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我国人口众多,资源相对贫乏,生态环境脆弱。当前,继续沿用原来的"三高"粗放型生产模式,必然会对现有的资源和生态环境造成更大的浪费和破坏,走循环经济之路已成为我国贯彻落实科学发展观,实现可持续发展战略的必然选择。本文针对我国的实际,分析了企业的生存现状,叙述了清洁生产、循环经济的含义,着重提出企业推行清洁生产,向循环经济型企业转化的重要性。  相似文献   
环境政策执行力与低碳经济发展之间相互促进、相互推动。目前我国已形成较完整的环境政策体系,但在实际执行中并未取得应有的成效。参考国内外已有的地方政府环境政策执行力调控经验,分析环境政策执行力影响因素,从管理体制、诱导制度、监督制度、执行主体自身建设等多个角度提出在低碳经济背景下我国地方政府环境政策执行力调控策略。  相似文献   
"两型"社会的建设为低碳经济的发展、实施提出了明确的方向,也为企业的可持续发展指明了道路。文章在分析借鉴国际大石油公司低碳发展实践经验的基础上,对我国低碳经济发展现状、石油企业面对低碳发展环境的机遇和挑战进行了系统分析,并对我国石油企业低碳发展的总体思路、模式设计提出了建议。  相似文献   
综述了我国循环经济行业发展的政策环境、2012年国家及有关部门发布实施的有关循环经济的政策法规;重点分析了矿产资源、废钢回收加工、废旧轮胎回收加工、废旧塑料利用及其他再生资源开发利用业的循环经济发展概况;简介了行业内最具影响力的示范基地;针对行业发展中存在的主要问题提出了建议。  相似文献   
The number of manufactured aircraft has been continuously increasing worldwide because of the high demand for airline transportation. During manufacturing, many advanced materials and devices are used to build various sizes and shapes of aircraft. However, most of these materials and devices require considerable energy and labor to produce, so reusing these at any life stage of the aircraft offers many economic and environmental benefits, and is considered lucrative and environmentally responsible. Several recyclable materials—composites, metals and alloys, wires, wood, paper, plastics, electronics, and avionics—emerge as waste streams during the manufacturing of aircraft. Many aircraft companies have been recycling these materials to remanufacture aircraft parts or other products for more sustainable production. In the present study, we evaluated the recycling efforts of local aircraft companies in Wichita, KS. These efforts were considered in terms of recycling efficiency/rate and environmental benefits. These included cradle-to-gate (CTG) life-cycle inventory analysis of the materials, carbon dioxide emissions, virgin material replacement with recycled materials, and natural resources usage. Our findings show that there exists a significant potential for contributions to sustainability as well as environmental and health benefits in the region from recycling by aircraft manufacturing plants.  相似文献   
Evaluation system can encourage and guide entrepreneurs, and impel them to perform well in environment management. An evaluation method based on advantage structure is established. It is used to analyze entrepreneur environment management behavior in China. Entrepreneur environment management behavior evaluation index system is constructed based on empirical research. Evaluation method of entrepreneurs is put forward, from the point of objective programming-theory to alert entrepreneurs concerned to think much of it, which means to take minimized objective function as comprehensive evaluation result and identify disadvantage structure pattern. Application research shows that overall behavior of Chinese entrepreneurs environmental management are good, specially, environment strategic behavior are best, environmental management behavior are second, cultural behavior ranks last. Application results show the efficiency and feasibility of this method.  相似文献   
区域开发的不确定性等给区域开发的环境影响评价(REIA)提出了较高的要求。循环经济按照自然生态学的原理,形成"资源-产品-消费-再生资源"的物质闭循环的流动过程。融入循环经济理念,将弥补传统区域开发环境影响评价模式的不足,更好发挥其在项目审批及环境管理中的作用。  相似文献   
With the transition of the global economy toward a green economy, it is important to analyze the elements that can either support or impede this transformation. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to evaluate the potential of the green economy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries by analyzing the correlation between economic and environmental factors. The objective of this study is to explore the potential of the green economy in MENA countries by analyzing key factors such as access to clean fuel, GDP, and CO2 emissions. The study aims to distinguish between long- and short-term effects, assess the presence of a long-run relationship or co-integration between the parameter estimates, and evaluate the progress of MENA countries toward a green economy based on the impact of economic, and environmental factors. Using quarterly and seasonally adjusted data from 2000 to 2018, the auto-regressive distributed lag (ARDL) technique was employed to examine the co-integration of the factors in the long and short terms. Multiple cointegration techniques were also used to determine the feasibility of a green economy by analyzing the relationship between access to clean fuel for technology and cooking, GDP, and CO2 emissions. The study's findings indicate a clear long- and short-term relationship between the analyzed factors, as confirmed by the error correction model (ECM) which suggests that the variables are cointegrated and potentially relevant. Additionally, the result of the autoregressive distributed lag bound test shows that the green economy variables, GDP, CO2 emissions, and access to clean fuel, are cointegrated in the long-term.  相似文献   
In this paper, we divide the communities in Central China into four groups, namely ecological high-poverty communities, non-ecological high-poverty communities, sustainable communities and non-ecological low-poverty communities. We use 2000 and 2006 data for 498 counties to conduct analysis and comparison between sustainable and unsustainable communities in order to define determinants of the development pathways to sustainable communities. The comparison of the variable means between the groups of ecological high-poverty communities and non-ecological high-poverty communities in 2006 indicates that there is no significant difference in the dimensions related to economy, society and environment, with the exception of average output value per industrial enterprise.

The non-ecological low-poverty communities are more likely to have a higher proportion of secondary industry, higher total industrial output value, higher average output value per industrial enterprise and higher intensity of infrastructure construction, compared to the sustainable communities. The factors that determine whether the communities will choose the pathway to sustainable communities are found to be landscape, social conditions of secondary industry and agriculture and economic development level. Hence, the policies that aim at promoting sustainability for the unsustainable communities will have to focus on different strategies and actions for non-ecological high-poverty and non-ecological low-poverty communities.  相似文献   
钼是重要的稀有金属之一,主要通过氧化分解辉钼矿来提取。我国普遍使用反射炉、回转窑等焙烧设备生产氧化钼,造成了严重的SO2污染和资源浪费问题。为改变辉钼矿焙烧分解工艺的污染状况,硝酸高压分解、碱性高压氧分解、次氯酸钠分解和电氧化分解等辉钼矿湿法工艺相继被开发出来。但是这工艺往往只关注在如何获取金属钼等资源,而忽视了辉钼矿中占40%的硫资源。从循环经济角度分析了不同辉钼矿分解工艺的物质流向,探讨符合清洁生产和循环经济精神的工艺革新方向,提出了纯氧氧化焙烧和浓硫酸氧化两种新工艺。  相似文献   
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