. Overall acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis depends in part on the particular pollutant and air basin considered but, most importantly, on the judgement as to what activities are to be considered as service activities.This paper is based on research sponsored by the California Air Resources Board under Agreement A7-143-30.  相似文献   
由于较低的自然老化速率,微塑料在实际水体长期户外暴露过程中老化行为的数据仍较缺乏.通过聚碳酸酯(Polycarbonate,PC)微塑料在长江表层水样的18个月户外暴露试验以揭示自然老化过程对微塑料表面特征及对金属离子(Cr6+和Co2+)吸附行为的重要影响.结果显示,户外暴露改变了PC微塑料的理化性质,包括表面开裂、粒径降低、亲水性和熔点增加以及表面氧化(产生羰基和羟基).同时,户外老化过程明显影响微塑料对金属离子的吸附行为.原始和低老化程度PC对金属离子的吸附主要通过物理作用控制,而高老化程度微塑料由于产生含氧功能团对金属离子的吸附主要由化学过程如络合和共价键等作用控制.并且,不同老化程度PC微塑料对Cr6+和Co2+的吸附性能不同.对于Cr6+,PC的吸附性能随其老化程度增加呈先升高后降低的趋势,然而对于Co2+,平衡吸附性能随老化程度增加呈增加的趋势.户外老化过程产生含氧官能团、破碎和开裂以及生物膜可能是影响吸附性能的主要因素.本研究证实了长期户外...  相似文献   
高锰酸钾强化PAC混凝处理温瑞塘河黑臭水体试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以浙江省温州市温瑞塘河某河段黑臭地表水为研究对象,考察高锰酸钾强化PAC混凝工艺的除污效能,获得处理温瑞塘河黑臭水体的最佳工艺条件,为恢复河流水体生态自净功能提供基础。试验结果表明,高锰酸钾的最优投加方式为在混凝剂PAC前投加,最佳预氧化时间5 min,最佳投加量1.5 mg/L。将本实验得出的最优混凝处理条件应用于温瑞塘河实际黑臭水体的处理时发现,处理后水质明显改善,此表明高锰酸钾强化混凝应急处理温瑞塘河黑臭水体是切实可行的,可为实际的应急处理工艺提供了理论依据和技术指导。  相似文献   
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