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ABSTRACT: To comprehend the distributions of salinity, temperature, and suspended sediment in the Danshuei River estuary in Taiwan, monthly field surveys were conducted in 2003. These included several high and low slackwater surveys and intensive surveys. The results show that the Danshuei River estuary is predominately a partially mixed estuary. The highest concentration of suspended sediment is typically observed at the Chung‐Hsin Bridge, the most upstream sampling station. The suspended sediment concentration exhibits a general decreasing trend in the downstream direction. It may be concluded that the sediments mostly come from the upstream reach. A locally high concentration of suspended sediment is found at the Kuan‐Du station because of the local deep channel bathymetry and two‐layered estuarine circulation. A vertical two‐dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment transport model is applied to investigate the tidally averaged salinity distribution, residual circulation, and suspended sediment concentration. The modeling results reveal that, under the Q75 flow condition (i.e., low flow), a turbidity maximum occurs at the Kuan‐Du station due to the strong estuarine circulation. The model simulation with a much higher river flow condition results in a weaker residual circulation and weaker turbidity maximum.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Nutrient diversion does not always bring about prompt and sufficient reduction in lake phosphorus concentration due to recycling from nutrient rich sediments. Certain lakes and reservoirs may continue to experience nuisance algal blooms and require additional restorative steps. The phosphorus precipitation/inactivation technique is a procedure to remove phosphorus from the water column and to control its release from sediments in order to achieve P-limiting conditions to algal growth. Aluminum salts have been used in advanced waste water treatment to remove phosphorus and this technology was extended to lake rehabilitation. Guidelines for dose calculation and application are generally lacking, and are provided in this report. The dose determination suggested here allows maximum application of aluminum to bottom sediments and thus emphasizes long term control of phosphorus recycling. Dose can be calculated directly from the alkalinity of the water to be treated. Titration of lake water samples of Varying alkalinity allows the establishment of the relationship between residual dissolved aluminum, alkalinity, and dose which can then be employed for lake scale applications of alum to lakes and reservoirs. Application equipment and procedures are described. These depend on site characteristics and treatment objectives and include lakeside stores, a distribution pipe, and an application barge and manifold. Alum may also be used to meet other restoration objectives including the treatment of problem flows and the reduction of particulate concentrations.  相似文献   
针对低温低浊高色水源水质特征,对近年低温絮凝剂、低温强化混凝技术、低温膜集成技术研发与应用现状进行了综合论述.通过对低温混凝剂的絮凝机理与效果、各技术低温保持水质达标的应对策略的深入剖析,预测低温低浊高色水处理的发展趋势.研究表明,开发低温专用的高效低耗、质优价廉、无毒无二次污染的载体絮凝水处理剂,探索在不增加甚至减少工程造价条件下对低温期及平常期水处理均有效的工艺,是低温低浊高色水源水处理的关键.  相似文献   
We have used Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-7 ETM+ images together with simultaneous ground-truth data at sample points in the Doñana marshes to predict water turbidity and depth from band reflectance using Generalized Additive Models. We have point samples for 12 different dates simultaneous with 7 Landsat-5 and 5 Landsat-7 overpasses. The best model for water turbidity in the marsh explained 38% of variance in ground-truth data and included as predictors band 3 (630–690 nm), band 5 (1550–1750 nm) and the ratio between bands 1 (450–520 nm) and 4 (760–900 nm). Water turbidity is easier to predict for water bodies like the Guadalquivir River and artificial ponds that are deep and not affected by bottom soil reflectance and aquatic vegetation. For the latter, a simple model using band 3 reflectance explains 78.6% of the variance. Water depth is easier to predict than turbidity. The best model for water depth in the marsh explains 78% of the variance and includes as predictors band 1, band 5, the ratio between band 2 (520–600 nm) and band 4, and bottom soil reflectance in band 4 in September, when the marsh is dry. The water turbidity and water depth models have been developed in order to reconstruct historical changes in Doñana wetlands during the last 30 years using the Landsat satellite images time series.  相似文献   
本文利用30年的气候资料分析了乌鲁木齐冬季光气候与大气混浊度之间的关系,指出了大气混浊度的增加是造成辐射总照度下降的主要原因.  相似文献   
采用混凝沉淀法去除丙烯酸丁酯废水中的浊度物质,比较6种混凝剂的去除效率,确定聚合氯化铝为适宜混凝剂,并选用阳离子型聚丙烯酰胺作为助凝剂。研究结果表明,聚合氯化铝和阳离子型聚丙烯酰胺的优化投加量分别为150 mg/L和20 mg/L,优化pH值为4~5,水温20~40℃,快速搅拌速度200~400 r/min,搅拌时间1~3 min,慢速搅拌速度50~80 r/min,搅拌时间5~15 min。在以上条件下,可使出水浊度从3 000 NTU左右降至1 NTU左右,同时也实现了废水中胶体物质的大量去除。  相似文献   
太湖湖表反照率时空特征及影响因子   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹畅  李旭辉  张弥  刘寿东  肖薇  肖启涛  徐家平 《环境科学》2015,36(10):3611-3619
湖表反照率是影响水-气界面能量平衡和水体内部光温环境的重要因子,受到太阳高度角、云量、风速和水质等环境因子的多重影响.基于太湖中尺度涡度通量网4个涡度通量观测站点(梅梁湾、大浦口、避风港和小雷山)的辐射和风速资料,结合晴空指数和水质数据,分析上述因子对太湖湖表反照率的影响及太湖湖表反照率空间差异的原因.主要结果为:太阳高度角是控制湖表反照率日变化、季节变化的主要因子;太阳高度角低于35°且当晴空指数在0~0.1和0.4~0.6之间时湖表反照率出现高值.反照率值呈现随风速、浊度和叶绿素a浓度升高而增大的趋势,而风浪通过影响浅水湖泊浊度、叶绿素a浓度从而间接影响湖表反照率.各站点湖表反照率关系为:小雷山避风港大浦口梅梁湾,其中小雷山站位于草型和藻型湖区过渡区而梅梁湾站位于藻型湖区.反照率与叶绿素a浓度水平之间的关系对蓝藻暴发及其严重程度并不敏感.本研究为湖体反照率的参数化过程提供参考依据.  相似文献   
介绍了一种快速净化高浊度污水的新技术,该技术根据化学强化一级处理(chemically enhanced primary treatment,CEPT)技术、闪速混合(flash mixing)技术、旋流和点涡流絮凝技术、悬浮泥层过滤技术和过滤水力学原理等理论,采用物理化学法去除污水中的有机污染物和其他有害杂质,其有着流程简单可靠、投资和运行费用低、占地少、净化效果好的优势.  相似文献   
絮凝剂聚硅酸锌铁(PZFSiC)的研制和性能   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在高模数水玻璃溶液中加入酸制备出聚硅酸,再引入适量的金属离子M(Zn、Fe),研制出一种新型的无毒无机复合高分子絮凝剂聚硅酸锌铁(PZFSiC).探讨了M与SiO2不同浓度比和不同pH值对PZFSiC的絮凝效果的影响,通过正交实验找出了最佳的制备工艺条件.在此基础上,进一步对两种不同的水样进行了絮凝实验,确定出水处理中最佳絮凝工艺条件.结果表明,PZFSiC具有较好的贮存稳定性,在使用PZFSiC时,适应的pH范围广.在实验过程中形成大而致密的絮体,沉降迅速,浑浊度去除率超过98%,COD去除率达93%.处理后的废水,出水水质好,水样澄清透明.在与同类絮凝剂对比实验中,效果优于PZSiC和PFSiC.  相似文献   
郑丽娜  马放  迟熠 《环境科学》2008,29(6):1544-1549
利用高岭土悬浊液和松花江原水作为研究对象,以混凝试验为基础考察了生物絮凝剂(BFs)对浊度的去除效果.结果表明,单独使用生物絮凝剂进行混凝处理在投药量5~19mg/L的范围内能够使高岭土溶液浊度去除84%,低于Al2(SO4)3(93%)和Fe2(SO4)3(94%). Zeta电位和混凝pH变化结果表明,生物絮凝剂的混凝效果主要受吸附架桥机理支配.向生物絮凝剂中投加少量的Al盐和Fe盐能够明显强化混凝效果,且在相同的混凝效果时Fe盐投加量小于Al盐投加量.这种强化作用主要是因为无机盐和生物絮凝剂的复合加强了电性中和与吸附架桥作用. Fe盐和生物絮凝剂复合使用可以在低投药量和中性pH条件下有效去除原水的浊度(94.6%).生物絮凝剂能够在较大的投药量范围内有效去除水源水中的颗粒物,形成的剩余污泥能够被自然降解;同时,由于不使用金属盐,大大降低了由于铝的积累而导致的致病风险,是一种环境友好的绿色絮凝剂.  相似文献   
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