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Abstract: Anthropogenic disturbances such as fragmentation are rapidly altering biodiversity, yet a lack of attention to species traits and abundance patterns has made the results of most studies difficult to generalize. We determined traits of extinction‐prone species and present a novel strategy for classifying species according to their population‐level response to a gradient of disturbance intensity. We examined the effects of forest fragmentation on dung beetle communities in an archipelago of 33 islands recently created by flooding in Venezuela. Species richness, density, and biomass all declined sharply with decreasing island area and increasing island isolation. Species richness was highly nested, indicating that local extinctions occurred nonrandomly. The most sensitive dung beetle species appeared to require at least 85 ha of forest, more than many large vertebrates. Extinction‐prone species were either large‐bodied, forest specialists, or uncommon. These explanatory variables were unrelated, suggesting at least 3 underlying causes of extirpation. Large species showed high wing loading (body mass/wing area) and a distinct flight strategy that may increase their area requirements. Although forest specificity made most species sensitive to fragmentation, a few persistent habitat generalists dispersed across the matrix. Density functions classified species into 4 response groups on the basis of their change in density with decreasing species richness. Sensitive and persistent species both declined with increasing fragmentation intensity, but persistent species occurred on more islands, which may be due to their higher baseline densities. Compensatory species increased in abundance following the initial loss of sensitive species, but rapidly declined with increasing fragmentation. Supertramp species (widespread habitat generalists) may be poor competitors but strong dispersers; their abundance peaked following the decline of the other 3 groups. Nevertheless, even the least sensitive species were extirpated or rare on the smallest and most isolated islands.  相似文献   
冬春季水生植物衰亡分解是影响水体水质的重要因素之一。为研究入湖河口区水生植物群落在衰亡期的适宜生物量,于2018-12-25—2019-04-25,在实验室模拟近自然条件下,开展水生植物收割后剩余0%、20%、40%、60%、80%、100%茎叶生物量的分解试验。结果表明:水生植物分解过程中,植物茎叶生物量是影响水体水质指标的关键因子,表现为茎叶生物量越大,水体溶解氧(DO)、氧化还原电位(Eh)、pH等理化指标越差,营养盐总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)浓度越高;相关性分析表明,茎叶生物量与水体TN、TP浓度存在极显著正相关(P<0.01),相关系数(R)分别为0.88和0.83;近自然条件下水生植物群落衰亡分解4个月,水体中各营养盐浓度的变化仍未稳定;收割后剩余20%的水生植物茎叶生物量有利于维持入湖河口区较好的水质。  相似文献   
根据2012—2016年大鹏湾近岸海域的监测资料,采用单因子污染指数法和有机污染指数法对海域海水水质状况进行评价;采用富营养化指数和潜在性富营养化指数对海域富营养化水平进行分析,并探讨其与环境因子盐度的相关性。结果表明:2012—2016年,大鹏湾近岸海域水质状况良好,满足GB 3097—1997《海水水质标准》中第二类海水水质标准,水质年际变化呈波动状态,无明显规律,空间分布上仅沙头角湾受到明显污染;富营养化水平基本表现为低营养,年际变化呈上升趋势,空间分布上仅沙头角湾和南澳湾分别呈现富营养和高富营养状态;潜在性富营养化主要集中在Ⅰ级(贫营养);大鹏湾近岸海域富营养化指数与盐度呈负相关,表明海域受河口冲淡水和陆源带来的低盐、高浓度的污染物影响较大。  相似文献   
Pollinator welfare is a recognized research and policy target, and urban greenspaces have been identified as important habitats. Yet, landscape-scale habitat fragmentation and greenspace management practices may limit a city's conservation potential. We examined how landscape configuration, composition, and local patch quality influenced insect nesting success across inner-city Cleveland, Ohio (U.S.A.), a postindustrial legacy city containing a high abundance of vacant land (over 1600 ha). Here, 40 vacant lots were assigned 1 of 5 habitat treatments (T1, vacant lot; T2, grass lawn; T3, flowering lawn; T4, grass prairie; and T5, flowering prairie), and we evaluated how seeded vegetation, greenspace size, and landscape connectivity influenced cavity-nesting bee and wasp reproduction. Native bee and wasp larvae were more abundant in landscapes that contained a large patch (i.e., >6 ha) of contiguous greenspace, in habitats with low plant biomass, and in vacant lots seeded with a native wildflower seed mix or with fine-fescue grass, suggesting that fitness was influenced by urban landscape features and habitat management. Our results can guide urban planning by demonstrating that actions that maintain large contiguous greenspace in the landscape and establish native plants would support the conservation of bees and wasps. Moreover, our study highlights that the world's estimated 350 legacy cities are promising urban conservation targets due to their high abundance of vacant greenspace that could accommodate taxa's habitat needs in urban areas.  相似文献   

以江苏省盐城市大丰区沿海地区为研究区域,选择中山杉(Taxodium 'Zhongshanshan')、白榆(Ulmus pumila)、落羽杉(Taxodium distichum)、榔榆(Ulmus parvifolia)、乌桕(Triadica sebifera)、青皮柳(Salix ohsidare)、构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)和苦楝(Melia azedarach)8个造林树种,研究不同树种造林地土壤含盐量及其与树木成活率、胸径和树高生长量的关系,并对8个树种的耐盐性进行隶属函数法综合评价,以进一步研究江苏沿海地区典型树种的耐盐性。结果表明,48个调查样地土壤含盐量为0.4~11.9 mg/g;不同样地之间的土壤含盐量差异较大;土壤含盐量较高的样地具有典型的盐分表聚现象;8个树种的成活率、胸径和树高年生长量与土壤含盐量均呈负相关。8个造林树种的耐盐性评价结果显示,其耐盐能力表现为白榆>苦楝>落羽杉>乌桕>榔榆>中山杉>青皮柳>构树。其中,白榆和苦楝可耐受6 mg/g的土壤含盐量;落羽杉、乌桕、榔榆和中山杉可耐受4 mg/g的土壤含盐量;青皮柳和构树只能耐受3 mg/g的土壤含盐量。白榆和苦楝可在含盐量较高的沿海地区造林,落羽杉、乌桕、榔榆和中山杉可在含盐量中等的沿海地区造林,青皮柳和构树只能在含盐量较低的沿海地区造林。

汶川地震在江苏的强震动记录及地震影响场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年5月12日四川汶川发生M8.0大地震,江苏数字强震动台网固定观测台站、宿迁和溧阳断层观测存放台阵共获取该次地震有效强震动事件45个,计134条加速度记录。本文介绍了这些强震动记录分析处理的基本情况及其时域与频域的一些特点;编写SICalculate谱烈度计算程序和D2InterP二维插值程序,输入所获取的汶川地震26组实测强震动记录数据,得到该次地震在江苏地区的峰值加速度与谱烈度的等值线图,并就区域内地震影响场特征进行了初步研究。  相似文献   
岩溶地下水是西南岩溶地区重要的生活和生产用水来源,由于其赋存地质环境复杂,受到污染后极难治理。以某含油废水溢流区为研究对象,通过调查污染区域的地质结构、溶洞通道及断层情况,评估污染物的来源、分布范围及主要迁移通道,构建基于地下水自净能力的地下水污染风险评价模型。结果表明:研究区石油烃 (C10~C40) 、氰化物和甲苯污染严重,三者检出率分别为98.7%,75.3%和59.7%,包气带内仍存在大量的石油类污染物,其质量为14.07 t;岩溶断层区地下水系统存在2条岩溶通道,且石油类污染物主要通过第一条通道迁移;地下水中石油类污染物的自然衰减过程符合指数型衰减特征;人工冲洗情景下,污染物和示踪剂浓度下降速度加快,地下水自净能力显著提高;岩溶断层区地下水污染风险指数与泉流量之间呈现负相关关系。该研究成果可为岩溶断层区含油废水溢流地下水污染的自然衰减式治理和风险防控提供参考。  相似文献   
本文总结了1986年11月15日台湾花莲海域地震及其强余震前电磁辐射的前兆特征。所用的仪器为DDC-2型电子补偿仪、XWX-2042电位差计,记录极距为100m的两埋地电极间所接收到的电磁辐射信息,震前异常波形最大幅度可达187.5mv,为正常背景的十数倍,频谱较宽(0.005—5Hz)。这种特征对认识发生在太平洋板块与亚欧板块上的地震有一定意义。  相似文献   
改革开放30年来,上亿农村劳动力实现了向城镇非农产业大规模转移,而我国沿袭至今的劳动就业统计制度突出的缺陷是将三部分人--在农村从事纯农的农民,在城镇从事非农工作但户口在农村的农民工,游移于乡城间"亦工亦农"的农村劳动力--排除于劳动统计计量之外.不解决这部分劳动力就业的统计计量的问题,则很难准确回答"中国的失业率究竟有多高?".为此,确定严格的、便于与国际接轨的劳动就业标准,从而构建我国统一的、规范的劳动就业市场至关重要.本文着重探讨了游移于农村与城市之间、就业岗位、就业时间不固定的农村劳动力就业、失业不充分的计量问题.作者在对国内外就业和失业定义和计量标准进行比较和评价基础上,结合我国实情提出了以法定劳动力年工时为核心的劳动力流动性就业的调查和计量方法,并通过调查案例证实了它的有效性与可行性.  相似文献   
论可持续发展视野中的农村社会支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了如何可持续发展观来指导农村社会支持,并提出在农村社会支持活动中,引进社会保险、社会服务、生态保护和心理培育等新的机制,运用综合性评价指标体系对各种农村社会支持项目及其结果进行经济效益、社会效益和心理效益三个方面的分析。  相似文献   
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