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系统评估沿线国家环境社会系统的发展状态,识别典型地区的脆弱性特征,对于绿色"一带一路"建设至关重要。本文集成了脆弱性与恢复力的概念内涵,构建了综合脆弱性评价指标体系,利用TOPSIS法和障碍度模型对哈萨克斯坦各州的综合脆弱性进行系统评价,分析其空间分异特征和影响因素。结果显示:(1)哈萨克斯坦综合脆弱性总体上处于中度水平,空间上呈现西高东低的特点,西部各要素脆弱性均处于中高位,东部整体脆弱性相对较低,中部则呈现多样性特征;(2)要素间关系复杂,脆弱性降低的瓶颈因素主要集中在资源使用和保障、社会系统保障等方面;(3)系统提升哈萨克斯坦环境社会系统的韧性,需要强化产业结构转型、基础设施建设与生态环境保护,在这些方面中国可以提供强有力的合作条件与经验。  相似文献   
定义了灰色新陈代谢模型的滑动指标,实现了对新陈代谢模型各项精度指标及其稳定性的动态检验。对长春市1995年~2006年城市道路交通干线噪声监测的数据运用灰色系统理论,分别建立了3种预测模型,并对这3种模型的各项滑动指标、一步预测滚动指标分别进行了检验。  相似文献   
Background: Land motor traffic crash (LMTC) -related drownings are an overlooked and preventable cause of injury death. The aim of this study was to analyze the profile of water-related LMTCs involving passenger cars and leading to drowning and fatal injuries in Finland, 1972 through 2015. Materials and methods: The database of the Finnish Crash Data Institute (FCDI) that gathers detailed information on fatal traffic accidents provided records on all LMTCs leading to drowning during the study period and, from 2002 to 2015, on all water-related LMTCs, regardless of the cause of death. For each crash, we considered variables on circumstances, vehicle, and fatality profiles. Results: During the study period, the FCDI investigated 225 water-related LMTCs resulting in 285 fatalities. The majority of crashes involved passenger cars (124), and the cause of death was mostly drowning (167). Only 61 (36.5%) fatalities suffered some–generally mild–injuries. The crashes frequently occurred during fall or summer (63.7%), in a river or ditch (60.5%), and resulted in complete vehicle’s submersion (53.7 %). Half of the crashes occurred in adverse weather conditions and in over 40% of the cases, the driver had exceeded the speed limit. Among drivers, 77 (68.8%) tested positive for alcohol (mean BAC 1.8%). Conclusion: Multidisciplinary investigations of LMTCs have a much higher potential than do exclusive police and medico-legal investigations. The risk factors of water-related LMTCs are similar to those of other traffic crashes. However, generally the fatal event in water-related LMTC is not the crash itself, but drowning. The paucity of severe physical injuries suggests that victims’ functional capacity is usually preserved during vehicle submersion. Practical Applications: In water-related LMTCs, expansion of safety measures is warranted from general traffic-injury prevention to prevention of drowning, including development of safety features for submerged vehicles and simple self-rescue protocols to escape from a sinking vehicle.  相似文献   
Introduction: The European Union (EU) has developed different strategies to internalize the costs of excessive motor traffic in the road freight transport sector. One of these is a relaxation of restrictions on the size and load capacity of trucks that circulate between member States and a proposal has been made for Longer and Heavier Vehicles (LHVs) to be allowed to circulate across borders. LHVs are the so-called “megatrucks” (i.e., trucks with a length of 25 meters and a weight of 60 tonnes). Megatrucks have allowed to circulate for decades in some European countries such as Norway, Finland, and Sweden, world leaders in traffic accident prevention, although the impact that cross-border traffic would have on road safety is still unknown. Methods: This article provides an econometric analysis of the potential impact on road safety of allowing the circulation of “megatrucks” throughout the EU. Results: The findings show that countries that currently allow megatrucks to circulate present lower traffic accident and fatality levels, on average. Conclusions: The circulation of this type of vehicle is only advisable in countries where there is a certain degree of maturity and demonstrated achievements in the field of road safety. Practical applications: European countries that have allowed megatruck circulation obtaining better road safety outcomes in terms of accidents, although the accident lethality rate seems to be higher. Consequently, introducing megatruck circulation requires a prior proper preparation and examination.  相似文献   
In recent years, hazardous chemicals road transport accidents have occurred frequently, causing huge casualties and property losses, and accident risk assessment has become the focus of researchers' research. To predict the risk probability value of hazardous chemical road transport accidents, first, we compiled data on road transportation accidents of hazardous chemicals in China in the past five years. And the nine nodes in the Bayesian network (BN) structure were defined in combination with relevant classification standards. The optimal Bayesian network structure for hazardous chemical road transport accidents was determined based on the K2 algorithm and the causalities between the nodes. Second, the node conditional probabilities were derived by parameter learning of the model using Netica, and the validity of the model was verified using the 5-fold cross-validation method. Last, the Bayesian network model of hazardous chemical road transport accidents is used to analyze accident examples, and the accident chain of “rear-end-leakage” is predicted, and the accident is most likely to be disposed of within 3–9 h. The study shows that the derived accident prediction model for hazardous chemical road transportation can reason reasonably about the evolution of accident scenarios and determine the probability values of accident risks under different parameter conditions.  相似文献   
“一带一路”沿线国家是全球重要的人口集聚区。以人粮关系为主线,从全域到国别研究了1995—2017年沿线国家土地资源承载力时空格局。结果表明:研究期内,(1)沿线国家耕地总量与人均耕地量分别降至6.96×108hm2和2.23亩/人,分别约为全球水平的50%和80%,约80%的国家人均耕地在下降;(2)承载力增至45.95亿人,近90%的国家在提高,但西亚及中东多数国家在下降;(3)地均承载力增至90人/km2水平,约为全球水平的1.5倍,孟加拉国、匈牙利、越南超300人/km2;(4)人粮关系从超载转向临界超载,粮食盈余国家增多,主要为耕地面积广的产粮大国。半数国家土地仍超载,多为气候干旱区与岛屿国家。研究有助于深化与沿线国家的粮食安全合作和提高项目建设布局的科学性。  相似文献   
推进能源合作是“丝绸之路经济带”(下称“经济带”)建设的核心和战略突破口。鉴于现有研究对经济带内的石油资源储、产、消、贸情况少有系统分析,文章采用箱线图分析法,探讨经济带内主要产油国的相对供给位序及其在世界石油供给格局中的地位与演变,并结合各国石油供需平衡状况的变化,提出我国与带内主要国家开展石油合作的对策建议。结果表明:1)经济带无论是在石油储量、产量、储采比还是出口量上,均居世界前列,是世界石油供给增长的主源地;2)经济带内以大中型以上石油供给国居多,且呈高度集聚态势,形成波斯湾沿岸供给极核和环里海“俄罗斯-哈萨克斯坦-阿塞拜疆”供给金三角,特别是环里海地区增长势头强劲,与波斯湾地区的供给差距有所缩小;3)经济带内的石油生产和出口波动非常明显,主要是受地区局势变化、OPEC产量调控以及供给国内部需求波动的影响;4)未来我国仍应以波斯湾沿岸国家作为带内石油合作的主要对象,并在该地区进一步推进来源地多元化战略;环里海地区是我国另一大战略合作地区,近期应以石油运输基础设施合作为基石,并逐步构筑“俄罗斯-哈萨克斯坦-阿塞拜疆”合作金三角,对冲合作风险;5)中印两国应加强合作,共同增强地区石油议价话语权,提高地区石油运输安全性。  相似文献   
景区发展与其区位条件密切相关,处于优势区位的景区更容易获得优先快速发展。以“丝绸之路旅游带”为例,综合考虑资源、市场、交通及服务四大区位因子,将其视为证据,引入D-S证据理论对景区区位优势进行测度,以I~V级表征区位由优到劣的状态,最后对景区区位与旅游发展核心区进行对比。结果显示:(1)区位优势等级区域差异化显著,总体呈现由东南至西北逐级递减的空间分布规律,自I至V级,重心逐步向西北方向偏移。(2)各区位因子分布存在差异性,东南地区景区资源区位优于西北地区;市场区位地带间差异最为明显,存在“长尾”特征及陕西“一省独大”现象;交通区位内在差异性与区位优势相仿;服务区位已不再是制约景区区位的主要因子,但就单个省份来看,“核心—边缘”结构较为明显。(3)与景区旅游发展对比来看,二者具有明显的空间关联性,但仍存在一定程度的空间错位现象。  相似文献   
西部地区资源开发、环境导向、经济发展等因素的制约下,西部地区的生态发展以及改革方案受到了严重的冲击,文中提出一带一路背景下西部生态与绿色发展的改革与创新方案.通过一带一路指示精神融合西部地区的特有生态水平,进行了综合分析,并根据实际的发展要求进行深入指导.对一带一路背景下西部生态与绿色发展的改革进行了详细的解读,把西部生态环境与绿色生态发展之间的矛盾进行分析,通过一带一路的思想和方针解决了现有改革中的矛盾.结合一带一路的实质路线对西部生态与绿色发展的创新进行了深入的探讨,基于"一带一路"战略带来各种促进的政策,确定了西部地区生态与绿色发展创新方向.  相似文献   
106国道沿线样带区农村空心化土地整治潜力研究   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:10  
基于典型调查资料和社会经济统计数据,在构建农村空心化评价指标体系并定量评判106国道沿线样带区县域农村空心化程度的基础上,结合自然条件和土地资源特点、农村居民点用地的有关法律规定,采用专家集成法选取与现实潜力转化有关的自然、社会、经济等10个指标建立综合指标体系,对空心村整治的自然适宜性、社会接受性、经济可行性进行了综合评价;将计算得到的农村空心化指数与现实转化潜力系数作为综合修正系数,对理论潜力进行修正,结合农村居民点整治潜力测算公式,测算出106国道沿线样带区不同农村空心化演进类型的现状潜力和远景潜力。研究表明:106国道沿线样带区县域农村空心化指数为0.18~0.82,现实转化潜力系数为0.07~0.32; 2009、2020年农村居民点整治的现实潜力分别为93 219.4、145 430.0 hm2,村庄整治增地率分别为6.8%、11.4%。研究将为空心村整治和新农村建设规划决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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