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2014年7月~2015年6月在石羊河流域采集降水、地表水及地下水样品,使用离子色谱仪分析获取样品主要酸根离子含量,研究石羊河流域不同水体酸根离子特征、季节分异及其影响因素.结果显示:石羊河流域不同水体均呈弱碱性,酸根离子组成以SO42-和HCO3-为优势离子,分别占酸根离子总量的38.68%和33.49%;不同季节水体酸根离子浓度差别较大,春季水体中酸根离子浓度最高,夏季最低,地下水季节变异小于地表水;地表水和地下水的酸根离子浓度都呈现出从上游到下游递增的规律,地表水酸根离子浓度大大低于地下水.碳酸盐的风化及蒸发岩溶解是酸根离子的主要来源,人类活动对石羊河流域水体已造成轻度污染.  相似文献   
广佛公路(盐步段)两侧挥发性有机物(VOC)污染研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
选取广佛公路盐步路段作机动车尾气污染研究 ,结果表明 :污染物主要由烷烃、苯系物和氯代烃组成 ,主要是毒害性 VOC;污染随着与公路距离的增加而降低 ;污染源除机动车以外 ,还有大量的工业企业  相似文献   
流域非点源污染模型的建立与应用实例   总被引:35,自引:3,他引:35  
针对国内外现有模型的不足,从我国的实际出发,建立了一个完整的流域非点源污染模型系统,提出了流域汇流与非点源污染物迁移逆高斯分布瞬时单位线模型及流域产污过程模型,该模型既考虑了水动力学与污染物迁移机理,又便于求解与应用,在一定程度上解决了机理与实用性之间的矛盾。  相似文献   
土壤微塑料污染现状、来源、环境命运及生态效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微塑料作为一类新兴污染物广泛存在于全球环境中.目前,针对水生生态系统尤其是海洋环境的微塑料污染已得到广泛且深入的研究,但针对土壤微塑料污染近年才逐渐引起人们的关注.本文重点对土壤微塑料的污染现状、来源、环境命运及生态效应等方面的研究进展进行了综述.微塑料在不同土地利用类型的土壤中广泛存在,对土壤生态系统的健康及功能造成...  相似文献   
龙口煤矿区土壤重金属污染评价与空间分布特征   总被引:21,自引:20,他引:21  
以龙口市北部煤矿区为研究区,采集36个表层土壤样本,对Cd、As、Ni、Pb和Cr这5种重金属含量进行测定,利用地统计分析、主成分分析、加权平均综合污染评价等方法,结合GIS技术分别对5种重金属含量的空间分布特征、污染来源、综合污染程度进行了探索分析.结果表明,土壤样本中5种重金属富集现象显著,以国家土壤环境质量二级标准为背景值,超标率分别达到72.22%、100%、100%、91.67%、100%.样本重金属含量均值全部超过国家二级标准,分别为背景值的1.53、11.86、2.40、1.31、4.09倍;且远远高于山东省东部地区表层土壤背景值,含量倍数分别为9.85、39.98、8.85、4.29与12.71倍.基于半变异函数模型分析得出,块金效应从高到低依次为As(0.644)Cd(0.627)Cr(0.538)Ni(0.411)Pb(0.294),均属中等空间相关性,重金属含量空间分布呈现中部桑园煤矿及其周围含量最高,东部与西部含量较低的特征.经主成分分析发现,Cd、As、Ni和Cr主要来源于污水灌溉、工业企业排放和工业活动;汽车尾气与煤炭燃烧是Pb的主要污染源.单因子污染程度评价显示,不同重金属污染程度依次为AsCrNiCdPb.综合污染程度评价显示,研究区土壤重金属综合污染程度较高,综合污染指数范围处于2.17~4.66之间,中度污染与重度污染样本分别为10个和26个,重度污染地区主要分布在桑园煤矿、北皂煤矿、柳海煤矿区域,中度污染地区包括洼里煤矿、梁家煤矿等区域.本文研究结果将为在研究区开展生态风险评估研究工作提供数据参考与理论支持.  相似文献   
The Pearl River Delta (PRD) is one of the most industrialized, urbanized and populated regions in China, and thus has been long suffering from severe air pollutions. Space data provide a unique perspective for investigating the atmospheric environment at a regional scale. By utilizing multiple satellite retrievals from 2005 to 2013, this study presented, for the first time, the spatial patterns and temporal trends of typical air pollutants over PRD and its vicinity. As viewed from space, aerosol optical depth (AOD), NO2 and SO2 all had their higher values at the central part of PRD, and showed clear descending gradients as moving to the outskirt of this region. As to the inter-annual variation, all these pollutants had decreasing trends in PRD during the study period, which generally agreed with the relevant in situ measurements. However, the satellite retrievals differed from ground measurements when addressing NO2 and SO2 in the vicinity of PRD. This work also provides the inter-comparison among PRD and three other metropolitan clusters in China: PRD had relatively high AOD, moderate NO2 and low SO2 levels, and it was the only region achieving the effective reduction of NO2 and SO2 during last decade. Unlike the previous three pollutants, HCHO observed by satellite showed very special patterns: it had a relatively homogeneous spatial distribution over both of PRD and its vicinity, and presented an opposite increasing trend from 2005 to 2010. Moreover, PRD had the highest HCHO level among all the metropolitan clusters, hinting a considerable contribution of biogenic origins of HCHO in PRD.
Visibility impairment from regional haze is a significant problem throughout the continental United States. A substantial portion of regional haze is produced by smoke from prescribed and wildland fires. Here we describe the integration of four simulation models, an array of GIS raster layers, and a set of algorithms for fire-danger calculations into a modeling framework for simulating regional-scale smoke dispersion. We focus on a representative fire season (2003) in the northwestern USA, on a 12 km domain, and track the simulated dispersion and concentration of PM2.5 over the course of the season. Simulated visibility reductions over national parks and wilderness areas are within the ranges of measured values at selected monitoring sites, although the magnitudes of peak events are underestimated because these include inputs other than fire. By linking the spatial and temporal patterns of haze-producing emissions to climatic variability, particularly synoptic weather patterns, and the stochastic nature of fire occurrence across the region, we can provide a robust method for estimating the quantity and distribution of fire-caused regional haze under climate-warming scenarios.  相似文献   
交通来源颗粒物排放因子的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
用谭裕沟隧道TSP,PM10和PM2.5的质量浓度和主要成分的分析结果,得到一定机动车流量和速度下交通来源不同粒径颗粒物质量浓度和主要成分的平均排放因子,可以基本代表北京市机动车行驶的综合排放因子,具有应用价值.还估算了北京市交通来源不同粒径颗粒物及其主要化学成分的排放量.   相似文献   
环境中二噁类物质的来源与降解途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一些典型二口恶口英类化合物如多氯代二苯二口恶口英(PCDDs)和多氯代二苯呋喃(PCDFs)的结构、性质和来源等,并着重阐述了近年来国内外在二口恶口英类物质等化合物的检测和降解方面的研究进展。  相似文献   
我国区域性大气污染问题频频发生,成为当前亟待解决的重大环境问题。区域联防联控工作需要建立相应的区域空气质量监测体系和评价方法,这对已有的监测体系提出了新的要求。在区域监测体系中需要增加臭氧、细粒子等区域性污染物及其前体物的监测,同时设立区域监控点使监测网络覆盖面由城市建成区拓展到广大近郊及农村地区。采用移动式柱浓度监测和卫星遥感监测等多样化监测手段结合超级空气站来增强区域综合监测和源解析能力。在区域内搭建监测信息共享平台和实时发布机制并建立区域空气质量预警预报系统。建立区域内统一的质量管理和质量控制方案,城市监测点质控工作由所在省市管理,区域监控点质控工作由国家统一直管。采用分区分层次的区域空气质量评价方法,评价因子包括所有六项监测指标。  相似文献   
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